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2010 Sw Questions




Would you like a box filled with Christmas/Yule treats? Sure... we celebrate both Xmas and Yule here. Xmas is Meg's favorite holiday. This is the 1st year that she doesn't believe in Santa, so it should be interesting, lol. (how I kept it going for 12 years, I don't know...)

Darling Witchee, are you in on this NaNoWriMo craziness? Would you like motivational pings/writing instruments/lovely blank books in which to pen your masterpiece? Maybe someday I will attempt this, when I have more time... but probably not for a few years, lol



Out in my wanderings I came across something that I think my Witchy would like. It is a consumable, so could be enjoyed anytime, however it is a Halloweenie theme and there is no way that I could get it to her (or him) by tomorrow. So would you still want me to include it in your final package? It is never too late for Halloween stuff!! I'd make every day Halloween if I could, lol



Did you know BPAL is on etsy with leftover trunk show bottles? Would you like any of them? Yes, I saw that... I'd love to have the Pumpkin one, but I've never smelled it, so I probably need to hunt down a decant first. Unsniffed bottles rarely work for me. I like sniffing prototypes, and I have a few decant sniffies that people have frimped me, but unless it's a sure thing, I wouldnt get a bottle.



Would you prefer to have your final package before Halloween or have a reveal package at the end of the round? End of the round, I want to prolong the awesomeness of being your Witchee!!

Do you prefer lip balm in a tube or tin? in a tube, but I'm fine with either



What are you most interested in from the Yule update?I've already ordered decants, but the ones that I think will be bottles eventually are The Soldier, The First of the Three Spirits, Whoop and maybe Winter-Time. I wanted decants of them all, lol, but I only got full decants of a few and half-decants of others that I was curious about



If you were my witchee, would you want to receive Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict, or wouldn't that be your cup of classics? oh heck yeah

Would you like some homemade snack mix? sure

Knitterly Witchees, would you like a yarn bowl? very cool. I'm not quite a knitter yet though. I may try this weekend




So....let's say that you're my witchee, and you have an affinity for widgets. Let's also pretend that I sent you one of these widgets, but in a form that has a very special personal significance to me. Would you find that to be touching (in a "Yay, now I'll always use this and think of my witch!" way) or tacky (in a "My witch is making this all about her!" way)? I would love that

Pocket shrines! Would you like one, made for a particular obsession of yours? heck yeah!



Do you prefer scented or unscented lotions/moisturizers?Scented!



Have you had a chance to try Halloweenies? I did. I have decants of the ones that interested me, although I still think the Hag sounds intriguing. Punkie Night was an OMG-I-must-have-it-now, sorry *blush* I liked The Infernal Lover and Lamb's Wool, I'll probably hunt down bottles/partials eventually. I'm actually trying Gollettes right now, and it's the first sugary-sweet scent I've liked...ever. It kind of smells like Fruit Loops though, so I'm not sure about it. Does anyone really want to smell like a Fruit Loop?

I have decants coming (soon, I hope) of the BPTP oils.

Widgets? Sure, I'd think that was cool



Today I got one of the Starbucks Halloween Bearista Bears - it's dressed like a werewolf! Is this something witchees might like? that sounds very cute

Are you interested in Halloween costumes for your pet(s)? I may put poor Brenna in a costume. I doubt the cats would allow me to, lol.



Would you want your witch to reveal herself? How? I :heart: you, even if you're not a :ninja:, lol...



I came home with some Dungeon Crawl and some Bedbugs yesterday. If you were my witchee, would you want some of either/both? I'd love to sniff them, but no biggie if I don't.



Did you forget anything fun/interesting or find something new and exciting? not that I can think of



Would you like to receive international magazines, even if you don't speak the language it's written in, just to ogle the pictures or for the novelty of it? If yes, what kind of magazines, or what magazines in particular? Yes, those would be cool... I'd want beauty/fashion/home decor stuff

would you have interest in any of the new Christmas stuff from Lush? I love Lush. Haven't checked out the update though.

Oh, witchee-poo... if there was one bottle you could have from the NYCC exclusives, what would it be? The Elephantine Colossus

If someone were to make you one of the items in this post which would it be? I like 2 and 4

If you were my witchee, would you mind a gift certificate where you'd have to do it old school style and mail it in with your order form? not at all... that would be fun.




Do you have a preferred weight of yarn to work in? Lace, sock, worsted, bulky, handspun with variation? I am a newbie, so I don't really know

Anyone like little seasonal decorative wreaths? Like gravevine wreaths embellished with silk flora, etc.? oh yes

Do any witchees need a Snuggie?it's not necessary, as we have quite a few throw blankets, but I wouldn't mind having one



So, who here loves pomegranates? Are they good as a fruit, a flavoring or just a scent? I love to eat pomegranates, I haven't tried any of the Pom grove scents though.

Haunt Update?I love Haunt. I have glossing oils and several lip lusts, so no need of those, but there are a few perfumes I'd like to try, as well as soaps/scrubs. Golden Pumpkin, Winter House, Tricky, Winchester, oh crap and the Old Cider Mill looks awesome too.




Villainess has an update. Anyone wanting anything from it?

