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I'll try to remember to add to this regularly. Newer answers at the bottom of the page.


Baked Goods I'd love, and promptly share with my family. I've got a friend who's in the process of testing various candies before he starts selling them on etsy, and my family is used to eating fun things that come in the mail. If you send me something delicious, please send me the recipe as well, since I love to bake and will want to try them out myself.


Family Prezzies I don't have a significant other or child of my own, but I do live with my parents and a disabled sister, as well as two cats, and I don't think any of them will mind if they get something. My SW can always send me an e-card or something on specifics of what they'd like.


Bottles/lots of little samples I'd prefer a bunch of samples, honestly. I make imps last forever anyway, and I tend to prefer to try a lot of things versus making a few big purchases.


Social Networking I'm on facebook, but never use it for anything, and I've just locked it down a lot more than it used to be. I am on both LJ and Dreamwidth, using the mari4212 username there as well, where I'm very active, just not in the lj bpal communities. And if anyone wants a Dreamwidth code to get a free journal there, pm me, as I have several I can send you.


Girly vs. Not Girly: I tend to use the word feminine to describe myself, since I don't like the connotations of girly. In many ways, I am traditionally feminine, I live in skirts, I have long hair that I tend to pull back in braids and buns, I like to knit, I like to cook, I enjoy small children. I will wear pink, if it's a blue-toned pink and I'm pairing it with grey or khaki colors. But I'm geeky feminine who will curl up in a tree with a book and a cat for hours, and I go for comfortable slip-on shoes that won't hurt my feet. I don't own any makeup that wasn't given to me, and I mostly like looking at sparkles on other people, not myself.


Groupons probably not. Gift cards to practical stores (or unpractical ones so that I have the excuse to spoil myself), I'd probably use, but not the groupons.


Mix CDs are love, and how I've been exposed to a lot of my favorite artists. If my witchee' and my taste in music overlap at all, I'll probably make one myself for him/her.


T-shirt/pj sizes: I don't wear pj bottoms at all, so no. T-shirts I'm a medium/medium petite normally, depending on how generously they allow for bustlines, as I am rather blessed in that department. But, as with pjs, I don't normally wear a lot of t-shirts. I like the more formal/classical cut blouses and knit tops. In fitted clothing without much stretch, I can be a large based solely on bustline clearances. Most retailers don't seem to believe in a ten-inch difference between bustline and waistline.


Jane Austin Love the books. I need to re-read Persuasion and Northanger Abbey soon, it's been a while since I read those two.


Tarot Cards Don't currently have a deck, but I would like to get one in the future. I'm a sucker for good art/an interesting storyline on the cards.


Which Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff like no tomorrow. I actually lead Hufflepuff house for my school HP club, and loved every minute of it.


Soft stuff I'd love anything handknit. I'm a knitter myself, but I can't do cables yet, and I get distracted by projects for other people and rarely make anything for myself.


What, if anything, is your guilty TV watching pleasure? I don't call them guilty pleasures, but the shows I currently watch are NCIS, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Merlin, and Project Runway.


If you cosplay or need a costume for your bellydance/burlesque hobby (or any other hobby which needs dressup/different from your normal wear), is there anything you need/want for it? I do SCA/Renfaire events, and could always use more fabric. I've got plans to make myself a good side-laced kirtle in the future.


Celebrity crush?: Erm. Probably Colin Morgan, in looks. For the voice, Patrick Stewart, Anthony Stewart Head, Ian McKellan. When I was younger, I had a major crush on Levar Burton, because he was in both Star Trek TNG and Reading Rainbow, and I was watching both at the time.


What about [mixed or otherwise] DVDs? Not high on my wishlist, but I wouldn't say no.


DVDs: Do you prefer widescreen or formatted? No preference.


Music: Any preference towards MP3 or CD? CDs prefered, I don't have an ipod/mp3 player outside of my laptop.


