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What styles of jewelry do you like? Bold and funky? Delicate and dainty? Short necklaces, long ones, chokers? Bracelets or anklets?

Delicate and dainty rather than chunky and bold. But either is still good from my Witch!


Does my witchee like hats, a floppy summer sun hat or something more stylish? Would you like a hand knit cap or hat?

Australians all let us wear hats, the summer sun is hot! I never say no to a floppy summer sun hat. Don’t worry about being stylish - I can get a hat like that in any old shop! :)


What kind of shopper are you? Do you make a budget? Planner, or compulsive? Do you like to buy what's new, special offers, only the usual?

Compulsive, mostly, although when I’m trying to be more organised, I make a budget. ;)


Non-melting candies....what are your favorites?

Someone I swapped with sent me a pack of Willy Wonka Nerds. Those were delish - I haven’t had them in years! But, yeah, fruit jellies most of the time - really anything fruity.


What are you happiest about (besides SW)? What makes you feel good this summer? Any summer?

For me, summer is the end of the year, Christmas, holidays, warm weather, and a growing garden - having summer in the middle of the year seems so strange to me! And, frankly, I’d be glad to be rid of this cold I’m presently down with.


Do you like coffee and/or wine?

Yes and yes. But I wouldn’t advise my Witch to send me any - the postage would be ridiculous. I’d love to send my Witchee a bottle of Australian red or white, but, again, ridiculous postage.


What are your thought on World Market?

Uh, what’s World Market?


If you are a dog lover, or gigantic dog nerd like I am, would you like any breed-related items from this site? If so, which breed(s)?

Alas! Cat person right here...


A witch wants to cheer you up. What are we cheering you up from? In other words, what are the most pressing problems you're facing right now?

Cold and flu, with accompanying exhaustion and despair.


Who out there is equally challenged and would appreciate icons/banners as witchy gifts?

No, but I can make icons/banners as witchy gifts...


Have you read anything by China Mieville, Neil Gaiman or Charles de Lint? If so, what? Like/dislike...??

Nope. Nothing at all! Therefore no opinions at all.

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