I really do have too much soap to justify making an order, esp when there are ones I still need to order from BPTP, but Smashed sounds awesome, and Cobwebs sounds interesting

how are all the witchees fixed for purses--lunchbags, etc? I am dying for a new purse. I'm using a Kate Spade one right now, and plan on getting a couple more, but right now I'm broke, lol. I'd love to have something new. I favorited a few on Etsy, and also some netbook bags. I plan on getting a netbook in Dec.

Now, I have a question for you. About notes. Which are your favourite ones? Do you have a kind of "note top ten?" Anything that works particularly well on you? Do you have a perfume category (foody, floral, aquatic, musky) that you favour? And are there any notes you have never tried, but think would work well on you? wow, lots of questions there. I think I have these listed in my profile, but I like musks, amber, rose, mint, tea, honey. In my box, I have it divided into sexy scents (Snake Oil, Mum Moon, Queen Crossbones, etc), cool, clean scents (The Torure Queen, Kumiho, The Macabray, etc), Roses (Hope, KVT, Spellbound, etc) Spicy-sexy scents (Perversion, Hod, Black Lace, etc), Soft scents (Womb Furie, CT Vanilla, The Girl, Haint, etc), fruity/florals (Joyful Moon, Schlafende Baigneuse, The Witch Queen, etc)

Would you like a sugar skull decorated by your witch? Or do you like sugar skull stuff in general? I do like sugar skulls, we're actually going to learn more about them, and try to get some this year



Is there one scent that is your goto for comfort on a bad stressful day? Like the perfume equivilent of a security blankie? Wulric

What are you going to be for Halloween? Not sure. A witch of some sort, probably.

Is there something just super random you like/enjoy/want/are ogling that has not been and will not be covered by any other questions, because it's just that WEIRD?not that I can think of...




If you could make a scent that represents where you live (or have lived), what would be the ingredients? Hmm, what does Modesto smell like? Pollen, hot asphalt, and cow poo. LOL! j/k... I would use the nice smells: red wine (Gallo winery is based here), almond blossoms, freshly mowed grass, and jasmine. Totally not a scent I would/could wear, LOL... but that's Modesto.

Are you in need of Roller bottles or anything of the like? I love roller bottles, I put scents I have several imps of (like Morocco, Scherezade, Hunger) in them. Also, they're good for traveling - I have a GRR one and a TKO one.



Just curious, but if your witch was to make an amigurumi critter (or other plushie) just for you, what would it be?I don't even know what that is, but I favorited some Etsy stuff the other day while I was looking for knitted stuff, lol. I think they're adorable

Would you want a local/tourist item from your witch? Like a t-shirt, mug or shot glass? yes!

Okay, who wants NAlloween and some Vampire Apothecary goodness? Have not even looked yet, if you see something you think I'd like, I'm sure I will

Venomous Villains?Yes! Sinister lipstick, Vainglorious eyeshadow

Last Unicorn? have yet to read it or watch the movie, but I want to before the scents come out, so I'm not left out of the loop, lol

Who is your fav Disney Villian/villianess? How about hero/heroine? (doesn't have to be specifically Disney though) The Evil Queen/Witch from Snow White!



Do you collect stones/rocks? I'm talking like "semi" precious stones, ie moonstone, bloodstone, quartz ect. Are there any that you're looking for at the moment? Are you in need of a stone but don't know which kind? Yes, I have a lot of crystals on my altar, I can always use more! I'll make a list soon

What's your favorite Halloween Music?I like spooky stuff - howls, cackles, owls hooting, etc



Do you have a deviantart print wishlist or favourites list? No

Is there anything from Blooddrop that you want to try? GC? Halloween update? The Cat, Apples & Bones, Sinister, Bonne Nuit, Diabolique, Delicieuse, L'Shana Tova...

What kind of shoes do you need/want? What size shoes do you wear? Would you mind gently used shoes?I wear size 6.5 - not sure about used shoes, unless they can be cleaned really well. Something about other people's foot sweat touching mine grosses me out

Do you like paper dolls (new or vintage) or coloring in books?

Do you like weird scary things as traditionally girly fashion items like heels and handbags?Yes, those pics in the thread were cool!

What song is on heavy rotation for you right now? Don't have an ipod, but when "If I had You" by Adam Lambert comes on the radio, I crank it up LOUD!

Are you coveting any of the NYCC atmospheric sprays? The British Blondes sounds cool, I'd like to sniff it

If you could get any one thing hand-painted from your witch, what would it be and what would be on it? well, I could use a TAL box. Black with cool BPAL postcards or something. Or if my Witch is good at faces, I'd love to have a pic of my older daughter as a pixie.

Would you (assumin' you're a yarnie) be interested in a naturally-dyed yarn that's designed to very gradually fade with washing? not sure about that, still learning about yarn

If you have played before, what are some of the most memorable things you've gotten? What really made you go WOW? If you haven't played, same thing, but not limited to SW.

I have a beautiful hand made, hand painted imp box from one Witch. I have a Halloween bat coffee mug that I use almost every day from another Witch *wub* And during th Valentine round, my Witch spoiled me extra on my b0day... so sweet!