Do you like scented tarts? Sure. Vanilla/foodie scents almost always work, as does anything lavender, coffee, or chocolate. Florals, keep it to rose, honeysuckle, and lilac.


Lip balms? Not a major thing for me, but I don't object to them.


Do you have any body mods? If so, do you need any new jewelry, o-rings, plugs, etc (and if so, what size, length, etc)? Do you like pro-body mod stickers? I don't even have pierced ears.


Booze. Do you drink it, would you like some I'm not a huge drinker, and it seems like it would be really heavy and hard to ship. If you're really set on this, honey mead or hard cider by preference. I don't drink beer at all.


What is your favorite artist or art style? (including if you have links to favorite pictures/paintings/photographs) I've got links in my kaboodle to art posters I loved, but in general terms, I like Pre-Raphelites and other similar styles in painting. I also love Ansel Adams' photography, and pictures which indulge my science geekery, like space photos or biology/natural world prints.


What is your favourite snack food, something you could grab any time? Candied nuts (go to http://www.etsy.com/shop/Sirutka and ask him to make up a batch for Margaret for the stuff I'm in love with) or chocolate covered espresso beans if I'm in a sweet mood. Cheez-its, fruit leather, or straight dried fruit otherwise.


Ebooks I really prefer my books in paper form. I don't have a Kindle or other ebook reader.


Nail Polish: I favorited a couple of the BPTP polishes. I can only wear nail polish on my toes.


Soft/plushie things: Giant microbes are awesome. I'm not really looking for anything else, as I've already had to pare down my former stuffed animal collection to only a very few.


New crafts I'm mostly looking to refine my current crafts. I want to learn how to knit cables, and I want to learn how to knit socks/manage double pointed needles, as my other knitted projects are all mostly large flat things, like baby blankets, or sweaters knit on circular needles.


Squicks Most of my squicks I don't think you could mail anywhere, or would have any reason to do so. Maggots are a major squick.


When you go to an etsy wishlist, it will tell you what things are sold. If you click on the sold item, sometimes it will give options that are similar to what was sold, but not identical, would you like the similar item or prefer not to get it at all unless it's the same item? How picky are you? Not super picky. If the similar item really is similar in tones and construction to the item I've wishlisted, I'll probably still like it.


Makeup Not really. I should pick up some foundation and basic essentials someday, but most of the time I don't wear anything more than lotion/sunblock on my face.


Disney movies A nostalgic yay. Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Lion King, Mulan, Fantasia 2000 of the Disney canon. I also loved Quest for Camelot and Anastasia, though they weren't technically Disney works.


DVD/VCR player Only DVDs.


Custom icons Probably not. I have more icons than I have room for on lj and dreamwidth already.


Socks Someone asked this question and I had to look up sockdreams. Now the answer is yes, but mostly tights/thigh highs. Knee socks hit weird on me, and I don't need any more ankle socks. Tights and long socks, especially with moving into colder weather, I can really appreciate.


Comfort time If I'm stressed/upset, I'll clean something, normally the grout in the kitchen or polishing the silver coffee set. If I'm sad/upset, I'll curl up with either a book or a sufficiently angsty fanfic, and I'll purge through that and a cup of tea. Or I'll cry on my mother's (or a friend's) shoulder. And actually, if you go to my lj and scroll back through the posts, the care and feeding meme will tell you a lot about this.


Halloween/Scary books/movies I'm not into the scary films/books genre at all. That said, The Stepford Wives struck me as one of the most terrifying books I've ever read. Loss of identity is freaky-making. (Oh, and I make an exception for all Stephen Moffat written Doctor Who episodes. They're scary, but I love them anyway.)


Custom Blend[ I couldn't figure this out in the original survey either. It would probably contain beeswax, leather-bound books, amber, rosewood, and either tonka or vanilla. Possibly name it after a famous library.


comic books I'm not really a picture oriented person, so I tend to feel that a comic book distracts me from the important words.


warm drinks Love them. Tea, chai, coffee, mulled cider, all awesome.


symbol/totem Cats, if only because they love me back as much as I love them. Dragonflies. I love gryphons and gargoyles. symbols include claddaghs and celtic knotwork. Tarot-wise, I'm always drawn to the symbolism of the Strength card, the young girl and the lion.


