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BPAL Madness!


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1demondog turns a profit

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That'll chap a guys hide, no? Buyer turning around and making $5 on a nice little LE purchase. I have always been disgusted by people who use the "just getting back what I paid for it" line. Because frankly you shouldn't always get back what you paid for it, not once you've USED it. Other people paying for your privilige to sample, does that sound sane?

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I agree! I was really irked when I sold a fairly rare LE imp under the forum's price cap (trying to keep things affordable for everyone) and then saw it on the buyer's sale list on LJ the very next week for... of course... a higher price than she paid me. Chalk that person off the list of people I'll buy from in the future.


But fortunately as far as I know nobody else has tried to make a profit off something that came from me. Most BPAL people are pretty cool.

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