Do you like garlic? Do you REALLY like garlic? Would you want to try some really unusual garlic stuff, like garlic cheese or garlic fudge or garlic chocolate, etc., etc., etc.? I would try it. I love garlic fries, and garlic-stuffed olives.

Can I talk to you about the living dead? How do you feel about Zombies? Eh. I'm not really a scary movie person, so I haven't really gotten into them. I like the Thriller zombies though, and Billy from Hocus Pocus



If you happened to be my Witchee, is there something you'd like from the Arcana Halloween update? Um, I may have ordered some decants already *blush*

How many bottles of BPAL do you have? I will answer this later tonight, I need to update my Scentbase. Off the top of my head, I'd guess 45?

Is there any exercise program that you're interesting in learning? Meditation, Yoga, Pilates, Belly Dancing, Zumba ect? Or if you do any of these (or anything else sport related) are there any things you need/want? Candles, music, mats, water bottles ect? I would be interested in Zumba. Everyone's doing that now, lol...

Anyone else into Emily Autumn? Don't know who that is, looked it up on Google, apparently she's a singer? I can't listen here at work but will try later

What's on your walls? Please show us up to three paintings/posters/whatever. If you love a painting so much that you would steal (to watch it with your greedy eyes) one, please share. oh. whoops. I guess I didnt really answer this right in the thread. That's what I get for not reading everything, lol.

do you like Girl Scout cookies? What kind? Thin Mints, Coconut Delites, Shortbread

What's your take on homemade apple butter? Want some? I love apple butter, definitely yes



Do you read/like fantasy? What kind of books or authors do you love? Which one would you like to read? Would you like gifts related to it?

I do like fantasy, it's one of my favorite genres! I love the Belgariad series by Daivid & Leigh Eddings. I used to have other books, but I don't remember the titles/authors. There was one about Elric (I think I have that one somewhere). Tanith Lee (is that an author or the title? Not sure) My last SW sent me a book about Daughters of the Blood, that was good too.

Soaps : do you like them? What brands? What scents? Anything you're dying to try?

I *know* I've answered this one somewhere - if you can't find it, Witch - let me know! (but in a nutshell - I :heart: soap!)

I wondered if my witch or any witch would enjoy things like nice pens to draw with or anything similar? I used to be a freak about pens. I still am to some extent. I love pretty pens, but how they write is most important. I love the Cristal Bics and the Sharpie writing pens.

For those who are yarnies, would you like other-than-yarn witchery? Hooks, needles? Preference of material? Do you use/would you like handmade stitch markers, etc.?

I'm not really a yarnie - yet. Still learning.

Does anyone do altered books? Would you be interested in old books to alter? Any type or title in particular?

Never heard of this

Did someone ask about incense yet? Would you like some? Something to store or burn it in? What scents? What form? I have quite a bit, I usually use stick incense. I ordered some from Incense Guru, and love it. I can only burn it occasionally, as it bothers my kids and b/f.

Any oddball free things you collect or would want saved for you? well, they're not "free" but I collect Coke points. I used to collect Box Tops to give to my kid's school, but I don't know if her Jr High does that.




Who likes hair toys, and if so what kind? I am growing my hair out from an A-line bob with short bangs, right now it is shoulder length with sideswept bangs. Layered, I have thick hair. Barrettes, cute bobby pins, I have none of that stuff. Willing to try! It's still too short for sticks, etc

Does any art we may send need to be child safe, either in the actually safe sense or the non X rated sense? No, my kids are (almost) 17 & 12, and they know their mom is a freak.

In the knitted/crocheted things area, would you want wrist warmers, 1/2 gloves, a neck warmer(the kind that pretty much just goes around your neck and maybe fastens instead of being long and loose like a scarf), slippers, or hats?

How do you feel about altered/recycled/upcycled items of clothing or accessories? Any of those knitted items would be welcomed - I favorited some hats on etsy to give an idea of what I like. I will try and remember to do the same with the other things. Altered/recycled/upcycled items are awesome. I love thrift stores, lol

Is there anything you want from the Violette Market update?

Yes! I haven't made a list yet, but I've wanted to try VM for some time now.

What is your favourite habitat and climate to live in? How about to visit? (ie. forest, canyons, mountains, by the beach; temperate, tropical...)

Mountains! with lots of trees! Clean, clear air, able to see the stars at night.

Of course, visiting the beach is cool too. I want to have a beach themed bathroom someday, cool watery colors, lots of white, very open and airy, huge tub, lots of candles.

What do you wish you could make/craft if you had the know-how and supplies? Specifically, which particular items? Shhh, don't tell - I still haven't tried out my knitting supplies from LAST Halloween SW... I'm going to though!

I'd also like to learn quilting and crochet.

Is there anything you would like from Conjure Oils general catalogue or the new updates that isn't already on your wishlist?

I'm not really familiar with Conjure Oils. Feel free to enable me! (I got frimped some the other day, and didn't care for the scents. Don't remember the names though, lol)

Am I alone in this, or is there a Book Fair/Comic Con scent you're dying to get your paws on, too? Sybil sounds awesome. And I'd like to sniff The Elephantine Colossus. The others don't really sound up my alley.

