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BPAL Madness!
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I'm as giddy as a schoolgirl with this update. This was the first one in almost 2 years where I was actually online and then noticed Beth's announcement. It was exciting! Like a rollercoaster, woo! *bounces in chair*


The Salon scents that sound great are And There Was a Great Cry in Egypt and Death of Sarandapal. Both have honey, which due to my love of O are tempting. Plus Litha sounds nice, but it sounds like something with the specific goal of annoying my allergies with all those plants :D So I'm on the fence, but I have a couple weeks to decide. I knew Lotus Moon wouldn't work because lotus is bubblegummy on me, and paired with pine it became a no-no :(


This was a great end to a craptastic week.

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Ah, another fan of O who was giantly tempted by the update! ;) I wanted to order a 10 ml of O and was putting it off, but then I saw the update and now I'm ruminating again... anything with honey mead and honeysuckle gets attention, doesn't it?


I saw there was going to be a GC scent called Groupie coming out sometime in the near-ish future. Hoo boy, I want to hear what's in that. It would go so well with my naughty girl pantheon of scents (Beaver Moon, Panty Monster, O, Smut).


I think minilux said that Beth liked Joe Perry (of Aerosmith) also, so I hope it evokes what a Joe Perry groupie would wear to attract his attention. Whatever that would be. That made no sense.


But O is the most divine scent, isn't it? I mix it with a lot of things and wear it on its own. It's just plain ;)

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