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Campus Visit, BPAL, The Omen etc.

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So tomorrow I go to visit the campus of my grad school. I have an apartment viewing at 11, advisor meeting at 1, and campus tour at 2. Logic would have dictated that the campus tour should've been scheduled first so I would know where to meet my advisor and see my apartment building but scheduling with this particular tour guide was kinda difficult, since he has stuff going on that day and wants to get home early to take care of his sick daughter. I am kinda excited and aprehensive at the same time.


Apartment Viewing: The campus made a deal with a hotel chain so it is renting out several floors to graduate and international students. Which means that although the apartment is technically off-campus, it very close (across the street) and high speed internet and cable is through campus. Whoo! Also, the price is amazing. It would cost $900-1000 in the area I live now to get either a crappy one bedroom in a sketchy area or a studio. I will be paying much, much, less. I am viewing the "master" bedroom. Rock. And the girl who I talked to who will potentially be my roomate sounded really nice. She's getting her master's in physical therapy, very cool.


Advisor meeting: I'm still kinda scared about this because I have images in my head of the worst case scenario which would be the advisor laughing at me and telling me I wasn't accepted after all. Argh. Though it probably will just involve reiterating the rules of the program (3.0GPA or above to graduate, no C's allowed), and picking out some classes for fall. Ah, it kinda feels good to be picking out classes and buying books again after (only) a year of working out in the "real world". I will miss my lovely steady paychecks and most of the people I work with. Also a friend once said to me, the best part about working vs. School is that after you come home from work, you're technically off the clock and there's no extra work like projects or studying to be done. Ahhhh, that *is* nice.


Campus Tour: Looking forward to this, the campus looked really nice on the website/brochure. I went to a fairly large college for undergrad and that took a lot of getting used to. I'm glad I'm going to a smaller place for grad.


I was going to make an order this month but I didn't really think Lotus Moon would work for me. I'm afraid of Soap!Lotus and Evil!Rose which happens to be one of the scents that my skin amps like crazy. Maybe next month? Is next month Hungry Ghost Moon? Either way, I want new smellies before I go away for fall!


Also, I was heartbroken when O turned to a sweet soapy concoction on my skin. Dammit, I wanted to smell like sex too! I left it for about 2 months and either I'm starting to get used to it, or it has morphed a little, but I don't find it so icky anymore. Death on a Pale Horse, despite the coolest name ever, was too masculine for me. I do love The Hamptons and Swank though. Man, I must smell like a lush!


Has anyone ever seen the Japanese trailer for The Omen? I did, and when the priest says "his coming has heralded the Apocalypse" or something similar the trailer goes through a montage of sorts of all these disasters. Fire, flood, etc. Anyways, I thought I saw a flash of, get this, two very tall buildings in a large city with smoke coming out of them. Yep, the Twin Towers. I thought I was seeing things, but then I rewound my downloaded trailer and yep, there they were. WTF?! Are we blaming 9/11 on Damien now?! Ugh. I was disgusted that they even brought it up in that way.

I saw another trailer today on TV and for a similar part, they showed a clip of the Asian tsunami. You know, that footage that's taken from the balcony of a hotel in Thailand and then this huge wave comes crashing into the patio/pool area. Again, ugh.


On a lighter note, I'm listening to the Firefly soundtrack. It makes me happy, especially theme song which I used to sing as "Take my love, take my land, something something cue the fiddle" :D Rawr, for Simon Tam.

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