Anyone need address/phone type books? That wouldn't be a bad idea. I keep everything in my Blackberry, and don't back it up very often, lol



Are there any particular movies, tv shows or cd’s that you’ve been meaning to buy for years but just never got round to getting? Would you mind a gently used dvd/cd if your witch had it or could get it?? The Quiet Man, I keep meaning to get that one and just haven't yet. I love ST: TNG, Dirty Jobs. CDs - Seether "Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces", Shinedown "The Sound of Madness"

Is there anything from the Possets' Hallowe'en update you're lusting after? :blush: I may have already ordered some decants...

Would you like a custom/altered toy either from a seller or from your witch (like My Little Pony, or a Barbie or any particular toy that can be changed?) that's interesting.. I don't know

Do you like the candy apple, candy corn or pumpkin spice kisses? we have tried the candy corn and the pumpkin spice ones, I liked them both - pumpkin spice more though

Anne Taintor, anyone? heehee, I love her stuff

Which web comics do you enjoy? feel free to enable me. I don't even know what a web comic is...



If I were to knit a scarf, would you prefer a skinny one, or a wide one? A short one, that when wrapped once around your neck will just tuck under your jacket, or a long one, at least to your waist? Um, not too skinny. I like to tuck mine into my jacket.

Don't like scarves? Would a rectangular shawl or triangular shawl be more to your taste? Shawls are cool too

How do you feel about recipes? As long as they're easy! I'm not much of a cook, lol

What kind of a cook/baker are you? see above! LOL I cook because I have to, and it's always easy stuff. I have a slow-cooker, I want to start using it more...

Are you happiest calling for delivery or microwaving a lean cuisine, Or will Food Network be asking you to host their new program? Delivery! Microwave! Seriously, I am not a good cook. My boyfriend expects me to, though, so I try. I marinate and bake chicken. Make spaghetti. Enchiladas. Meatloaf. Don't have much of a repertoire. Help me! LOL

If I send you something home made would you like the recipe for it? Sure, if it's not too hard

If you are someone who doesn't want baked goods sent, would you like a collection of some of my favorite recipes? I'm okay with baked goods (off my restrictive diet - for now) but would love recipes too. I'm much more of a baker than a cooker.

How about home made mixes or kits? Kind of like the cookie in a jar thing, where you would need to add the perishable ingredients? I would totally do that

if you are a tea lover, what are your flavor preferences? Green? Black? Herbal (I know, technically those are NOT teas, but tisanes)? Flavored blacks/greens?

I like black teas, flavored teas, herbal teas. Lemon, Mint, Ginger. I like spicy teas, and mellow teas.



How do you feel about silly, funny knick-knack, dollar store stuff, stickers, magnets etc? Would you like receiving that kind of stuff or rather not? Stickers are good. But I'm not really a knick-knack sort of person. If it's not useful, it better be too cute to resist.

Is there a specific book you've been wanting to get but haven't found the time or the opportunity to? I think I answered something similar to this... let me know if you need it or can't find it

Do you read mangas/watch animes? Which ones? Do you have a particular favourite? Would you like to receive managas or anything related to them? I do not, but if you think I'd like them, feel free to enable me

Are you open to receiving things that are not on your wishlist, maybe something your Witch thinks you might like? absolutely!

If you have something on a wishlist that we could craft INSTEAD of buying, though it might not end up identical to the wishlist thing, would it be okay to craft it instead? Obviously we don't want to copy anyone else's design, but if we can replicate the flavour or intent that you like without stepping on toes? Definitely, that would be awesome!

OK, I know that lots of folks love socks. Do you have a preference of length? Materials? Patterns? I like all different kinds. If they're for snuggling on the couch with a book, I'd want fuzzy and a bit higher than ankle socks. If they're for wearing with jeans and sneakers, ankle socks. if they're for being cute, I'd try the long ones (haven't had those for YEARS) Basically, I'm easy. LOL

How do people feel about word magnets? I already have some that came with a Louise Hay card set.

If you could have any costume, or if you aren't into costumes, necklace or other accessory, from any movie character, what would it be? Hmmm... I'd want to be the witch/evil queen from Snow White - the black cowled robe, warty nose, long fingernails...

How do you feel about samples/decants of things other than BPAL? Soap slices, lotion/scrub/shower gel decants, single use make-up/beauty products, etc. LOVE! I do <3 my BPAL, but I also love Solstice Scents, Arcana, Villainess, etc and love to be enabled to more cool stuff!

What are you guys going to be aiming for in the Inquisition? Or do you just plan on ordering individual items? I will probably order individual items, because I like the Treat perfume oils and the Trick soap. I have decants coming, so I will make my decision soon, hopefully



Chocolate or other types of candy? I like all types of candy - trying to be good though, so I don't gain too much weight back. (I recently lost 20+ lbs) But I love chocolate, minty stuff (York PP, Jr Mints, etc). gummy candy (Swedish Fish), ginger candy

For tea drinkers, do you prefer loose leaf or tea bags? I like both. I'm usually too lazy to do loose, but I do have a teapot with a strainer and a tea ball.

If you would enjoy something of a knitted persuasion, do you have a preference on type of thing? Since making a scarf for someone who has 10 might be a smidge excessive? Also, how do people feel about shawls?

