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BPAL Madness!
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It's JUST a TV show... but I'm so sad that Chris is gone, and I feel an odd sense of guilt for not voting enough.


This should NOT be effecting me to this degree. Dammit.

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I am SO out of the loop. I was totally thinking: "OH NO! They canceled 'Everybody Hates Chris'! I didn't even know you could vote for shows!" Because I'm out of touch with pop culture and gah.


OK. Gotcha. Idol. Sheesh. Which one was Chris? (And just as full disclosure I am a total nutjob for ANTM, so I'm definitely not on any high and mighty anti-reality-TV thing here. I'm just cluless. ;) )

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I am SO out of the loop. I was totally thinking: "OH NO! They canceled 'Everybody Hates Chris'! I didn't even know you could vote for shows!" Because I'm out of touch with pop culture and gah.


OK. Gotcha. Idol. Sheesh. Which one was Chris? (And just as full disclosure I am a total nutjob for ANTM, so I'm definitely not on any high and mighty anti-reality-TV thing here. I'm just cluless. ;) )


Woah, it just ate my comment. Dude, that's not cool.


So, your comment made me laugh out loud, startling the SO and his cat both. Thanks for that! Chris is bald, built, and sexy as hell. He's made of charisma. I picked him as the winner from his audition, and felt confident with that pick until... well, tonight. So now the winner is pretty clear cut, although Bo was the chosen winner last season, and that didn't work out, so who knows? Hopefully this'll post!

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