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BPAL Madness!
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"You smell like pot...."

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I love the observations I get from others when I wear BPAL. Sometimes they are right on with what the intended feeling the scent is supposed to provoke, and other times... not so much.


Today I wore Thanatopsis to work. One of my coworkers, who I adore, as soon as I was smelling distance from her, she said, "you smell like pot". Not in a "ewwww!" kinda way, but in a "hey... got some to share?" kinda way. LOL Now, I've smelled pot burning, and it's no where close. So a bit later, so mentioned it again, so I got asked for other coworkers opinions. Hey, any excuse to thrust my wrist under the nose of an attractive male coworker!! :D He said "vanilla?" Not sure where he got that from. Another female declared "incensy". So we figured out that the first girl was associating it with the incense she burns to hide the smell of the pot!


Kelly, the same coworker, has observed that Roadhouse smells "like sex"... like parking down a country road. And Lust smells sexy, she's complimented me many times n that one.

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