I think I answered this earlier, let me know if you can't find it. I do like shawls.

Is there a TV, movie or literary character that you are a lot alike, or would like to be alike? I totally admire and idolize Katharine Hepburn, Irene Dunne... all those put-together, self-assured women.

Is there anything you need for your kitchen, ie measuring cups, spoons, grater, etc? Not really.

Music, DO you prefer Live or Studio? Both

Edited or explicit? Explicit. I love Godsmack, Beastie Boys, and hate it when the profanities are removed

If you are an animal lover, is there a specific type/breed that you love most? I want to have a Pug someday, a little black one. And a Bichon.

Also flowers and plants- If you like flowers/plants, do you have a favorite(s)? My favorite flowers are daisies and roses. and hydrangeas.

Do you have a favorite quotation? Song lyric? Book passage?


For twas not into my ear you whispered

But into my heart

Twas not my lips you kissed

But my soul

~Judy Garland

Book passage:

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,

Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit

Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,

Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.

Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám

WhateverthehecktheycalltheanonymousregionalwisdomthingiePROVERB! that word.

What is a bpal scent that you've been dying to try for awhile but just can't find? (A scent where even a tester would do) Glowing Vulva!

Let's say, hypothetically speaking, that you have some children/spawn (1 or more), and, hypothetically speaking, your witch would like to spoil them a little but knows nothing of kids these days. What do they like or dislike? Also is there anything a (sane) adult might think they would like that you don't think is appropriate for whatever reason? (I'm thinking of things like temp tattoos, make up, things that make noise, or anything else that might be bad for non-obvious reasons.) Kris is collecting stuff for her Hope Chest, so any little household stuff would be greatly appreciated by her. Meg likes country music, so Country Weekly magazine, or iTunes card... no girly stuff for Meg, please.

Is there anything you would like that can be delivered over the internet? Things like fanfic recs, cat macros, mp3s you are looking for, how-to or amusing videos, things like that I love LOLcats, cute animal videos, laughing babies, etc. I think I mentioned it before, but I'd love eyeshadow how-to vids.

What would your last meal be if it could be anything in the world (sky is the limit, drinks too, the whole shebang) a big, huge glass of the best Cab. dark, sweet honey-wheat bread with whipped butter. gooey, cheesy lasagna. baked potato with whipped butter, sour cream, chives. and tiramisu for dessert. or cheesecake.

NaNoWriMo? no, not me. I had a reading done by a lady, and she held my hand for a moment, then asked me "So... when are you going to write that book?" I do love to write, but haven't for years, and wouldn't even know where to start.



what interests you from the latest lab update? I have decants coming of Victorian Garden, the Weenies, The Dawn scents, the BPTP scents that I really wanted to try, and some of the new Arcana stuff. I will try to keep my Scentbase updated with what I have, and if I love any of them, I will add them to my Wishlist

How do you feel about stationery, like nice pens or notepaper? And if you're in favor, do you prefer classic/contemporary or cutesy stuff? I :heart: pens! and notepaper/cards. I'm not really into cutesy stuff, unless it's holiday related.

Would you like homemade preserves (e.g. marinated vegies, pickled onions, chilli jam?)yes!

If you've got stuff on your BPAL wishlist, would partial bottles be okay? I LOVE partials!

Would you like something you have to make yourself? probably, although working full-time, 2 kids, a b/f, and lots of pets makes for not much free time

Say you were my witchee, and I found things on your wishlist that I could totally make. Would you want me to make it? Or would you rather it be purchased for you? if you can make it, that would make it so special! But I'm fine with bought stuff too, since I'm so un-crafty, lol

Who is your favorite soap etailer? I love Wylde Ivy, Villainess, Magic Hands, Paintbox Sopaworks

What about vintage decoration items, teacups, etc etc? I would prefer stuff either to use, or to hang on the wall, rather than to sit on a shelf..

With regards to your gifts, would you prefer your presents' awesomeness evenly spread out (several packages of pretty terrific things) over the round or a slow build-up of awesomeness (going up from pretty cool things to something super-duper cool at the end) to go out with a bang? Do you have a preference? I don't have a preference, I just like hearing from you and getting surprises!

What kind of make-up do you wear? What colors? Is there anything you'd like to try but haven't yet? I've answered parts of this before but to elaborate: I wear mineral make-up, using EDM Light Olive right now but want to try out Meow. I use a brow powder to shape and fill in my brows. Eyelash curler and mascara - right now Avon Super Shock, and I hate it. It makes my lashes look all spidery. Then brown/black eyeliner. If I'm feeling brave, I'll play with my 88 color palette from Coastal scents, but I'm not very good at eyeshadow. I always wear lipstick, I have 6 in my purse right now. I like berry/wine colors, reds, shimmery beiges. I've always wanted to do a cool "nude" lip, but am still searching for a good color. I have a few lipsticks on my Etsy favorites.

Who would be on your top 5 (IE famous people you’d date/have relations with) Again, I think I've answered this somewhere. If you can't find it, let me know :-)

Do you crave many Ecards and contact or are you okay with little contact from your Witch? I am not needy, but they do make me smile! Sometimes we just need that little nudge, that someone is thinking about us, you know?

