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Sw Help & Other Questionnaires

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Here's a little of everything, help for SW and assorted swaps -


Barnes & Noble Wishlist - http://my.barnesandnoble.com/Jolee-Lewisons-Switch-Witch-Wishlist/wl/15990290/#


Think Geek Wishlist - throw my e-mail address or real name into the Wishlist search. :)


Etsy Wishlist - http://www.etsy.com/people/litaphoenix/favorites


Sizes - 2x shirts (42 DD), about US 16 on pants/jeans, 7 shoes (5 chucks). And I tend to prefer a 7 in rings, as I can fit that on most fingers. Now, the clothes are subject to change soon, as I'm losing weight, but those are my current sizes.


I have to say, sadly, no 'private parts' art or items as I'm currently living with my somewhat traditional parents.


Bath and shower stuffs are good, but I'm a bit of a LUSH addict.


Plants are cool - I've been trying to get a little potted garden going. The soil here is all sand, so it has to be potted.


I'm TOTALLY behind the proposed 'Let's Play Doctor: Tennant Version' game. Mmmm.... Tennant. Between him and Craig Ferguson, I'm having a Scottish Lad 'thing'. But I'd only be with it if Tennant was included, as I'm terminally single and without a playmate. Erotica and other toys are cool, though!


Chocolate is a major weakness for me, except for 'white' chocolate.... that's not even chocolate. Blah. Adventurous and 'wacky' flavors are cool - I'm a bit of a foodie, and try everything I can get my hands on! Lavender chocolate sounds really interesting... and I'll savor anything with mint! I'm not a fan of coconut, or nuts other than peanut or almond, though.


I do have a bit of an issue with jewelry - I'm very acidic and turn any metal that isn't coated or sterling silver in less than a day. Hmph. Plastic and/or leather are staples for me!


Alcoholic things are happiness and light - beers are nummy, especially specialty and microbrews. Wine is okay.... I usually leave that to the 'rents. I'm a bit of a rum nut, and I have been meaning to try absinthe one of these days. Fruity, 'girly' mixes are okay sometimes, but it's not what I'd usually reach for when I want a buzz. I'll try anything at least three times!


Along the foodie line, candy's nummy!


I used to hoard candles, but I've worked my way through my stash.... see my favorite scents for what I tend to like.


I'm a huge fan of Tim Burton and Johnny Depp, together and separately. I have Zero from The Nightmare Before Christmas tattooed on my right foot (And yes, I know that Burton didn't direct it, only created the story with Danny Elfman and some of the characters!) I'm a Whedonite from the beginning, and have a nummy Spike poster on my wall. I collect gargoyles, wolves, bats, pocketknives, shotglasses, and BPAL. Are we seeing a pattern here?


My Oz counterpart? Hmmmm..... Probably one of the Munchkins. I'm wee @ 5'2'' and love a bit of fun, but work hard at what I love. I also love gothic whimsy in my decorating sense (clothes and rooms), but that's really just the movie version. Hee!


Desired person to snog(and then some)? Gosh.... I loves me some Tennant (I'll wholeheartedly agree on the brown striped suit and brainy specs. Mmmmm.), I still hold a bit of a torch for a few rockers (Frank Iero, William Control, Shawn Harris). But I think my current 'Oh, dear god, WANT' grabby-hands award goes to Andrew-Lee Potts of Primeval and (SYFY) Alice fame. Adorable, expressive, and plays these geeky, quirky, three-dimensional characters. Plus, he's freakin' gorgeous with a smile that can cause jellied knees within a 10 yard radius.


What is your least child friendly personality trait or hobby?

Oh, gods, I have so very many! My lack of interest in self-sacrifice, my intolerance for crying and tantrums, my tendency to stay up late and sleep in late, the way that I don't find human babies cute or lovable at all.... the list goes on and on!

I can add to that scarily-accurate list - swears when surprised, startled, or otherwise emotionally energized; and also, I love non-child-friendly items (see pocketknife collection, incense, candles, choking hazard with beading). Hobby that is not child friendly? I bead, and make jewelry. I cross-stitch, and there's needles with that. Also, I have exacto knives. Pointy, dangerous, and sharp. I've cut *myself* pretty badly with that thing!


