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Switch Witch Questions

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I will update this as more questions are posted!


What kinds of crafts does everyone either enjoy making or enjoy getting?


I like to bead jewelry and make bath and body stuff.

I love getting crafts of the sort that I am not able to make (i.e. knitted, cross-stitched, or embroidered stuff, but especially knitworks). And I'm in awe of some of the beautiful BPAL boxes some people make! I keep my imps in a small decorated box which is somewhat overflowing. I like to keep my bottles upright and so that I can see the labels, though, which keeps me from ever really desiring a box for bottles. I could use an imp box much more than a bottle box.


Oh, and I drink tonnes of tea, all out of some boring tea cups. I know some people are wonderful with pottery and I think that would be really neat, to be able to make some unique tea mugs.


if you're NOT a vegan how would you feel about soaps made with emu oil? Squicked out/concerned about animal cruelty, or willing to try them?


I don't really use soap, but if I did, I wouldn't care.


Do you have a certain type of handmade item that you love to collect? Socks, boxes, jewelry, dolls etc?


I luuuuurve socks of all kinds, especially those with stripeys. I like cute earrings, bracelets, and necklaces. One of my favorites I just got recently had a little tiny fishtank with a goldfish cutout in it. Cute cute cute.


I'm not much of a knick-knacky person otherwise. Now, if someone had the talent to make a little lucky cat, I would treasure it forever and it would likely fit right in with my collection!


Are there any of the BPTP bath oils you adore (particularly ones that you cannot get anymore). What about the room sprays?


I have never tried any :) Which is weird because I love baths like nobody's business, but I guess I've just missed out on all of the really interesting inquisition ones and then the one I reallllly want to try (Gula), I keep waffling on.


I just used up a goblin squirt of Okiya last night--it's pretty, but I don't know if I want a full size. No, the ones I really loved were Bah Humbug and Goblin of Yuletide Present. I'm interested in trying Snow White, Down the Rabbit Hole, Goblin of Yuletide Past, and Goblin of Yuletide Yet To Come. I really like the atmosphere sprays (from BPAL and other companies too) and give my pillows a few spritzes before bed most nights ... it's soothing. I'm interested in the Samhain spray (Knock A Dolly).


How would you feel about an ultra-girlie shawl or wrap in summer-weight (lace)?


Those are beauuuuutiful. And way up my alley.


what would you think of hand-dyed items?


No thanks--I really don't like tie-dye at all.


How do you feel about hand-knit socks?


Yes please! I love socks and wear them about the house constantly. The fuzzier the better.


For non-US witches: is there anything from the US you'd love that you can't get where you live now?


Well, I'm US, but wanted to mention I love trying exotic teas and spices and getting foreign stationery, cards, stickers, etc. Also foreign recipes are fun to try! I just had Tim Tams and they were gooooood.


How many potential witchees have an iPod, or download MP3s?


Both, and would love mp3s to load onto my iPod (whose name is Sashimi).


Would anyone like bath bombs or bath melts scented with one of their favorite Bpal scents?


Yes! That would be fantastic.


Would you like homemade cinnamon buns or sticky buns?


Another yes! Nom nom nom.


Is there anyone here that likes Hello Kitty or any other Sanrio Characters?


I love Hello Kitty. I visited Japan and went to Sanrio Puroland. I was the only non-Japanese person there and the only adult without children! I still loved it. I like Kitty best, then Chococat.


Ok, for all you shower people, would you like Bpal scented soap? I'm out of soap stuff right now, but if I can get any anytime soon, would that be something that you'd like? Or how about Bpal scented massage bars or solid scrub bars?


No soap, thank you, but massage bars are fantastic, as are scrub bars.


Do you play any online games, like World of Warcraft? If so, what server do you play on, what's your character's name, etc.?


Nope. That's my husband's area, not mine. I play console video games only.


Is there a program you might have missed or show you love which is gone from the airwaves which might be found (or burned) for you by a Witch?


Red Dwarf!!! Also Arrested Development. Either one would be fabulous burned and loved dearly. Also Dead Like Me--great show. I want to name my future corgi Daisy Daisy Adair.


Would you like any recycle/upcycle supplies for your crafting?


Only things to make bath products (i.e., fragrances, scented powders, colors, etc.)


If you were to make a seasonal mix CD for this summer, what would you name it?


I would name it "Where has the time gone?"


Do you collect dolls or miniatures? What kind? Do you like to get new clothes or items for them?


Not really, unless you count lucky cats (maneki neko) and I do have several stuffed dogs. I would love a little stuffed or felted corgi.


So what are people doing with their saturdays so far?


Sleeping in, not doing much at all! It's beautiful :)


My fiance sent me an early dvd rip of Coraline that he was given (pretty sure it's not been released yet, but I sometimes have a hard time keeping up) and I was wondering if anyone would like a copy of it?


That would be awesome! I enjoyed the book quite a bit.


Are there any single notes (likely non bpal) that anyone is dying to have/try?


Some of my favorite notes are cinnamon, clove, vanilla, strawberry, cherry, coconut, and almond. Single notes of any of those would be great.