Do you have a place where you list all the BPAL you have or have tried? Yes, I LOVE Scentbase. I try to keep it updated with my stash

Do you like maple sugar candy? NO... I don't really like maple, sorry

What is your position on the chocolate & bacon flavor combination? I've never tried it, but I totally would!

If you are a tea-drinker do you need a tea-cozie for your pot? I don't have one, so that would be cool. I have a small glass pot from Avon that I use for my loose-leaf brewing. If I'm just making one cup, I either microwave a cup with water or use my stove-top tea kettle

Go to your spice cabinet, what are the three most used spices? Garlic salt, Seasoned salt, Mrs Dash (I'm so not a cooker, lol)

Microsoft or Apple? I like both, lol. I have a pc. I used to have an iPhone, I liked it. I really want an iPod Touch.

Where was your last vacation? What did you like most? We went to Safari West earlier this year, that was fun.

Would you appreciate receiving handwritten letters and/or postcards (anonymous or not)? How about sending them? yes, I'd like that.

Do you hate any food things with a passion?? um, not that I can think of.

Would you be opposed to receiving a digital version (via email) of a magazine you like but don't subscribe to...you know, in the interest of saving a tree? No, that's fine



Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to go to last.fm immediately and create an account! Download the scrobbler! Link us to your account! If you reject this assignment, maybe just tell us what your mp3 player says you listen to a lot? I have a last.fm account, I think it's eskimokissz. I don't have a MP3 player yet, although I'm going to ask Santa for one

Any countries you're interested in? England, Ireland, Scotland, Canada

Would you enjoy homemade bath products (bath salts, fizzies, etc.) and/or linen sprays? Esp. if scented with some of your favorite BPAL scents? bath salts would be cool, or sprays. I haven't had good luck with fizzies, but I'll try them

If you witch made you something and it didn't come out just right, would you still want it? Absolutely! It's still filled with love!

Are you a foodie? um, not really. trying to think of food as fuel. however, I am slowly transitioning off my diet - I just can't afford to order more diet food right now, so feel free to send me the occasional sweet!

Any sports fans in the house? What's your favorite sport/team/player? my b/f and I like to watch racing. I like NASCAR (Jeff Gordon), he likes drag racing

For holidays, do you decorate? Would you like decorative stuff, weenie or otherwise? If so, do you lean towards the elegant, the crafty/folksy, or the more, erm, campy? For Halloween, I like it all! I love decorative stuff, esp wall decorations, useful things (bowls, placemats, etc) rather than just a knick-knack.

Do you like journals/notebooks/sketchbooks? OMG yes.



Cake truffles? If YES! Cake/icing/chocolate type? Yum! I'm on a diet though. My dream one would be Spice cake with cream cheese frosting. Or Chocolate/chocolate.

are you interested in mini bottles(under 100ml for hand luggage) of bath and body products? Sure, I don't go many places, but that would be cool, to try new things

Vampire shows, literature, etc? Yay or nay? Yay - I loved the Anne Rice vamps, as well as Twilight, lol

If you play console video games, what game systems do you have and what games would you love to have? I do not play, although we have a Wii, an X-box, a PlayStation... I think my kid even has a GameCube. I would love to find an easy medieval-type game. Open to others. I'm not game savvy.

How do you all feel about flowers and plants? Flower and plant seeds? Drawings of flowers or plants? Pressed flowers? Love flowers - daisies and roses are my faves. and hydrangeas. I would probably kill live ones. I'd love drawings or pressed ones

How do you feel about marzipan? never tasted it, but I'd try it. It looks so pretty

If you could have 3 BPAL bottles fall (gently) out of the sky right this second that you've been looking for or pining for - which 3 would they be?Snow, Glass, Apples - L'Estate - (will hold this spot for when I test my incoming decants)

Are there any international treats that you love and have a hard time finding? no, but I love trying new stuff

Is there anything from the 'Ween BPTP update that you would like but haven't ordered for yourself? I have ordered decants of some of the oils...

If you are a crafter, would you like to receive supplies from your witch (beads, fabric, yarn/roving etc?)yes! I'm learning to knit, so yarn would be cool. Or quilting squares, I want to learn to quilt

Find your iPod (or other MP3 device), put it on shuffle/random. What are the first five songs to come up?I don't have an iPod yet, but I've asked Santa for one!

Soundtracks you'd like? ?



Favorite Yankee Candles? Or other brands scents? I love Home Sweet Home, any seasonal scents... autumn, spicy, foody

would you like a zuni animal fetish? And if so, what animal? those are cool, maybe a bear or a moose...

And how does everyone feel about glow in the dark radishes? super cute, but probably wouldn't be able to wear them, my ears are very sensitive

What places to do you visit that you'd like a gift card to? Starbucks, Target, Wal-Mart, B&N, a favorite restaurant or clothing shop? Starbucks, Target, B&N, Borders, Ross

Cake or Frosting? Frosting!

Would you like a bag of dried Honeycrisp apples?I would love to try those!