And crafting kits? Love. I've been eyeing those 'Subversive Cross Stitch' patterns for months. I always tend to have a few crafty bits I'm working on. I love unique pieces and often alter and add on to things I buy. On my list? Studding a scarf, altering/painting a few pair of soon-to-be fingerless gloves, and more multi-chain and charm jewelry pieces.


If you were my victim, would you like CB I Hate Perfume even if you had never tried them before?

Sure, why not?! I'm open to smellies of all sorts.... and I hear they do my kind of scents well.


Valentine's Day colors:

Red and black are my signature colors, including my signature red lips! I wear and use all kinds of red, but I'm not a big fan of orangey reds. The more blue, bright, or deep, the better!! I actually painted one of the walls in my old bedroom Ralph Lauren Red. It was vaulted.... and awesome, and striking... and then we sold the house. Blah. I still miss it!! As far as pink and white? I use splashes of hot pink occasionally as accents, but I don't care for anything lighter than that. And white does not exist in my world, unless it's animal fur. :shifty: My mom dressed me in too much white and baby pink as a child.


Favorite kind of love story:

I'm such a closet romantic.... I enjoy smart love stories - not a fan of 'grab a tissue' kind of stuff. I don't do sappy. LOL I did enjoy 'Ella Enchanted', though... to my surprise. And 'The 10th Kingdom', and one of my favorite musicals is 'Through the Woods'. I adore folklore and fairy stories, quite a lot.


Favorite love poem:

None that I can thing of.... I do have a weakness for Shakespeare, though. Some of his bits in 'Much Ado About Nothing' are quite lovely, and real.


Hand knit stuff? Yes, please! I may be in FL, but I hate being cold! I'll add my 'whoo-hoo' vote to a pair of fingerless gloves for my little hands. Scarves are also happiness! Oooh, I just remembered about kitty hats. Whimsy is good in my world, but is usually more gothic whimsy! Really, I like hand-made anything!


Favorite semi-obscure animal? Hmmm.... that Quoll is adorable. The most 'odd' thing that I like is probably bats. I held a baby brown bat as a kid in a summer program, and instantly fell in love. So cute!!! So soft and fuzzy!


Favorite first sign of Spring? Probably the weather getting warmer. Wildflowers.


Think Geek plush microbes? I saw those ages back, and still think they're the cutest darn things. Lovely geeky fun. Saw some in a store in NC recently, and was amused that the virus I had just battled (Mononucleosis) was actually CUTE. I adore plush unusual things.


Naughty items? I'm single, so that must be factored in. And I'm living with my somewhat traditional parents. But things such as funny edibles and small items are okay!


Ren Faire / Conventions - I go to the Tampa Bay Area Faire every year! I've been attending for at least 10 years, and I almost always go in costume, choosing either the more tomboyish piratey look or the fancy black crushed velvet and lace dress depending on the weather. More accurately, on the projected heat of the day. LOL Count on warm days and a bit of rain! I used to go to geek cons (Trek, misc geekery, Buffy) back in the day, but haven't been lured in the last few years.


Secondhand Stuff? Loves it. Absolutely. I'm a thrift-shop kinda girl. I love recycling / upcycling, as well, and that absolutely includes books, dvds, anything gently used! I like unique, and most secondhand stuff is unique, or cheap enough that I can alter it to make it unique without feeling too badly.


Accessories for electronics? I'm always looking for silicone cases for my iPod nano (generation 3).


Pet Stuff? My little boy is seriously fluffy, so no collars. LOL Treats are ok. He loves balls and rubber toys, though.


Mix cd? Yeah, sure!!! If my Witch is well-versed in Googlefu, my Myspace should show my true musical tastes well.


I play a little Vampire Wars on Facebook, have gone back to Neopets, nd just started on PetPet Park, and about once a month I bust out The Sims 2.


I know someone said something about anatomical hearts earlier? Love. Absolutely love. I'm a makeup artist with a horror bent and a medical backround. I've been looking for a heart-mold for jello or whatever for years! I find lots of brains, but no hearts.


Favourite candy - I love unusual combinations! Lavender? Bacon? Bring it on! Dark chocolate. Not big on maple, coconut, salted licorice, or nuts other than peanuts or almonds, though.


Kitchen Gadgetry - Ooh, cooking toys!


Mardi Gras - Nah, we do Gasparilla down here in Tampa. It's a bit earlier - similar execution, but Pirate-themed.