And what would you witchees think of a net flick or the likes gift subscriptions? A month of Netflicks vs a DvD?


Unfortunately I already have Netflix (and love it!) so that wouldn't be needed.


Adorable Japanese characters?


I tend to love anything Japanese, so sure.


Any non NZ or Aus witchee that I get gets Tim Tams, OK?


I've never had a Tim Tam but heard they're good. NOM Tim Tams.


Based on Prior Carnivale act prototypes...which one are you truly excited about?


Fire Eater sounds interesting, as does Tilt a Whirl. I'm excited for the new act(s) to go up soon!

Would it bother you if you are not the first person to receive the same gift? Imagine a Witch who always sends her favourite book, for example.


Not at all.


Pets: What do you have, and do they need/want anything?


See my questionnaire for more; we have three cats and two rats and they love snacks and treats.


Does anyone play video games? What platform(s)? Are there any new or vintage games you would like?


I play video games on PS1, PS2, Nintendo (gray, ollllld one), Wii, XBox360 and Nintendo DS. Games I'm seeking (and used are FINE!): Animal Crossing: City Folk (Wii), Darkstalkers 3 (Playstation), Intelligent Qube (Playstation), Silent Hill Origins (Playstation 2) and Tetris DS (Nintendo DS)


Twilight fans, would you be interested in any products from this Etsy seller? If so, add the items you like to your Etsy favorites and make sure your wishlist is posted somewhere for your witch.


I'm not a big Twilight fan.


Are you in need of decanting supplies, wand caps, or other scent-related paraphernalia?


Nope, thanks!


Anyone reading an amazing book right now?


No, sadly. I've been watching more movies lately.

What socially responsible site would you recommend to ALL Witches?


I really like Northern Sun for buying stickers, pins, etc.


What is your favorite anime, or if you don't like that what is your favorite animated series?


I like Fruits Basket, Hare and Guu, Vampire Hunter D, Devil Hunter Yokho, and other vampire or cute anime.


Do you like villains that are funny because they are meant to be, or are you like me and love the villain that just can't seem to get his evil schemes to work?


I think the former, although I can't really think of any good examples.


Tea. How do you feel about it?


Love tea. Drink tea every day. I like black teas best, followed by herbal/tisanes and white teas. I am not much of a fan of mate/yerba mate or green tea.


would my future witchee like to receive steampunk style jewelry?


It's okay, but my style tends to be more like goth/Renaissance than steampunk, honestly. I'd rather have things like velvet chokers, silver necklaces with black or garnet beads, etc.


Does your feline like catnip?


Oh yes.


Salt soap bars (soap made with a large quantity of salt, like salt-scrub-in-a-bar)?


No thank you, just because I don't like soap in the first place.


How would you feel about homemade jelly/jam from home-grown berries?


Fantastic. I don't really like peach but anything else is fair game. My favorite fruits are cherries and strawberries, gooseberries!!, blackberries.


Homemade dill pickles? Made from cukes, beans, snap peas, baby zucchini?


That would be pretty awesome. I love anything pickled. I like bread and butter (sweet) better than dill but both are good.


What, if anything, are you earwormed with right now?


UGH. I get earwormed very, very easily. Most mornings I wake up with music playing in my mind. Over. and. Over. It drives me crazy quite honestly. Right now it's "I get by with a little help from my friends." And I have no clue why!


What scent are you wearing right now, if any?


Jingu. It's okay. Soft and sweet, but I think my imp is enough.


Posters, yes or no?


Errr, no .... I mean, I like posters and art enough, but I'm not sure that someone would have enough sense of "me" to buy something I'd like, as I'm particular about art, and yet feel obligated to hang up something I've been given. So I'd hang it but be unhappy with it, probably.


With that said, I know I want a print of this comic and this comic, in case you want to buy me art that I know I want and they're fairly cheap, too:





There's a link for "buy this print."

What are your favorite animals? Or, what animals resonate strongly with you?


Cats. I have always had cats, love them, currently have three. I think they're beautiful and enigmatic (and cute and fuzzy too).


I love animals of all kinds. I like polar bears, mice and rats, zebras, giraffes, and lions. I always head straight for the big cats section of the zoo when I visit a zoo out of town (none here in TinyTown).


And if we're talking animals in terms of fantastical animals, then phoenices. I have a tattoo of a black phoenix on my lower back (guess it was meant to be that I ended up here at BPAL, huh?) and it is a symbol I really resonate with.


Are there any historical figures you are particularly interested in - say, that you'd enjoy reading about, or movies, etc.?


Not really; I don't care much for history. I really prefer modern things in books and movies most generally.




Yes, although wouldn't that be hard to mail? :) Maybe give me recommendations of ones you really like? I don't know. I actually homebrew and would love recipes, ingredients, money to go shop at Northern Brewer (www.northernbrewer.com), ha!




Sure. I've always been fascinated by odd flavored chips: ketchup, dill pickle, shrimp, etc. If you have weird flavored chips (or candy, or whatever) in your town and want to enable me with weirdness, go ahead!