If you were to receive a knitted item (such as a scarf, hat, etc), what colors would you like? And do you have any sensitivies/allergies to any materials? Black, Grey, Burgundy/Wine/Berry, Deep purple

Gift Certificate: physical or email? either is fine



What movie scared the bejeezus out of you as a child? My dad took me to see Twilight Zone: The Movie in the theater, when I was in 4th grade or so. Ugh. Then on the way home, he turns to me and says "So... do you want to see something REALLY scary?" I damn near peed my pants.

Name a couple of sites you frequent other than this one. Facebook. Etsy. GeekSugar. LiveJournal. TMZ.

If you could have any creature (real or imaginary) as a pet, what would it be?

Perry the Platypus!

Do you like the Muppets? Which is your favorite?

hmmm, can we include Sesame Street in that? Because I had a major crush on Bert. He had a paperclip collection! (and bottlecaps) *love*

Comfort Rereads?:

The Belgariad series, Johanna Lindsey & Bertrice Small romances

Will you be going out of town during the round, or is there any other time during the round when it would not be ideal for you to receive a package from your witch?

I don't anticipate going out of town

If you are in school now, what classes are you taking? Does anything you are currently studying really interest you? (if you are not in school, is there anything you are trying to learn?)

I'm not in school.

What animal would your daemon be? Alternately, your patronus.

I did the okCupid quiz, it said Snowy Owl

What's YOUR favorite word?

Not sure if I really have one... I'll think about it

Steampunk, yay or nay? If yay, what part appeals most?

I think it's cool, not really into it though.





Do you have a special symbol or totem that is meaningful to you? I love goddess symbols, like this and this (I already have these, but it gives you an idea) also triple moons (the top one). I love owls and wolves too.

Do you need a box for your bpal bottles? Your imps? Your something else to put in a box stuff? I'm working on a few boxes now, one for florals, one for Autumn/Winter scents, one for backups... I'd love a cool one for my TALs.

If you could be any person, being, or animal from Fantasy what or who would you be? Polgara!

If you could go back to any point in time, where, when, why? I'd love to spend some time between 1400 - 1700, in England, Ireland, and Scotland

Favorite Halloween Candy/Treat? I love the ... Autumn Harvest? The little pumpkins made of candy corn, with all the candy corn stuff mixed in. Also Reese's pumpkins, 100 Grand bars...

What are your favorite baked goods/homemade treats? My favorite would be brownies - however, I'm on Medifast, a restrictive diet, so no sweets for me, please! Although, my family would probably love anything you'd send!

Would you be interested in an astrology birth chart? That would be so cool!



Socks? Sock Dreams? Anyone? I love socks! All kinds, soft and fuzzy, warm and wooly, dainty and cute. However, my teenager loves socks too, and I would probably have to fight her over them, lol. I have never had socks from Sock Dreams.

What is something you use to comfort yourself when feeling yucky, depressed, or in pain? usually the three Bs - bubbles, a book, and a beer. I can lay in the tub for hours, honestly. And I read to escape, so a good book will always make me feel better. If I have a migraine, a cup of mild flavored tea, and curling up in bed will usually help (after I dose myself with Maxalt and a bit of GRR)

Favorite Halloween/Scary movies/books? Hocus Pocus!! I can recite SO MANY lines from that movie. If you're crafty, those cute little country-looking signs with Hocus Pocus lines would be AWESOME!! (or maybe I'll try my hand at it someday, lol) I don't really like to watch scary movies too much, I get scared easily. I love Stephen King books, and some of John Saul's.

What would the name of your custom blend be? The description? I know I've answered this question somewhere... the questionnaire maybe?

COMIC BOOKS. Do you read them? Are there any series you like, or some you would like to try? Um, I've really only read Archie comic books. I would love to try some, enable me to your favorites! I'm especially interested in the Dawn series (of course)

Warm drinks? Coffee (not TOO bold, I also like flavored coffee), tea (anykind really, I love tea! At night, I usually stick to decaf or herbal, though), sugar-free apple cider, sugar-free cocoa.




When you go to an etsy wishlist, it will tell you what things are sold. If you click on the sold item, sometimes it will give options that are similar to what was sold, but not identical, would you like the similar item or prefer not to get it at all unless it's the same item? How picky are you? I would probably like the similar item. A lot of the things I have favorited are sold, but the shop may have relisted another just like it.

Do you wear make up? oh yes. I :heart: make-up. Everyday is: mineral foundation, mascara, eyeliner, and lipstick. I bought a Coastal Scents palette, to try and learn the art of eyeshadow. So far, it's not going so well. If you know of any great tutorials, I'd love them!

Disney movies, Yay or Nay, and favourites if you do like them? Disney - Yay! my faves - Beauty & the Beast (I like Belle, she's a bookworm too!), Snow White (I LOVE the Evil Queen/Witch), Yzma from The Emperor's New Groove.

Do you have A VCR, DVD Player or Blue Ray or a combo of the three? I have a VCR/DVD combo, but please only DVDs, lol

Would you like custom icons as a gift?Yes, that would be so cool!



