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Random drunken thoughts

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--I placed an order today; I got bottles of Litha and Obatala. I ordered only 2 because of the extra April Fool's bottle I ordered -- it's complicated. Basically I limit myself to 3 bottles or about $50/month, and if I go over in one month I try to make it up the next month. Oh, never mind, it's stupid :D


--Happy Mother's Day to pet moms too! The blog of valentina, she posted her puppy pics and I know DH has our cat pics posted somewhere but I'm an intarweb doofus and don't know how to access them. We have 2 cats, Cookie and Shadow, who are very sweet and very shy. We've had them over 11 years, since they were 8 weeks old.


--One funny Mother's Day story: we were living in Cincinnati and were in some shopping area north of the city on one Mother's Day, maybe 1997. Of course every restaurant was packed and we espied a Kenny Rogers Roasters. We had never eaten there, but had always made jokes, like "Is the piped-in music all Kenny?" and "Do all the workers have to wear fake white beards?" Yes, we crack ourselves up. Anyway, we ended up eating our words as everything was seriously good -- the chicken, the sides, it was like the Seinfeld episode where everyone was addicted like crack. We were moaning at the table, it was some good eatin'.

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:wub2: about the Kenny Rogers restaurant story! You got a good laugh and then good food, so that was a great ending!


I'm mulling over an order that I am itching to make... I told myself I'd hold off after having 3 outstanding orders at one time! But not having an order out there just makes things seem a little empty, ya know? :wub2:

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I understand the order temptation -- after I received Monster Panties I had zero outstanding orders! :wub2: I felt naked without a pending order. Now I'm waiting, and all is right with the world.

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