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Embalming Fluid...ah, memories of dear old Dad!

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Dad is still alive, by the way, but he's indirectly the reason I decided to try this soap. He raised me on stories of his days as an ambulance driver and mortuary worker. Back in the day, the two were often one and the same. He wasn't the mortician; he was the mortician's assistant, sort of like the sorcerer's apprentice with a little less music and mopping. Well...there was lots of mopping, come to think of it.


The soap! Marbled blue, green, and purple, rather like the flesh of a corpse, it's prettier than it sounds. The scent is refreshing and thirst quenching, exactly as I imagine embalming fluid is not. The lemon, aloe, and green tea combine with a minty freshness. This soap is a lovely summer soap, but the scent doesn't linger beyond the actual shower. It's a little more vegetable soapy than the Shub Niggurath. Don't leave it wet, or it will go a little slimy, and we're back to the corpse theme.


I wonder if I should get a bar of this for Dad...

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