What is your favourite snack food, something you could grab any time?I'm on a restrictive diet right now, but normally, I would say M&Ms or Swedish Fish

EbooksI have a Kindle, it is my pride and joy

Nail Polish:I want to try Zoya, or any other formaldehyde/toluene/DBP free type polishes. I tend towards berry-type colors on my toes, and natural-ish colors on my fingers. Sometimes I like to spice it up with wild colors though! Currently on my Zoya wishlist:





Soft/plushy things: LOVE! I used to have the biggest collection ever, but I've pared down now that I'm an adult. I'm still a sucker for a super-cute, or super-soft stuffed animal.

What hobby/craft would you like to learn how to do? I'm in the process of learning how to sew. I have a sewing machine. I want to learn to quilt.

For those who decorate for Halloween, do you prefer cute decorations or creepy ones?:I love Halloween so much! I like both cute and creepy! Last year, I found this holographic picture of Queen Elizabeth at Target, it changed from a regular portrait to a skeleton! So cool!. I am determined to get it this year!

Also, as part of the cute-or-creepy question, would you want hand made, molded, glazed (by yours truly!) ceramic decorations (napkin rings, potporri/tart warmers, etc) to add to your stock?I would LOVE that!

how do you feel about mortars and pestles? I have 2 already

Is there anything you have a phobia of, or that would make you go "squick" if you saw it in a package?not really.



Are you into Austen's books? yes, I have Pride & Prejudice and Sense & Sensibility in both paperback and ebook format. I have Northanger Abbey in ebook too. I have the A&E P&P dvd set.

Do you read Tarot cards? If not, would you be interested? I have a collection going! I'd love more. I have the Shadowscapes Tarot, The Fairy Ring Oracle, The Gilded Tarot, The Rider-Waite deck, and a Goddess Oracle set

So for those of you who are into Harry Potter at all, which house do you think you'd be sorted into?

What, if anything, is your guilty TV watching pleasure?America's Funniest Home Videos. It always makes me laugh.

If you cosplay or need a costume for your bellydance/burlesque hobby (or any other hobby which needs dressup/different from your normal wear), is there anything you need/want for it? I do not, although I'd love being pointed towards inexpensive options. We go to celtic faires regularly

Celebrity crush?: Mike Rowe makes me drool, I would totally marry Jim Carrey, Clint Eastwood is old now, but I just love him, Patrick Stewart is getting up there too, but :heart:, Alan Rickman - that voice!, Brad Paisley and LL Cool J too

Knitted things?: yes, please! a hat, or arm warmers, or socks, or a scarf... or anything else you think I might like!

What about [mixed or otherwise] DVDs? sure

DVDs: Do you prefer widescreen or formatted? Widescreen

Music: Any preference towards MP3 or CD? CD, probably

Do you like scented tarts? Yes! Esp seasonal scents

Lip balms? yes, love! Foody flavors

Do you have any body mods? If so, do you need any new jewelry, o-rings, plugs, etc (and if so, what size, length, etc)? Do you like pro-body mod stickers? Ears - 3 in L lobe, 2 in R lobe. L tragus. Had my R tragus pierced too, but it wouldn't heal, even after 1.5 years, so I took it out. May do it again, but only with Simply Whispers body jewelry

Booze. Do you drink it, would you like someYes, LOVE! I love red & white wines, some beer/ales, and rum/vodka/etc. My diet restricts it right now, but I will be drinking again ASAP, lol

What is your favorite artist or art style? (including if you have links to favorite pictures/paintings/photographs) Jessica Galbreth is my favorite artist, I also like Julie Fain, and of course Alicia Dabney!




Hallowe'en plans? I'd love to throw a big Halloween bash, but I'm too poor. I'll probably just dress up and pass out candy. My kids are too big for trick-or-treating.

Mix CDs? yes please! (include a playlist, too, so I know who they are)

Girlyness level? I'm fairly girly. I love make-up, perfume, purses, nail polish. I rarely wear skirts or dresses though



Baked goods: I would be glad to share those with my family, but as I'm on a diet, I wouldn't be eating them.

Gifts for other household members: don't feel obligated, but if you are so inclined:

JP (boyfriend) - have not enabled him into BPAL yet. he's a car guy (Mustangs), and IT guy, and TV/reality show addict (tosh.0, Operation Repo, Mythbusters, How Its Made, etc)

Kris - she is filling up her Hope Chest, so any little household items would be met with lots of :squee:

Meg - (transgender) is into skateboards, Terri Clark, Reba, country music in general, still watches cartoons (Phineas & Ferb, Kick Buttowski, etc)

I have a black cat named Meap and a black dog named Brenna. Kris has a grey tabby kitten. JP has a Miniature Schnauzer and 2 pac-man frogs.

Are you someone who'd rather have lots of small testers of different things on your wishlist, or would you rather have one or two "big" things? Either is fine with me. I love testers, they let me know if I should try to find more. But if you know I love it, or think I would, a big one would be awesome too.

social networking usernames, ie twitter, facebook, livejournal, ravelry, anything else: all can be found in my signature (and I'm doing a 30-day-meme on LJ, so you can find lots of info there)

would you like to receive Groupons or similar deals/gift certificates from your Witch? Sure, I've never used those before, so a tutorial probably should accompany it, lol

How about tshirt/bottoms sizes? a L would fit me now, a M should fit by the end of Oct


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