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Of wank, bugs, and studies.

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I stink of: Ozymandias (this is so beautiful second time round-there's an almost Antique Lace-like quality to it, like AL in a desert breeze, with Egyptian musk behind it)


I'm a little bit surprised I wasn't picked on in the wank thread...I'm not sure whether I should be glad or sad about that. If there was a comment like 'OMG that stupid little yeahbutnobut/miss isis uk should go mummify herself or something if she's so into Egypt yada yada yada' would have probably made my day :huh?: but really and truly, that thread did sicken me to the core. My self-torturing, curious side of my brain makes me want to go and read it more and it does become more laughably immature the more I read it. But seriously, comments like name calling and bitching about people's weight or saying that their av sucks belongs in primary school, not what should be an adult community, and the few moronic comments about Beth remarketing the same blend under a different name/using premade blends/lying about natural blends...the words 'horse', 'flog' and 'dead' come to mind.


My campus is under invasion by these really weird bugs. Not the usual wasps and flies and occasional mozzies I see every summer, but daddy-long-legs. These aren't the gangly, clumsy, somewhat farcical bugs that come out during the autumn, but a new breed altogether-these things fly elegantly, land perfectly on windows as opposed to the usual flailing of legs before landing, have markings like a wasp, and have huuuuuge legspans. I mean, huge-like the width of a tennis ball. They freak me out. It also makes me wonder if that urban legend about daddy-long-legs being the most poisonous creatures on earth is true...thank goodness they aren't able to use that poison because of their lack of sting or fangs!


In a week or so, I have my first exam. It's about quantum physics, nuclear physics, and relativity. Nice brain-scrambling stuff. I need to get revising a bit more-it's a truly fascinating and mind boggling module, but the maths involved in quantum makes my head throb so much...must stop forum-ing. Must begin studying.

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