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BPAL Madness!
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Avatar Love

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As a by-product of the LJ drama, I wanted to post about people's avatars. I really like seeing everyone's avatars, especially ones who change them all the time (wink at valentina!). I should change mine more often too.


Avatars are so cool because they're teeny little pictures that represent whole people, and the more avatars seen the better. I don't care if you're changing them every day, or posting extras in your signature -- I love seeing them. Is it someone you're in love with, someone you want to be, or a cool picture of a flower that you think is rad?


Mine came from downtown Las Vegas (different from the Strip, where all the huge hotels are). Downtown is a lot of fun, because there are a bunch of older, smaller casinos within 3-4 blocks and you can walk from one to the next with ease. Someone had the idea of installing neon signs randomly from old bars & restaurants, so as you're walking down Fremont Street you'll look down a side street and there will be 3-4 signs with plaques in front so you can read about them. DH took a crapload of photos, both during the day and at night, and they're way cool -- unfortunately some are so large that they'd look like glowing blobs inside a teeny square. The "Restaurant-Bar-Jackpots" came out so clean and bright, I really like it.

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(wink back at ya!) Like I said yesterday, I love that retro-looking neon. I would love to have a piece of it that still worked and hang it on the living room wall and plug it in at night. It would just give the neighbors something else to talk about! I'm glad you and the DH got a kick out of that element of Las Vegas. That city has to be one of the neon capitals of the world!!! :D


And talking about people who change their avatars daily, if I don't have any other reason to get up and get out of bed, I can always remember I want to see what avatar minilux has up for that day.... the retro graphic she found of a pinup girl seductively draped on top of a box of Velveeta has to be one of my all-time favorites! :lol:

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