Would you like new nail polish? If so, what colors are you craving? I've gone through phases of cremes, shimmers, glitters - I like them all. I like striking colors on my pale skin - dark or bright, or super-light. Green, blue, purple, black, greys (as long as it's not purple-y). Been looking for a black with red glitter for ages!


Do you like incense and/or scented candles, and are you able to burn them in your home? I love both! I like non-traditional scents, though. Very few florals and sweet scents stay in my possession very long!


Boxes? For Bpal (bottles and/or imps) or otherwise. Yay, boxes! It's the Capricorn in me - I love organization. I have two cheapie ones from Michael's, but they're unpainted. I would welcome stickers, decals, fun bits and paint, stencils - anything to help! I may be a makeup artist, but I'll be damned if I can draw worth crap!


What about UNTOUCHED make-up samples or any other type of girly-sample thing? Loves it. I'm a makeup artist by trade, but I am always open to try new things, and new brands. Prob. not Clinique stuff, though, unless it's the DDMGel as I go through it like water. I used to work for them, and have tried everything that they offer. I'm looking mainly for things I haven't tried yet!


Natural sea sponge? Well, I live in Tarpon Springs, where they bring up a LOT of that stuff. So, no thanks!


Paintbox Soaps? Oh, my goodness!! I really liked the Beet one, and the minty one last round! Etsy wishlist updated!


Would you like some of my favourite recipes? Cooking is another art form to me, so yes! I'm doing a new eating plan, so I'm looking mostly for ones involving spinach, broccoli, kale, brussel sprouts and collard greens! Nothing too salty, please! Anthing involving meat is good, too!


Posters, pictures, art? Oooh. I love posters, and Surrealist pieces. I LOVE handmade art.


Salted caramels? Are you people trying to kill me by electrocution?! I keep drooling on my keyboard! Those are a serious guilty pleasure.


Imagine that someone hands you their wallet and sends you into a really good bakery. They have everything, from breads to brownies, cookies to croissants, anything you could imagine, and you're allowed to pick out five things for yourself. What do you pick? After I wake up from fainting?


Good, crusty sourdough bread.

Whatever cookie is their specialty.


Gooey brownie with choc chunks and no nuts

That rosemary bread sounds tasty.... anyone got some good olive oil and maybe a few chunks of rich cheese? I'm thinking alfresco lunch at the park.


Sockdreams? Where has this been all my life, and how did I not know about it?! I not only love funderwear(quite a lot, really), I love socks! A lot of those OTKs look amazing! I love rainbow socks, toe socks, and tights!!! I've got the red and purple BPTP socks, and I loves them!


Coffee, hot chocolate, or tea? I'll echo whomever just said 'YES!' I have a bean grinder, so coffee is cool. Hot chocolate is one of the best things on the planet. And tea.... I can live on tea. I'm not into most black or jasmine, though. Green, white, red, oolong, etc. Stash rocks, and so does Choice. I'm having a love affair with mint teas, lately.


Do you like alcoholic beverages? If so, what is your preference (beer, wine, liquor...)? Again, YES! I'm a rum girl at heart, but I'll try near anything. I've been dying to try absinthe (and I love anise). I discovered last week I like coffee tequila.... I love my fav bartenders and their tendancy to just plop shots in front of regulars!! I love a good strong beer, no water-tasting crap. Wine-wise, I usually like fruity. Oooooh, mead!! I almost forgot mead. I only get it once a year @ the Faire, and I love it.


Steampunk? Don't have any steampunky stuff yet, but I adore this stuff!!


Would you like or accept an energetically-charged item or gift? Something that had power poured into it? If so, do you have a particular purpose that you'd prefer? (Love, protection, money, etc.) To answer my own question - yes, and I'd like any/all of the above!


And, I think I found an answer to the 'Unobtainable' question - a small and quiet air compressor for an airbrush gun. I need to learn it for future work, and I have a great gun, but I don't have a compressor, and they're usually pretty expensive.


Villainess update? I haven't tried any of their stuff, yet, but I'm always open to new 'smelly toys', as it were. Oh, wait, I think I did get a sniifle of Chloroform once. That's definitely yum.


Burlesque: Haven't been to a show yet, but it sounds like fun.... and is damn sexy!!


