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Work? (Smirk.)

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Given that her attention span is normally comparable to that of a fruit fly on a normal day, Snarky's ability to maintain "workplace workface" today has been a hopelessly lost battle from the get-go.


Not only is her heart and mind still racing through MoveIntoTheHouse scenarios, but their contractor is currently tearing up the subfloor in the main bathroom right now, with no way of being finished until the ordered flooring (Asian Tiger! Rawr!) gets in tomorrow at the earliest.


And tonight is The Great Cat Migration '06. The Snarks' furbabies do not take to their carriers very well. At all. EVER. They could be going to the land of catnip and cheeses and still with the yeowling and bloody murder.


Before TGCM'06 comes The Death Defying Cat Wrangling of Ought Six. Snarky only hopes that they have managed to leave one polypro jacket unpacked in which she can suit up in order to protect her fragile, extremely claw-able hand/arm/chest/neck skin. She has had to have medical attention applied to her body in the past. At the vet's office. Cat Wrangling is that violent, swift, and gory.


Tomorrow is the Official Day of Moving, though the Snarks have been schlepping bits and pieces of their lives over to the house for the last two weeks. Last night Snarky did their first quarterless load of laundry in their very own, new washer and dryer! They also have a shiny new fridge! The Snarks are a bit disconcerted by the new appliance smell coming off of said fridge, but they are confident that a few trips to the Safeway will eliminate the problem.


One more hour left before the bloodletting fun begins. Snarky suspects she will be radio silent after tomorrow morning possibly through Monday. The Cable Guy is supposed to be hooking the Snarks up Saturday morning (between the hours of 10 and 12, of course). Even if all goes well, Snarky might opt for the more alluring prospect of blissful unconsciousness Sunday rather than playing catchup. If Snarky gets too caught up tomorrow, she wishes all of y'all a wonderful weekend in advance.

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Hooray New Appliances! :wub2:


You do know about the Picking Up the Cat trick, don't you? You have to grab them right at the shoulderblades, at the nape of the neck where it's really fleshy. Like when the mama cat carries the kittens around. I was told there's a nerve there that when clomped like that calms them so they hang limp and you can get them in the carrier. I don't tote the cats around the house like that on a daily basis, but once we get them cornered you just do a reach-and-grab, and carry them to the carrier, lower them in and you're done. No bloodshed!

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Like... like Mister Spock!?! AWESOME!!!


One of the cats (Junebug) almost walks in to the carrier on her own. It's the other one (Xena) that hides and fights. Last night? She peed on Snarky. Cat piss! ;)


But they're in the house now adjusting. :wub2: (And, bonus: no blood was shed.)

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Yeah, like Mr. Spock! ;) It sounds like one cat of yours is cooperative -- both of our cats act like they're being condemned, but me doing "the thing with the thing" (DH's term, he won't try to pick them up like that) seems to cut down on their "torture."


Hey cats, how about getting a job and working for a living? Yeah, I thought so :ack:

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Yeah, why is that that the wimmen folk always get to be the Bad Lady who does the Horrible Things with the Things? Xena hid from Snarky for a good two days before finally allowing a belly rub. Then when the house was invaded by the guys who helped to move the monstrosity of an elliptical machine into the "exercise room", she hid in the closet for another day.


Snarky swears during those days she was glaring at her all "YOU did this to me!"

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