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Creating Drama

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I know, creative title after all that went on this weekend, right? But it's not just the LJ stuff, it's this latest episode of Intervention I watched. Y'all watch Intervention, right? It's on A&E -- every week is 2 new people addicted to heroin, meth, alcohol, etc. and they're followed around in their pathetic lives until the exciting intervention (sometimes with Jeff! Hi Jeff! He's like Dr. Phil with a spine :huh?:) where they're given a choice to either get their lives back or continue their patheticness. The show's addictive, har!


It got me thinking about the LJ drama this weekend. There are some people who can't exist without drama -- either as a willing victim or an active participant. The show seems to feature many people who individually can't seem to handle "life" and all it implies, including "earning a living" and "dealing pleasantly with others." So if the drama exists, they don't have to deal with their own issues. Part of becoming an adult, though, is dealing with these issues. So someone posting anonymously and flaming people they don't even know except by an avatar are in need of drama, and if they have to create it they will.


So if everyone's represented by an avatar, what does that make me? Either I'm a gambling-addicted lush who eats food, or an actual restaurant. OOH! Can I be the Brown Derby? Cool!

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You make excellent points about creating drama. My yoga teacher and I often discuss this sort of thing, and since she's also a bit of a science geek, she views drama as a way to keep the nervous system in such constant agitation that it's impossible to calm down. And the reason a lot of people don't want to calm down is that the might stop and think about whatever is going on inside their heads that's really bothering them. Or they're adrenaline junkies and they get off on the rush of drama. Or they create drama so everyone's focus will stay on them, because they need constant attention.


Hmm... and if I'm my avatar (which changes every now and then), I'm either a dork who worships Wonder Woman, or who wishes she looked like Louise Brooks or I'm a Bob Schneider groupie. And not very many people know who Bob is, and I've had people ask me if that's my husband. This is better than the person who told Andrabell that she thought the Ron Jeremy avatar was a photo of her husband! LOL!


BTW, I love that rather retro-looking neon stuff. 'Tis cool.

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I think you and Valentina have a good point to make about drama llamas (that is way too much fun to say and to type, also a bit insulting to llamas.. but... "dramallama" :ack:).


I had some friends Back East who weren't necessarily dramallamas, but they were always over-committed to social engagements/life stuff. Like J, who had two jobs, was contemplating a third, and was either always hosting or attending house parties every week. I'm such a homebody and proponent of quiet time that that kind of lifestyle is completely alien to me. J is a good person, but I always got a vibe of restlessness/disatisfaction from her. Her questions were always really pointed and she was always comparing herself to others. I just wanted to grab her by the shoulders and instruct her to CHILL OUT ALREADY. Just sit down with a book for an afternoon, no TV, no radio, no visitors, and just... BE.


Perhaps dramallamas are just people like J, but who have decided to vent all that wild energy into creating/maintaining/propagating negativity rather than her "queen of the scene" activities.

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"Dramallama" is a good term. :D It conjures a picture of something nosy and long-necked (the better to get all up ins you bidness).

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