BPAL box I bought two dark wood boxes with knotwork carvings over the summer, but I could use a third. Nothing big, and I don't need something that holds a lot of bottles, as I mostly have imps.


Any person/animal from fantasy I'd either be someone in Narnia, or a gryphon. If we count sci-fi in alongside straight fantasy, I'd have to go with someone in the Star Trek universe, just because I fell in love with the series when I was a very young girl.


Back in time I've fallen in love with Ptolomeic Alexandria/Egypt due to Jo Graham's writing, so I'd love to visit there.


Halloween Candy Candy corn.


Homemade Baked Goods/treats Gingerbread with lemon curd. white chocolate raspberry cheesecake, apple crisp, Moravian spice cookies.


Muppets Okay, confession time dear Witch. I was raised on Star Trek, Muppets, Madeline L'Engle, and C.S. Lewis. So, erm, yeah, they've left their marks. Liberal idealist Episcopalian with a tendency towards silliness and a love of both science and religion pretty much sums me up. I love all muppets, but my favorite two were Gonzo and Kermit.


Astrological charts I'd love to see what comes up, as long as you can do/bribe someone to do the interpretation as well. Feel free to send me a card or something asking birth date details.


Comfort Re-reads It's almost easier to ask what I don't re-read. Favorite authors include Mercedes Lackey, Terry Pratchett, CS Lewis, Madeline L'Engle, Jo Graham, Naomi Novik, Eric Flint and Stephen Jay Gould. I'll read and re-read them till the cows come home. I also re-read Sherlock Holmes and Jane Austin on a regular basis.


Any creature as pet I'm having enough trouble typing with a cat walking over my keyboard, I don't want to think what would happen if I added a dragon into the mix. I think I'll stick with my mundane kitties.


Plans to be away during SW None at the moment. Even if I personally was gone for a bit, someone in my family would be there to receive anything. And possibly eat it for me if it tasted good.


Currently learning This will be the first year I've not been in school since I was about 3. I would love to learn to speak another language, though. I'm torn between something modern and semi-practical like Spanish or French, or going for Ancient Hebrew or Greek to indulge my religion geek.


Daemon I ended up as an Independent soul, and of the animals listed, Snow Leopard would definitely be my pick. Huge kitty that I could curl up with without any worries. What's not to love?


Patronus Either an otter or a fox.


Steampunk, yay or nay I'm not so much into the technology and gears, but there's a part of me that really enjoys the aesthetic. And hey, I wander around in ankle to floor length skirts and fitted shirts all the time, so the fashion can be fun.


dried Honeycrisp apples This sounds amazing. I love apples anyway, and I like dried fruit.


knitted items I'd prefer in my favorite colors, the cool side of the spectrum. My winter coat is cream with a dark blue lining, if you plan on making hats/scarves/gloves to go with.


Gift certificate I don't have much of a preference as to physical or e-mail. I'm planning on moving across country if I can get a job come January, so e-mail might be less likely to get lost.


Places for certificates Borders, Barnes and Noble, Target, etc. Food-wise, I'm most likely to use an Olive Garden gift certificate.


Candle scents I love the lavender-vanilla scents, and a lot of the ones that smell like baked goods. Florals, I like lavender, as I've mentioned, as well as rose, honeysuckle, lilac, and lily of the valley. I personally prefer either soy or beeswax candles to traditional parafen wax candles. Beeswax candles I love them straight up, no additional scents to hide the delicious beeswax smell.


Zuni animal fetishes Not really my thing.


Glow in the dark radishes Also not really my thing. Plus, I don't have pierced ears.


Cake or Frosting Not really a huge fan of either, unless you're talking carrot cake with cream cheese icing, or cheesecake of some description.

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