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I love Smut! Smutty Smut Smut!

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This title was stolen from Anchorman, which like many other movies the first 10-15 minutes are the best -- "I love scotch! Scotchy scotch scotch!"


I put on some Smut before DH and I went out to grab some food and beer. Smut starts out almost agressively strong, but ends up a really nice sweet musky YUM. valentina sounds more sophisticated in that she mixes with O to make Smut-O-Rama, which is very creative and I should try. Bottle orgy! Woo! :huh?:


I have several bottles that may be "in demand" on the resale market, but I would never sell them just because I like them so much. Smut is one of them -- it ends up so nice, I'm sitting like a dope with a smile on my face, that I would never want to sell them even if it was double what I paid.


If anything, I'll swap something I like but am not in love with. I don't care if it's LE for GC either, if it's something I really want. It's all about spreading the love. :huh?:

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Smutty Smut Smut! :wub2: I'm wearing Smut-O-Rama today! I still can't believe I like something with musk in it and I'm actually wearing it. It took teh Smut to make that happen!


In the two word review thread, I called O "satiated sweat" (because it still smells a bit like b.o. to me, but in a clean, happy and pleasant way.) I think if you're grinning like a dope while wearing Smut, it could be called "satiated smile." :wub2:

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AAAAAAA! I'm screaming because valentina just used today's Secret Word. AAAAAA! ;)


I remember sampling and liking Smut, but not enough to get myself some at the time. I think it was more running up to The Mister all "Smell me! I smell like teh Smut!" that tickled me. However! Now I want to do combos just to come up with interesting names...


I like your BPAL philosophy! Enjoy it, and if you don't enjoy it so much, pass it along to those who will! I didn't start trying out LE's until the last few months because of some "well, but I can't get more of it if I like it and I'll want to hoard it and never touch it" hang up but you know what? There will always be more to try! Enjoy them, love them even, but keep moving forward!


Now I'm gonna be moving boxes with "Smutty Smut Smut" going through my head. :ack:

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darkity, you could do the "Rocky" theme, only instead of "da-da-DA, da-da-DA..." you could go "Smut-Smut-SMUT, Smut-Smut-SMUT!"


I too enjoy dawndie's "spreading the love" notion. Plus she has that "gobsmacked by Smut" happy grin on her face today!

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I don't get B.O. from Smut -- it starts out as slightly oily peanut butter, then calms down. Weird! B.O. smell would certainly put me off.


I do run around the house after putting it on, pumping my fists like Rocky, and amusing the neighbors.

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