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Cat-Eye View

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Xena knew something was up the way She was calling to her with that nearly-falsetto voice. She never called to Xena like that unless Something Bad was about to happen. Last time it had been twenty hours in that blasted carrier in the loud growling metal box, Junebug mewling plantively like the little whiny bitch she is. Xena had saved up her displeasure to generate one particularly foul poop that filled that metal box with the smell of her indignation.


Then they had been moved into a larger metal box that roared enough to shake the ground. By that point even Junebug was too terrified to make a noise. They were finally freed by Him into a small, carpeted room. Xena found all her new hiding places within the first few days.


After a while, it seemed perfectly normal to be two cats and two humans in a small carpeted room. There were three windows that opened out to trees and crazy talking people down below. The food stayed good, and the litter box was (mostly) fresh. Xena and Junebug got used to it and began to forget about their ordeal.


And then one day She came back from Outside, talking in that cracking, anxious voice that should have rumbled with impending doom. Xena recalls with horror how She resorted to using half of a wooden paddle to sweep her out from underneath the coffee table. A paddle!


Oh she hissed. She hissed and did that low, lingering growl bourne from sheer panic. She even released her bladder a bit, which only made Her voice go even higher.


Then He got home. He that was usually their saviour. And He stuffed her in the hamper. Traitor.


She was too frazzled to even muster a good protest poop as they rumbled in another metal box. Junebug still found the air to yowl a few good times, and Xena tried to answer back with her own timid "meh-reow?"s.


When the world stopped rumbling and lurching about, they found themselves in a small room that stank of laquer. The windows were too high to reach, and there was a lone lamp on the floor. The litter box was not where it was supposed to be, it was in the corner. There was food, but it tasted of ashes.


Xena nudged the litterbox out of the corner and created another slender hiding space. She stayed there for two days.


Junebug, and Xena is convinced that she might be a little damaged in the head for this, hid in her carrier every time they heard the clomp-squeak noises in the ceiling. Who hides in that place of impending anguish? Only cats who are Not Right in Their Heads, Bless Their Hearts.


Finally on the third day the door cracked open and He released them into... into what? There are too many places. There are windows to look out to trees, there are windows where they can see Them coming and going in their metal box. There are old familar smells behind the doors Xena has already figured out how to open, smells of His feet and Her perfume piled up and hung down like layers of comforting curtains in the dark. There are new smells and strange, smaller metal boxes. There don't seem to be other cats in these boxes, but They seem to spend a lot of time cooing at them anyway.


He has been gone for a few days. She seems to be quieter, less active because of it. She is giving lots of belly rubs, though, so Xena thinks it will all be OK. If not now, then soon.


She is still keeping an eye out for the carrier though, and a cautious ear for any change in register in Her voice.

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Man, what a sap I am. That actually brought tears to my eyes.

Poor babies, what trauma!

Give them time, they'll adjust :D

(but you already know that don't you?)


"Xena had saved up her displeasure to generate one particularly foul poop that filled that metal box with the smell of her indignation."


I read that as "...the smell of her indigestion"


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Hm. That works too. :D


Sunday night was pretty rough. There was a rare (for 'round these parts) thunderstorm that caused Junebug to cry from the temporary bedroom. She did the same thing last night. Snarky suspects she's just trying to get some belly rubs in the place that smells the most familiar. Daaaaw!

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Poor puddy tats! I too feel so bad for animals when they're so traumatized and confused. I'm sure in a week from now, they will have declared the new home to be their own little fiefdom and all will be right with the world again.

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I often wondered what cats are thinking in their walnut-size brains. Thanks for the transcript! :D Poor babies.


I had to laugh at the several "hiding places" Xena created. My cat Shadow is the King of "Oh Sure, I Can Fit in There!" It usually becomes a place his head/shoulders can fit, but his butt & tail are out for all to see. He's been clingy tonight and has shoved his way next to me in the big squishy chair as we speak.

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I'm sure in a week from now, they will have declared the new home to be their own little fiefdom and all will be right with the world again.


Xena has already declared the upper bedroom's window perch (the Snarks made a temporary one for them with the sawed off card table they used as a dining table in their first apartment together) as her personal throne. It opens to a mature dogwood tree and is occupied by all manner of interesting little birds.


Junebug keeps returning to the temporary bed. The Snarks think she'll move with the mattress once the upper bedroom is finished. She has a bedding fetish.


I often wondered what cats are thinking in their walnut-size brains. Thanks for the transcript! :D Poor babies.


I had to laugh at the several "hiding places" Xena created. My cat Shadow is the King of "Oh Sure, I Can Fit in There!" It usually becomes a place his head/shoulders can fit, but his butt & tail are out for all to see. He's been clingy tonight and has shoved his way next to me in the big squishy chair as we speak.


You're welcome! The furbabies were also especially clingly last night when The Mister returned. Normally they scatter about the house in the evening (eventually convening on Snarky's chest as she tries to sleep) but last night they hovered around The Mister as he dozed on the futon. Snarky told him all his cats were glad he was back.

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