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BPAL Madness!
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Why can't she see she has a problem? Screaming at someone because they used the wrong roasting tin is not normal behaviour. She is my mother and I hate to see someone turn into a raging screaming maniac for something trivial happening. When pressed she shrugs it off and says "I've always had a bad temper." Hum, yes, an ordinary, everyday short fuse that turns her into a homicidal maniac I'm terrified to be around.


I've had enough. I've done my best, I've tried to make her see a doctor, I've tried to remain calm while she's throwing things at me, and I can't take it anymore. I can't even make her get help, as I'd have to go with her, and she would kill me. (Only a very slight exaggeration there. When she goes into a rage I fear for my, and her, safety, she has thrown things at me and struck me before now, and she has severely hurt herself more than once.)

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