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a trio of scents from my witch!

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i got witched!


i've known who my witch is for about a week, we've had some nice notes back and forth. she sent me her big packeage of goodies last week, then sent me on a treasure hunt to find her identity...




thank you so much for making my first switch with round so fun!


anyway, she told me she had one more little thing to send along and it should be here around this weekend. and it was.




a bottle of the snow storm, a decant of l'autunno & a sample of happy housewife's revel.


i love the snow storm, love it. i was down to my last bottle and a little bummed that it did not return for this yule season. but now, thanks to you, i have another whole bottle to tide me over. and i've always wanted to try l'autunno, i do love the apple scents. and i'm always curious to try other companies scents and see what i think.


thank you so much once again for spoiling me way more than i could have ever expected.

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