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Pet peeve!

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OK, this is a hang-up of mine, a silly pet peeve, and if any of you do this and your man-things or woman-things think it's hot and sexy, good for you and good for them. It's just something I'm not going to do, ever.


I have a hang-up about women who grow their toenails long and paint them in a French manicure. As in long, I mean that the nails may reach or surpass the toe-tip, depending upon the shape of their nails and their toes. It makes their feet look like little paws. And then the French manicure -- I think that looks just plain goofy. French manicures on the fingers are rather pretty and I can appreciate it. Especially because my fingernails never get long enough to do that. But on the feet, I don't think so.


I think my hang-up stems from the fact that prior to this recent trend, the only people with long toenails tended towards being unkempt. There were usually other hideously disgusting things going on with their toenails or feet that I won't even bother to mention.


I have a foot fetish, I will admit, and I like to see nice feet. But when I see toenails that look like they could leave a swipe across your skin like a cat's claw, I just cringe. Toes should be able to move all around the body without accidentally drawing blood, you know.

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I totally have an anti-foot fetish. If your feet aren't nicely kept, then you should do the rest of humanity a favor and keep them under wraps. Unfortunately, the majority of humanoids seem to like flaunting their revolting feet, toenail fungus, callouses and all. It makes me want to puke and scream "what the f*** are you thinking, slob?!?" I also can't stand the sight of chipped nail polish period, whether on hands or feet, but when it's a color like purple or black and on your toenails, it's especially nasty. And I can't stand the sight of hairy male hobbit feet in flip-flops or sandals. Blech! I remember an episode of Married with Children where Peg had a dream that Al didn't have any feet, and I was like, "that would be a dream come true, no more nasty man feet!" ;)


I actually have yet to see the manicured long toenails, though with my luck there will be a set on the train tonight.

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French Manicured toenails are deeeesguuuusting! Flip flops are de rigeur over here in Portland -- all part of the super laid backedness (we're talking jeans at fancy pants restaurants... where one should wear, you know, fancy pants!) but there's also a push to be more "metropolitan". So I often get the dubious pleasure of seeing svelte urbanites in their carefully constructed shabby chic outfits with glaring white toenail tips in tarted up thong sandals.


It just... hurts. I feel your pain.


Also, I have hideous feet, but I do keep them out of sight. And trimmed.

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Ugh, don't get me started on men's feet. Here in Texas you'll see guys in flip-flops 90% of the year, or those ugly hiking sandals -- here's a tip: unless you're actually hiking, don't wear those! But most guys are oblivious as to how their feet actually look. How many guys think, "I need a pedicure!" before putting on their flip-flops? Lots of women think this, because they're more conscientious of what people will see.


I see these ugly feet schlupping around a store or a restaurant, and I just think, "Yuck! I don't want to see your skanky feet! And now I'm supposed to eat?"

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Because I'm here in Nebraska, I turn to bovine anatomy and refer to particularly ugly feet as "hooves." I use it in a variety of gramatically incorrect ways, such as: "She has rather hoofish feet."


You guys crack me up! I am so glad that I am not alone in my abhorrence of bad feet on public display. Honestly, there have been very few adults in my life who had feet that I would want to touch. How do pedicurists do it? Grossaroo and Tyler Too! I mean, some people have heels that would require a belt sander! Ugh!


Did anyone catch my suggestive (can I write an entry without it?) comment that your feet should be able to go all over the body (someone elses?) without accidentally drawing blood? If someone wants to put up with my feet (buffed, softened, nicely trimmed nails and unchipped polish), they have been known to go walking! ;)

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great blog!!! reminds me first and foremost of dumb and dumber .... remember when jim carrey was getting his longass toenails filed down with the heavy duty grinder??? lmfaosbrn!!!!


i also have a foot fetish....and you know firsthand my lovely valentina...xo ;)


those galzzz with the french-manicured toes here in redneck winsted run rampant...and they are not nice/clean/lovely it makes them oh so gross...


ewwwwwww......my toes right now are a lovely shade of fushia with a sparkleee

and deeper fushia glittery polish on top go oh so lovely with my pink naughty monkey sandals and valentina's lovely extra sterling/blue lapis toe ring and jingle

jangley bell ankelt........ :wub2: :wub2:

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Hi Sookster! A fellow foot fetishist arrives! fuchsia toenails? I have a particular penchant for that color on toenails... it's very sassy, evocative and just plain cheeky.


I have been out planting seeds in my flower garden and I am very dirty. I can be a semi-tomboy when I want to be. A friend who is truly a grown-up tomboy (do they become earth mothers?) clarified the distinction for me once -- grown-up tomboys go plant the seeds, get dirty, come in, wash their hands and face, change clothes and go about the rest of their day. Fair-weather tomboys (like me) go get really dirty, then come in, drink a lot of water, then eat a little something, then make a mimosa or a wine spritzer and go take a long bubble bath. Afterwards they redo their nails.


So I guess she knows me fairly well... :wub2:

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Eeeeeek! I saw the legendary French pedicure with scary long toenails with my very own eyes today! :) It was on someone I would have to describe as a 20-something Banana Republican, and it was grotesque and gave me goosebumps (not the good kind).

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