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BPAL Madness!
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Hello Switchwitch

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Theoretically, you're here checking out this blog because you just got my questionaire.


...At this point, I'm just grateful that you didn't jump out the window as soon as you read it. I promise, I'm very easy-going, and I'm going to be thrilled with whatever you give me.


I didn't list a wishlist other than my BPAL one in the ?aire, but comments on the thread convinced me to make another one with more generalized stuff, so here's a link to my kaboodle list. Don't feel like you have to get anything on there, as it's mostly me going ooh shiny at things like books and candles and the occasional pretty Etsy things.


I've been answering the questions that are popping up in the SW thread, and I'll start another blogpost to corral all of them into one spot so that you don't have to trawl through all the pages to find a comment here or there.


For stalking purposes, I'd suggest wandering over to my livejournal, linked as my website on my profile. That's got over five years of my life recorded on it, and most of it is unlocked and easily read through to get a sense of who I am on most things.


*hugs you for being awesome and taking part in this* I'm sure I'm going to love everything you do for this, so don't stress about anything.



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