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Valentines SW Questions

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Are you opposed to vegan baked goods? Or baked goods in general? Not all. I'm a sucker for a baked good.


What's your favourite flower? I love the look of lilies and the smell of lilacs (comes from living in Rochester, lilacs are part of our lives)


For those that have dogs, if I were to knit them a sweater, what colour would you like it to be? No dogs and the cats hate when you do stuff to them.


Lip balm: Yay or nay? If yay, what are your favorite kinds (brands, consistency, whatever)? The more all natural the better. Currently I've got a few tubes of the prarieland herb balms. I do prefer ones in stick form to the ones in pots because I hate getting my fingers dirty.



I custom mix nail polish, a process called 'frankening'. If you were my witch, would you enjoy a custom 'franken', based on whatever colors/theme you chose? I love nailpolish, I've been dying to try the bpal ones, but really I only ever wear it on my toes and I haven't even done that in months.


Since everyone is spending the same amount of money on this swap, would you be interested in seeing the cost breakdown of each item in your package? If my witch wants to do so, that's fine. I have no feelings on the matter.


Do you like keys? Love them. When in high school I had an old skeleton key that I wore on a chain around my neck.


Do you like guessing who your witch is, or would you prefer to know? Do you mind knowing? I suck at guessing, but I would like to know at the end for a proper thank you.


If it's going to be obvious who your witch is, would you rather she played the ninja and sent one big box at the end, or smaller packages along the way? See above, suck at guessing.


What color are your eyes? Brown.


If you had to choose a color for a nightie to sleep in what color would it be? Blue. Though lately I've been sleeping with pants, socks, shirt and hoodie. It's been cold.



Would you like or accept an energetically-charged item or gift? Something that had power poured into it? If so, do you have a particular purpose that you'd prefer? (Love, protection, money, etc.) SUre, no preference that I can think of.


Do you have any significant upcoming events in your life you'd like something for? A child/yourself graduating from high school/college? Are you buying a new home or car soon? Moving in with someone/getting married? Taking a new job? Moving to a new part of the country/world? My sister is getting married in July, I should be moving out in the spring, but that is about it.


Ooooh! BPAL's beloved alicia_stardust is having a contest! If you're my Witchee, would you like a chance to win these earrings? They are very pretty.


How are we feeling about burlesque? Dunno. Never really thought about it.


Is there anything you're lusting after in the Villainess update? Torchsong definitely. Either smooch or soap, it takes me forever to get through the whipped.



What is everyone's take on Valentine's Day? I don't really feel one way about it or the other.


Do you like traditional Valentine's Day colors (red, pink, white, more?) ? I do.


A Favorite love poem? This is hard. Let me think. Probably Annabel Lee. I adore that poem. Also, Shakespeare's Sonnets. There's a CD of them being read by actors and I never remember the title or to buy it when I do. I wonder if I wrote it down somewhere. Ah ha! I'm pretty sure it's "From Shakespeare with Love" or "When Love Speaks" we listened to one in class back in 2005 (I loved that class it was about deconstructing gender with cross-dressing in Elizabethan Literature). One has Alan Rickman, the other David Tennant. I really can't remember which one it was. Sorry.


What's everyone's favorite semi-obscure (or underappreciated!) animal?


What is your favorite sign that spring is coming? The smell of mud.


Do you like hand-knit Things? I do.


For those of you with pets, would you like pet things? Toys, treats, etc? They can have treats, but they have two cabinents worth of toys and make toys out of everything.


What's your favorite Love Story? I like the love stories where it isn't spontaneous love at first sight stuff. I like the oens where people who have known each other for a while discover new feelings or where two people love each other even though they shouldn't and it often doesn't work.


Would anyone like receiving naughty/sexy things? Not particularly. I have quite a collection.


Who on the thread likes attending Ren Faires, SciFi/Comic Cons & the like? And do you dress up for them? I attend the Sterling Ren Faire every now and then but never dress up.


Do you need any accessories for your phone, computer, mp3 player, etc.? Not that I can think of.


What are your feelings on gently used CDs/DVDs? Don't mind them at all. I buy all my cds used.


First five songs on the "Top 25 Most Played" list on iPod. Now, this is kinda warped because I've been rereading the TWOP recaps of Doctor Who so I've had the soundtracks on in the background.


Doctor Who, television series score~Song For Ten

Doctor Who, television series score~Doomsday

Doctor Who, television series score~Abide with Me

Doctor Who, television series score~The Face Of Boe

Doctor Who, television series score-This is Gallifrey: Our Childhood, Our Home



Would you like a mix cd from your witch? Would love one.


Are you interested in receiving gifts representative of Witch's country or culture? Sure!


Do you like candy? What kinds? Anything with caramel, nuts or chocolate and I'm a happy girl.


Do you play WoW? Nope.


Would you like one of those Plush Microbes? I find them very cute, just never could decide which one I like best. I've been leaning towards gangrene and Herpes really has no right to be so adorable as a plush.


What are your feelings on Mardi Gras? I tend to forget about it unless someone mentions it to me.


Would you like homemade sewn stuff? Any fabrics to avoid? I don't like the feel of velour, or anything scratchy, but that is about it.


Do you need any kitchen-related gadgetry? I'm awful at this. I know there are things I just can't think of them. I'll come back if I think of it.


Would you like new nail polish?


Do you like incense and/or scented candles, and are you able to burn them in your home? If so, what kinds of scents do you like? I do. I'm not particularly foodie with candles. I can't stand chocolate or cookie scented candles. Fruits are good, as are aquatics or spices or even just vanilla. My two current favorites are Halloween Night and Tamboti Safari by Partylite.


Boxes? For Bpal (bottles and/or imps) or otherwise Yes, the more storage the better.


Would you use a natural sea sponge? Probably not. Not a fan of sponges.


Are you interested in bacon chocolate? No.


Coffee, hot chocolate, or tea? Coffee or Hot Chocolate. I keep trying tea but am convinced that I can't do it right so if there is a tea for idiots kit that could be awesome.


Would you like some of my favorite recipes? I love recipes.


Would you like posters, pictures, art? Would love it.


Would you like soaps? Especially from Paintbox? And ESPECIALLY the Valentines Special Edition Soaps?? I just love soap.


New question--I'm calling this "could never happen in a million years":

Your Witch is perusing the wares at a local yard sale. S/he looks down and sees [insert impossibly rare item that you've always wanted but could never afford] with a $5-10 sticker on it. Sheepishly s/he takes it to the guy behind the folding table. "Do you know what this is?" s/he inquires. The gentleman states that it belonged to his mother/sister/grandmother/Great Aunt Beulah and he thinks it's for, like, hair or something. With a trembling hand, s/hes pays the man and heads home with the inconceivable riches.

So, what is this unobtainable miracle your Witch found? It would probably be a very old copy of a book. Doesn't really matter which one, but probably a classic or something. I have a 1930s Nancy Drew and a 1930s complete works of Shakespeare that I adore.


Do you like salted caramels? Never tried them.


Imagine that someone hands you their wallet and sends you into a really good bakery. They have everything, from breads to brownies, cookies to croissants, anything you could imagine, and you're allowed to pick out five things for yourself. What do you pick? Donuts, Orange Danish, a slice of cake, a slice of pie and then something completely random,


It gets asked every round but sockdreams? Love socks, though toe socks and I currently are on the outs.


Do you like alcoholic beverages? If so, what is your preference (beer, wine, liquor...)? Don't drink.


Are you into steampunk? A little.

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