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BPAL Wish List

Amazon Wish List

Etsy Favourites




My Artwork



General SW information

Stuff I would enjoy getting:

- tea (preferably decaf or herbal)

- music (mp3s or a burned CD)

- crochet patterns

- comics/graphic novels

- necklaces or pendants

- naturally formed crystals, minerals, rocks

- socks

- snacks

- marzipan and dark chocolate = my kryptonite

- gift cards


Stuff I wouldn’t care for:

- Towels/dish cloths (I seriously have enough to make a towel army)

- Knitted/crochet items (except socks). I make my own and my house is overflowing already!

- ebooks (nothing to read them on)

- Plushies, dolls

- Knick-nacks

- fiction books not on any of my wish lists (I hate to say it, but I'm in a major backlog right now. Comics and non-fiction books excepted)




Currently Reading:

- Dracula

- The Lord of the Rings (why do I always get stuck on the the Two Towers?)


Favourite Books:

- The Chronicles of Narnia

- Fingersmith

- The Last Unicorn


Favourite Comics / Graphic Novels / Manga:

- BB Wolf and the Three LPs

- Blacksad

- Card Captor Sakura

- Lost Girls

- Loveless

- Hikaru no Go

- Hyper Police

- Hyperbole and a Half

- Maus

- Mouse Guard

- Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind


Books I'm looking for (see amazon wish list):

I am seeking out of print Tokyopop publications of Card Captor Sakura!

- Card Captor Sakura vols 3, 4, 5, 6

- Card Captor Sakura: Master of the Clow vol. 5

I do not expect anyone to find these, BUT if you happen to know a comic shop that's been around forever or deals with second hand books, it cant hurt to ask! I've also found many of these online. I HATE the translation for the reprint by Darkhorse, which is the current publication. It's got a girlie pink cover. Avoid it like the plague!




You can see everything I've tried on my scent base profile. Generally speaking, I love foodie and woodsy scents. Very few florals make the cut.


Top Ten Favourites:

Phoenix in Spring

Wolf Moon 11

Lemon Scented Sticky Bat


Halloween: Los Vegas

Infernal Lover (non-musk)

Lamb's Wool

Dana O'Shee




Notes I love:

almond, apple, carnation, cedar, cherry, cherry blossom, cinnamon, clove, coconut, cream, current, dandelion, fig, frankincense, green tea, hazelnut, hemlock, honey, lemon, mango, melon, myrrh, oak, orchid, peony, pine, plum, red musk, rum, sage, sassafras, smoke, snow, sugar, tonka, white sandalwood, white musk, white rose


Notes that don't work on me:

amber (hit or miss), dark musk, dragon's blood resin, jasmine, lavender, ginger, orange blossom, pumpkin, rose (except white), skin musk, vanilla (BPAL only)

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