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February Shot Gun 2010 SW help

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Girly things? Makeup samples are welcome. :) i don't really need moisturizer/soap samples.


coffe/tea/hotchocolate? coffee, coffee, coffee. Then hot cocoa. And at a distant third is tea (and I tend to like strong teas - darjeeling and chai in particularly)


recipes? Sure, why not?


art: I love art, though I do tend to be picky. If you yourself is an artist, then I would love it to death as I love original art. If you're thinking of buying me something, you're better off going with something small. I love old book plates and things from natural science books.


Do you like alcoholic beverages? If so, what is your preference (beer, wine, liquor...)? And finally, is it legal to ship alcohol to your state?

I love classic cocktails, so any booze is welcome. :) I also like to try random things, so any kind of interesting, off the wall liqueur would also be very welcome. I am a huge wine drinker too. Wow, I sound like an alcoholic. I don't know what the legality if of shipping here, though I have ordered wine before and it has shipped here fine.


Imagine that someone hands you their wallet and sends you into a really good bakery. They have everything, from breads to brownies, cookies to croissants, anything you could imagine, and you're allowed to pick out five things for yourself. What do you pick?

(1) Pain au chocolat (preferably fresh from the oven - my taste memories of the first time I was in Paris and I was jetlagged so I got one fresh from the oven and ate it while I walked to the Eiffel Tower are vivid)

(2) Blondie

(3) Honey Spelt Bread

(4) Those crunchy, buttery pinwheel things (I'll try and find a picture)

(5) white chocolate macadamia nut cookies


Would you like soaps? Especially from Paintbox? And ESPECIALLY the Valentines Special Edition Soaps?? Could never turn them down!


Sockdreams?: I've never ordered from there, but they look lovely! I am not one for thigh highs or knee highs though.


Steampunk: I love the aesthetic, but I don't have anything that is steampunk.


Salty caramels? Chocolate bacon? Oh my! I'll try anything once.


Any big events coming up in your life? Nope!


Would you like or accept an energetically-charged item or gift? Something that had power poured into it? If so, do you have a particular purpose that you'd prefer? (Love, protection, money, etc.)?: As indicated on my questionnaire, I do not practice (nor have ever practiced) any kind of religion/spiritual faith. While I find all religions and beliefs systems fascinating in an academic, anthropological kind of way, they aren't really for me.


Villianess update?: I've only tried their perfumes, but they slide right off of my skin. I am always willing to be enabled though!!


How are we feeling about Burlesque? I LOVE burlesque as an art form. I saw "A Burlesque Christmas Carol" this year - not a particularly artful burlesque, but interesting nevertheless. I'm more interested in the art/history/fashion of it than practicing it myself.


Win some earrings from alicia_stardust? They are beautiful, but copper is not a good metals for my ears. They tend to be a little sensitive to low grade metals.



Do I want my witch to reveal? I hope so! I would like to know in the end.


Do I want a lot of little packages or one big one? Whatever she wants. :) Everyone has a different style. I believe I will be witched eventually!


Keys? They are really cool, but I'm not sure I'd know what to do with one. I'm not a collector, so ... seems more like something I would admire rather wish to acquire.


favorite flowers: Gerbera daisies.


Sleepytime? : I wear oversize t-shirts and shorts/pants.


Frankenpolish?: sure, why not?


vegan baked goods: ... would be greatly appreciated by the BF since he's lactose intolerant (bordering on totally allergic to all dairy - like, he can't even have butter) and I don't mind.


Dog sweater? I have no pups, and I'm pretty sure the kittehs would destroy any kind of sweatery goodness.


Lipbalm: I tend to use lip gloss or some kind of medicated balm when my lips get chapped. Nothing super fun, I'm afraid.


fictional universe: Mmm, His Dark Materials is a good one. I want to ride one of the bears!! (Though The Subtle Knife is my favorite of the three books)


The final frontier?: I am a total ST: Voyager fangrrl. There, I said it. I like TNG, but Voyager was the only one I was every really, really into. I DVR the repeats on Spike. I need to buy the DVDs.


astronomy? Not so much - it has never really been my thing.


HP House? Gryffindor! And my patronus would probably be something like a mountain lion.


What have I lost that I can never get back? I had this fabulous little cream colored shell that I got at the HUGE H&M in Stockholm. It was cheap (maybe $12.00 US?) but it looked good with dressy clothes. I have no idea where it went to, and I curse the day I lost it.


Have I bought anything? My dear witch, I haven't bought anything but I have been trading on the V-Day thread. I am sorry. :) BAD ELLEBELLE.


canned/jarred goods? Nommy, nom nom nom nom! But I'm not into berries.


Whew, okay let's see if I got all of this ...


Nail polish - I don't really wear it very much, sadly. If you're going to go that way, I like deep sparkling reds.


natural sea sponge - no thanks!


BPAL boxes - I am desperately in need of an other bpal box. Also, I need a portable imp case or something so I can carry them in my purse.


incense/scented candles - not so big on the incense. Candles are fine, though the BF and I currently have an overabundance of them. If you go that way, no too many and I tend towards foody and/or citrus scents.


