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BPAL Madness!
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SW redux

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*Could you use a 'travel' imp case? How many should it hold? I have one, but I could use another. It only needs to hold about 6 imps. I'm crazy about little containers in general....


*As a witchee, would you prefer to have many little packages sent to you throughout the round with a not-so-big final package or fewer things throughout the round with one HUGE final package to seal the sweetness? I'm fine with whatever works for my witch.


*What is your idea of the perfect evening at home? After a good dinner with the BF, a good book, and me curled up on the couch with Toby, my dog, sleeping on the back of the sofa. With a good beer.



*How often do you update your wishlist? - Not as often as I should. As of this date, my dear witch, I have not updated them, and my BPAL wishlist in particular is out of date. I will do it in the next couple of days.


*May I help you fill out your costuming wardrobe (assuming you costume)? Are there articles you are seeking to enhance your a) Halloween costume, Renfest attire, c) Cosplay, d) Steampunk accouterment? Hmm...I don't really costume, but somehow all of this just really intrigues me....so small costumey stuff would be fun, probably in terms of steampunk or renfest....just small period touches to add to regular outfits.


*Who are your favorite artists/illustrators/art periods? - I love folk art, esp. Haitian, African, Mexican and Native American. I love artists with a folk art feel. Some of my favorites are Thalia Took, Susan Seddon Boulet, Diana Bryer, Franz Marc, hmm...and others....I enjoy goddess art and animals, esp. if they have that folk art look. I don't like realist art.


*Do you mind receiving used (in good condition, of course) CDs or DVDs? (I know this question was on the questionnaire about books, but I didn't see one for DVDs or CDs.) - Used CDs and DVDs are great!


*what's your stance on cranberries? -


*Do you have a crush on anyone famous? Do you have a crush on any literary characters? Would you like fanfiction or fan art based on this/these people? - I'm not crazy about fanfic/fan art.


*You're at home, or out, and you want a snack. Something that will get you through to the next meal, or through to the end of school or what ever. What do you grab? - Nuts or cheese....something low carb. Even before my need to go low carb, I prefered salty snacks.

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