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BPAL Madness!
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Snarky has lost her freaking mind.



Case and Point


This is the flooring she wants for her bathroom. The Mister wanted something more neutral, but this just spoke to her.


Maybe it's because the colorway is called "Asian Tiger". Snarky is just a complete sucker for names of colors that say nothing about the color. (Then again, The Mister's choice was something like "Picasso Splash" or somesuch.)


Send help. Preferrably in the form of beigy, calming tones.

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That reminds me of one of those weird 3-D paintings from the mid-90s.

You'll be peeing and be all like "holy crap, that's a sail boat!" :wub2:

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:wub2: Snarky knew that the Custo-loving Valentina would approve.


It will cover a very tiny space (the bathroom is no larger than 8'x6') and will share the room with a white tub and pedestal sink. The walls are currently a pale blue. Snarky is thinking of gunmetal gray.

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I meant to also say that it is quite pretty.

I think I am turning into one of those folks who speak too soon and too much and still never manage to convey the original intent.


I meant...pretty ....AND hypnotizing!




Magic Eye! Oh dear... that was not Snarky's intention... however, hm... verrry interesting...

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I meant to also say that it is quite pretty.

I think I am turning into one of those folks who speak too soon and too much and still never manage to convey the original intent.


I meant...pretty ....AND hypnotizing!


Hee hee. Snarky took your original comment as a compliment, so this is icing on the (psychedelic) cake!


Snarky has a slightly different problem. Lately she finds when she speaks that she carries her tangential parenthetic internal dialogue (you know, like this) into conversation. Unless the audience is slightly ADHD and/or similarly wired, it makes for a very confusing ride.

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