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Some other train whistle fans here, I see!


I thought of some other sounds I like: sleigh bells, owl hoots and frogs.


Are you interested in things like home remedies for ailments, cleaning solutions, etc.?

I love home remedies! I already use some but would be happy to learn about new ones.


What is your favourite historical period?

1920s, turn of the century/Victorian, 1800s, Renaissance


Did you order anything from the most recent update?

I'm in a decant circle for Cake Smash and Pumpkin Pie bath oil.


What kinda socks are you wearing tonight?

I'm not wearing socks, it's too warm. :cry2: When is summer over? I can haz fall plz?


Super power?I'm torn between invisibility (so as to take stealth photos), teleporting (though it might be hard to explain), and controlling the weather.


Restaurant.com question...I'm not actually familiar with that site. I'll go take a look here...Hmmm. Don't see much in the way of restaurants I already eat at...Africana sounds interesting, but other than that, I don't see anything I would go to. How does this site work/how is it you can get a $10 GC for $4??


What BPAL scent have you never tried but always wanted to? What scent have you tried and LOVED, and haven't been able to get more of and why?

Bonfire Night. I haven't really tried very hard to get it, but I think it's pretty rare. ETA: Ok...I had just pulled that off my wishlist but...I just realized I HAVE a decant of Bonfire Night! Someone frimped me and I forgot to take it off the list! I haven't even tested it yet. I think this is a case of Too Much BPAL...I can't even keep track of what I do have!

So to answer the question differently, I guess the scent I've always wanted to try would be...Skadi, or Dark Chocolate and Cherry, which I somehow managed to completely miss-must have been when I was in the middle of moving..


I loved Snow Moon-an unexpected frimp-and since then have tried to get more of it, but it seems kind of scarce. Had success recently and got another decant, but I would still love more and maybe even a partial bottle (hey, I can dream...)



Of course, we're all going to be grateful no matter what our witches give us, but for the record, what is your anti-present? Tell us something that you think your future witch might give you that you absolutely, unequivocally DO. NOT. WANT.

Oh, I don't know...Sometimes in swaps people send me really junky candy like pixy stix, jolly rancher...bright fruity things. Those go to waste since I do not eat them. But it's not a big deal.

I don't want alcohol based perfumes, since they tend to be too strong for me and give me headache. Sadly, this seems to include the BPTP room sprays. I tried many of them and couldn't understand why I was repelled by the smell. Then I found out they do have alcohol in them. So I don't think I can take a chance on any more of those. :huh?:


I LOVE Alan Rickman. It's all about the VOICE.



wrapping: I do appreciate things that are decoratively wrapped, but I also worry about waste. If I get wrapping I try to reuse it. If they are in those little mesh bags then I can reuse those for imps, etc.


what are your favorite non-perfume smells? day in the life stuff?

hmm. Onions and garlic sauteeing in olive oil. Freshly cut leeks. bread baking. lilac blossoms. Christmas trees. Snow. brand new kittens. Campfire smoke. dried eucalyptus leaves. darkroom chemicals. Hot popcorn. fresh ground coffee.

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