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Fingers crossed

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Today Greg (my DH) has a job interview. He's probably being interviewed right now as I type this. Please, please let them make him an offer. He's been out of work since November, and our cash flow situation is not good.


This company told him they were in a "hiring frenzy," so I feel I have reason to be hopeful. If he doesn't get this job, he's probably going to have to look for a job -- any old job, purely to bring in some income -- outside his field (he's in a very competitive field), and that will crush his ego.


I'm tired of worrying about money and health care (we are currently paying $1,000 per month to COBRA). I just want things to be settled.


If he can't get a job here in Chicago, he'd like to try his luck in California, which is a much better market for his kind of work. I don't know, though. I've never been to California. Heck, I'm such a sheltered Midwesterner, I've never been west of Iowa. He's also up for a job in Seattle. I think I might prefer Seattle to L.A., if I had to move, but it's hard to say since I haven't been to either place.


Have any of you ever moved across the country for someone else? If so, was it a good choice or a bad one?

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I haven't done it myself, but I know plenty of people who have. It seems to be a bad choice when 1) the person left school to do it and 2) they didn't like where they ended up when they broke up with the person.


LA has some problems (it can be expensive) but I do love this town. There are areas here which are simply divine.

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I moved from NC to OR for The Mister's job, which he is quickly growing to hate. But we love it out here. So it's a mixed bag for now until we can get our vocations to match our avocations in enjoyment.


My best friend's husband moved from CA to NC to be with her, unsure of where they stood (she had just left her first husband at the time) and how they were going to turn out. They are now planning to move back to CA together... so it did work out in this case, though they both had to go through quite a bit to get there.

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I'm sending good-luck vibes! I hope you get good news.


We've done the cross-country move a couple of times, once from Southern California to Ohio (where DH is from) and then to Texas for DH's job. The first move I was excited about because I already liked the area when we visited. The second move I wasn't happy about at first, because I really liked my job, but I ended up finding something better here. I haven't regretted either big move.


I think you have the right attitude already, in that a different area like Seattle appeals to you. If this becomes more of a possibility, read about the different neighborhoods online or buy a travel guide. I liked the Marmac guide we bought for Dallas, because it had lots of info for new residents as well as touristy stuff.

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First of all, I'm sending my wishes that the hiring frenzy spilled over on your DH and he'll get the job. With the stress of losing your mom, I'm hoping you don't have to deal with the stress of moving.


That said, I have always wanted to move, but I'm seemingly always hooked up with someone who doesn't want to move. During my first marriage, I almost moved to Portland (home of the darkity!) because I had a job offer, but I decided(correctly) that the relationship wasn't going well enough and I didn't want to be going through a divorce in a new city. However, I regret not being in Portland a lot. I also did some long-distance job-hunting in the Seattle area, and if had to pick, I'd go there. If your DH gets a job in CA, look at it this way, you could go to the BPAL Lab when they have their will-calls! (Is this the sign of a junkie, or what?)


But the place where I most want to move is Austin, Texas. I visited that city and fell in love with it. I had no idea that it would grab me the way it did, but that's always what happens when you fall in love. But for now, I'm in that other capital city that's 3 states north of Texas...


Very best of luck to you guys :wub2: keep us posted!

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I know this is a late reply, But I have moved from Kentucky to California, then California to Missouri, and every move has been a cool experience. Don't be afraid of trying someplace new. It takes a little while to build up a new group of friends but in the end, every place is different and exciting in it's own way, and I think there's a lot to be said for occationally picking yourself up and starting fresh. It's fun.

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