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BPAL Madness!
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Has it been a month since I wrote anything here? Sheesh. I thought it had been maybe a couple of weeks.


I would really like to start writing more in this blog because I don't have any RL friends who are into BPAL, except my husband. My LJ journal is mostly just full of entries that have a company's name in the title and then a list of all their products I've tried and whether or not I liked them. I suppose it's not helpful to anyone but me.


And I don't want to be all over the place making all kinds of posts everywhere about every BPAL oil I try because I don't want to be a pest. Plus, it seems like it's very easy to irritate people on the Internet, so I'm cautious about that. (If someone heard me talking it would sound different from the way text looks.) People tell me that I have an extremely expressive face, and I also gesture with my hands a lot, and all of that gets lost when I type.


So I guess I'll just post here. It seems pretty unobtrusive. And I'm pretty sure no one is reading this anyway.

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I'm reading! Go ahead and post about BPAL or the great/sucky day you just had. That's what I do, and we'll irritate the internets together.

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