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Random Thought Part II

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Random Thoughts Part II



* I'm really excited for the Silent Hill movie to come out. Lately, the boy has been playing through 1, 3 and is on 2 so I can have a feel of the plot and atmosphere etc. I love it so far.


I am not playing because I've proven myself incompetent after getting killed by ZombieNurses, was ran off a rollercoaster track (and died), got myself stuck in a room with rotting walls (and died), and fell into an endless hole never to be seen again (ie: died) among other things. So after that I handed the controller to the bf. :yum: I still wish I could fill a bag with bacon/meat and thwap Bosses on the head with it, though. There must be something I could use em for besides distracting monsters.


The Whiney and Mopey Edition

*I think I'm going to a rough patch in my life. Actually I know I am. I am currently at a job I really like in my field except I hate one of my coworkers soooo much and it's a pretty small office so it's hard to ignore her. The pay is pretty bad, and the cost of living pay increase we got last year is not helping at all. Rent is sky-high in this area and if you wanna live in a place that you'd feel pretty safe in you'd have to give up an arm and a leg and perhaps your firstborn (you know, for the utilities :wub2: ) Basically, I wanna get the ^*&(* outta my parents house and the crazyness that usually forms between us. After being at college for four years and left to my own devices I've learned that distance does make the heart grow fonder.

--I'm applying to grad school and the stress of waiting/not knowing/expecting rejection is killing me.

--Sometimes I think my bf doesn't give a damn about me even though I know that's a crazy thought and it's not true.

I'm just feeling not confident about anything right now, and I'd like to be someone else for awhile.


If you've made it this far, thanks for being interested or bored enough. Here, have a cyber-:twisted: :P

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