Does EVERYONE here sleep in the nude??? Seems to be, yeah. On the occasion I need a nightie or boxers/tee (people sleeping over, or I'm not in my own bed), I prefer black or red... which I prefer as my colors to wear, anyway! Sleeping nekkid, there's less to get tangled up in! And I'm in FL, dangit - you try sleeping in 90 degree heat at Midnight with clothes on! It's practical - drive up the electric bill, or wear less clothes!


Favorite flowers? I have a rose bush outside my window. If only it weren't fuschia-pink, I'd be like pie - sweet and dandy. LOL I honestly prefer red roses, or white. If someone's going to make a statement, then make a dramatic one, dangit! And those colors go with everything I have! LOL Otherwise, I adore daisies. Just regular white daisies. Cute and simple, very unlike me, but they bring a smile to my face!


Are you opposed to vegan baked goods? Or baked goods in general? Mmmmmm.....nummy. Actually, one of my favorite cakes I've ever had was vegan. One of my best girls was vegan for many years (isn't now because of health issues), and we hated to make her feel left out, so we made a lot of vegan yummies for our group outings, and get-togethers. The only thing I'm averse to is nuts.


For those that have dogs, if I were to knit them a sweater, what colour would you like it to be? Oh, my lord, he's got one already! Shelties just can't help it! LOL Poor fluffy kid. He's so purdy he's always being mistaken for a girl!


Hair Stuff? Hair's colored dark brown right now, with swoopy side bangs and lots of layers, so little barettes are cool. Non-metal headbands are awesome (the little ends hurt my head on the metal ones).


Eye color: Blue, except when they're not. I wear clear contacts much of the time, and green (about the backround shade of the Autumn skin) other times. And then sometimes it's my plastic Doctor/Ten glasses. (I don't think I picked them to coincide with his on purpose, but with my brain, I'm never sure how what I'm into at the time trickles down into my style!)


Lip balm: Yay or nay? If yay, what are your favorite kinds (brands, consistency, whatever)? Love it! I always have at least one tube on me at any given time! Though, I just ordered 4 from Elladean on Etsy (They're fab, btw.), so I think I'm set for a bit. But if my dear Witch has a brand she thinks I *must* try, I wouldn't say no! LOL I have a gloss (and lipstick, too) addiction, but that's allowed, considering I have to try things out for work.... yeah, that's the ticket, try 'em out for work! It's research! Eh, who am I kidding? LOL I'm an addict.


Home-canned goods? Sure, but I'm not a big fan of pickled anything. Ehh. Jams and jellies are cool!


Frankenpolish? Hee, fun! I think my one thing that I don't have, but would scream 'me' would be (predictably) red and black glitter. Not red glitter in black base, as has been done by many a maker, but a clear or red base with separate red and black glitters would be the shit.


Keys? I adore keys! I'm definitely a lover of key lore - I have little brass charms, and a big skeleton key I wear as part of a necklace. I'm always open to new doors, so to speak! (Too many puns tonight? LOL)


Severed Finger? Actually, I have one of those already.... it was from my former teacher's yard. No, really! It's plaster/ultracal and was a very detailed (like fingernail ridges and knuckle folds detailed!) mold off someone's hand.... one of the fingers broke off, and he gave it to me. LOL Yep, he's just as twisted as I am! You have to be to go into all that casting and molding, not to mention the gore work! The finger currently is part of my Halloween setup.


Tiny things? Sometimes. I'm trying to not collect too many tchotchkies, though. Tiny gargoyles and bats? Definitely.


How do you feel about handmade stuffed animals? Cute, sweet, and definitely yes! While not handmade, my Uglydoll (a black Icebat) certainly looks that way, and I adore him!


Are there any accessories you'd really like? (Keychains, little purses, etc.) I've been searching for a vintage (or vintage-looking) or distressed small messenger bag, like an old Coach bag. Any color, but preferably leather. Cross-body strap would be ideal.


What are your favorite animals? As I said, I have a thing for bats. Due to my mom, I like moose and black bears, as well - she decorated our place in the NC mountains to them! LOL But really any cute and cuddly gets my vote!


Is there anything you've had to give up that you really miss or want back? Maybe something a witch could help out with? I'll echo another poster - my clove cigs. I really miss 'em, and I smoke them so rarely that it took me usually over 2 weeks to get through a pack. Now I can only order them by the carton from Indonesia - I can just see the reaction of my family of that package coming to the door! I've been wanting them lately, and regular cigs are not the same. Nor are Black & Milds. I miss my Black kreteks!

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