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Negative energy

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I need to do something to get rid of my negative energy. I know part of it is depression, but part of it is my general attitude, and it sucks mightily.


Why is it that when I come to post something here, my mind goes blank? It's not like I don't have interesting thoughts in my head. I do! But once the page comes up, all I can see is that white canvas, and then I start thinking mundane thoughts, and it's all so irritating.


My wedding kimono FINALLY came today. It's... really crappy workmanship. I'm disappointed. Plus there are black smudges around the collar. Threads are loose from the fake obi, and the velcro is sewn all askew and through the wrong places... it's sort of freaking me out. Not that you can tell. Also, it doesn't fit me. That really sucks.


I wanted to get something else really nice for my swappee. I know for sure she has one of the things I have for her, so I went looking for other things. They all turned out to be things that I want for me, so that's a bad idea. I was all set to check out with some perfume oil samples from various and sundry other places, when I thought to myself: "Self, you ought to check your bank account." And I did. I'm so glad I did... but now what? I know, I'll get creative. But I wish I could do more.

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I'm so sorry about your wedding dress! That's horrible! Can you send it back?


I'm sure your swapee will appreciate any creative gesture. It really is the thought that counts.

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I'm so sorry about your wedding dress! That's horrible! Can you send it back?


I'm sure your swapee will appreciate any creative gesture. It really is the thought that counts.


I don't have time to send it back, so I'm going to have to get creative there, too. I'm almost at the month mark- wow! I have so much left to do.


I adore my swappee, so I really want to make her happy. I appreciate the encouragement!

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