WoW - can't say I've ever played.


amazing yard sale/garage sale find -

(1) I collect antique (pre-1900) bottles, so any one that is RED would be totally amazing (they are very rare because the red coloration was made with gold)

(2) An antique box - I love the old cashboxes that were popular in colonical India/Africa.


Turkish Delight:You know, I don't think I've ever tried it. And my rule is that I'll try anything once!


Mardi Gras: I've never lived anywhere that it is truly celebrated. My best friend lived in New Orleans for two years, and never did get down there to see her during Mardi Gras - too expensive. The photos look like she had a good time!


Mix CDs? I love making and receiving mix CDs more than I could ever say.


Some of my friends and I have group mix CDs where we are each allowed to pick 9 minutes of music on a theme. It has led to some weird, but wonderful, mixes!


Candy? The BF thinks it is disgusting, but I love those night-crawler jelly worm things. They are so artificially delicious! And, of course, chocolate in any form.


What are the first five songs on the "Top 25 Most Played" list on your ipod?

Heh, get ready for this:


Before He Cheats - Carrie Underwood

Jet Black Ash - Bain Mattox

All The Girls Love Alive - Sir Elton (yes, I like him, so sue me)

Green River - M. Ward

Save and Horse, Ride a Cowboy - Big and Rich

My Light, Maria - Pale Young Gentlemen

Possum Kingdom - The Toadies

Bullet With Butterfly Wings - Smashing Pumpkins

Murray - Pete Yorn

Apple of my Eye - Ed Harcourt

Movin' Out - Billy Joel

Can't Stand Losing You - The Police

Swim - Ani Difranco

Western States (demo) - Jay Mankind

In Love With A Girl - Gavin DeGraw

Red Flags and Long Nights - She Wants Revenge

I Hate Myself for Loving You - Joan Jett

Never Been to Spain - Three Dog Night

When I'm Down - Chris Cornell

I Know Where I've Been - Queen Latifah (from the Hairspray soundtrack)

Train - Sonya Kitchell

Feeling Good - Muse

Identity Theft - Nellie McKay

Everybody Loves Me - The 88

Gangsta Paradise - Coolio


So when I said my taste in music is eclectic on the Qaire, I meant it!!


If your witch was international, would you be interested in receiving gifts that were representative of her country or culture? Absolutely! Would love it.


Pet toys? The kittehs love their catnip, but don't eat cat-treats.


Naughty Things: As I said in the No-Baby Swap, I'm not so into the toys and games. But naughty BOOKS are fine.


Gently Used CDs/DVDs: Certainly! I often buy used for myself anyway since it is so much cheaper.


Favorite Love Story: Much Ado About Nothing is STILL my favorite Shakespearean play. I tend to like the romantic comedies where you know two people are perfect for each other but it takes them until the very end to admit it. (See also: While You Were Sleeping, French Kiss, Bridget Jones's Diary - three of my favorite mindless, I just want to relax and have a good time movies). My least favorite are when two people are perfect for each other and ridiculous obstacles come in the way of them being together. (See: every soap opera ever made.0


Gagetry!: I would love a cover for my ipod nano (I have the most recent version). Some of you crafty folks could probably easily even make one!! I'd love a laptop envelope also (Dell Latitutde D620). Otherwise, I have pretty much all of the accessories I need.


ComiCon/Ren Faires: I have never been, but if I went I am not the type to dress up. Actually, the closest I come to any of that are the Jazz Age events that are held here. I kind of dress up for those - I don't have the vintage clothes, but I have some in kind of a vintage-style and I wear my estate jewelry. EDIT: For those that are curious, you can search Michael Arenella and the Dreamland Orchestra - they put together the Lawn Parties, and you can see my series of photos from the event last summer here.


Oh, and my dear future witch: I believe I forgot to include on my Qaire that I am severely allergic to (I think) BPAL's cassia oil scent.


Hand knit: Absolutely! My mom is a huge knitter and she has made me several lovely things. She does mostly lace knitting now, so shawls and things. My cousin knitted me a wonderful soft had for Christmas. I loves the knitted goodies!


Love poem: Yeah, I'm not so big on those, apparently. Though my favorite poem is "The Wanderer", an old english poem. Google books has the translation I like:

http://books.google....r...;q=&f=false (scroll up to page 7 for the beginning)


Valentine's Colors: I particularly love deep, dark reds but I'm okay with pretty much all valentiens colors.


Hand-sewn?: I would love anything art-ed, sewn, or crafted by my witch. If you send me art, it will be lovingly framed and displayed in my home. If you send me clothing goods, they will be lovingly worn! I love it all.


Microbes: My friend works in a genetics lab and her fiance got her the microbes one year for her birthday. My favorite is the mad cow - because it's cow patterned!!! But I probably don't need any for me.


Favorite sign of spring - days getting longer and cherry blossoms in bloom! I love the first day I can take a walk outside with just a light jacket.


Favorite obsure animal: I am fond of quokkas.

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