For regular nomming-ness, I eat salt and vinegar chips mostly along with original flavor (just potato) and cheddar cheese. I confess I'm not much of a BBQ or sour cream and onion chip eater.


Books I collect:


Hardcover (with dust jacket) Stephen King and Anne Rice books. I need to write up a list, but I know off the top of my head that I do not have, and would like to have, The Gunslinger, The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of the Three, and The Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands.


Is there anything you've been wanting to learn that your witch might be able to help you with?


If she reads Tarot, I've just gotten a deck from a pay it forward here and am dabbling in doing readings. Also astrology in general--reading birth charts, etc. P.S. I just bought a book on Tarot so I am good there.


Favorite kinds of wood


Don't really have one, although lighter wood is better.


Favorite materials/material things


Loooove velvet, especially black, garnet, emerald, or deep blue (not bright blue) velvet. Also silk, especially crushed silk or multicolored silk.


Are you obsessed with honey? If so, is there a particular kind you like best? Spun honey, flavored honeys, certain types of honey.... etc.


Not obsessed, but I do make mead and love to try different honeys.


Who knits? Do you also spin and dye? What supplies, that you wouldn't buy for yourself, would you just love to have for that activity?


I don't knit and currently have no interest in (re)learning, nor do I have interest in spinning and dyeing currently.


Do you like coffee? Whole bean or ground? Bold/Medium/Mild roast?


I always feel a bit un-American on this one, but I don't drink coffee at all :) I really and honestly prefer tea.


So you have enough socks and wraps... (shush, VCW!) Are there any other knitted goods you might like? Lap blanket? Fingerless gloves? Arm warmers? Little knitted animals? Silk scarf? Head band? Wrist cuff? Dish clothes?


Please, anything but potholders. You know, my kitties would rock a little kitty blanket ... and I think arigumi are adorable too. A little cat or bear... And arm warmers would be awesome!!

Are you interested in Tarot or Tarot art?


I just recently received a Tarot deck and I'm learning how to use it. More than a different deck or art, I'd appreciate help learning how to read. However, I do like a Tarot deck I saw that has cats on it (see Amazon.com).


What would you think of soap samples/shampoo bar samples? (I believe the latter can be used as soap if you are not shampoo bar inclined). Or other sample sized bath/beauty products, for that matter?


Sample sized anything *except* soap and shampoo bars (unless they are LUSH) would be great! I apologize, but LUSH is the only company whose shampoo bars work with my hair, and I don't use soap.


What about burnables as in candles, tarts and/or incense?


Any of the above, although I tend to prefer incense above all else. I like Japanese ritual incense, Fred Soll incense, and even resins to burn on charcoal. And maybe I'm cliche, but I love nag champa and similar Indian incenses.

What one item would you just love to have that is made by a Switch Witch?


Anything creative and crafty! I love to get things that are unique and that someone made by hand.


Is your abode a palace covered in fur, a disaster area ,or a neat freaks delight?


Pretty neat, although that's because it's summer and I'm home all day. During the semester when I teach, it becomes a little more disaster-ish in my mind. I'm a bit of a neatnik overall and like things in their places, lined up.


Are there any phobias you have that you absolutely, positively, do NOT want anything from your witch referencing?


Not really, no.

Are you a good witch or a bad witch?


I'm not sure.


What kind of a car do you drive and would you want something you could use in your car? Rear view mirror charms, steering wheel covers (a new thing for the knitters ), car blessing medicine bags...


I drive a 1991 Mazda Miata (red) named Miho. She has a steering wheel cover but actually, I could use a new dangly air freshener! Currently it's a pair of cherries exactly like these: http://daviduzzardi.blogspot.com/2009/03/c...-freshener.html and I like them but they are two years old and no longer smell like anything. Plus, when the cats go to the vet's, they get fur in the air, so they're also kind of fuzzy cherries. A blessing for my car sounds cool. I like to put stuff in my car that's decorative, so go wild. Red is a plus, though.


Do you want to know when you have something coming in the mail, or would you rather it be a complete surprise? What is your mailbox situation?


I like surprises. I don't have any mailbox problems, so surprise away.


How are you doing for BPAL storage? Need any boxes?


I could use an ammo box or two for imp storage, or neat boxes for imp storage. I've been eyeing an herb chest for bottles, something like this: http://www.somaluna.com/prod/green_pentacl..._chest.asp?m=94


I, however, don't need boxes like tea chests or other boxes people have to store their BPAL bottles in--I like to see the label art and those would be obscured in those type of boxes.


Is there any place you've visited where you feel like you left your heart there?


New Orleans. For the longest time I wanted to live there (family from LA) but I don't know if I could do it now, plus I'm slowly settling into where I live.

Is there something that would offend you if you received it in your mail/gift/email)? (as in profanity, a bad words in an email/card/music ... or a card or something with a scantily dressed man/woman pictured on it, crude/immature humor tshirts, etc ...)


Not really. I'm incredibly difficult to offend.


What do you like to snack on?


Hard candies are great. I love those old-fashioned ribbon type candies, the little hard strawberries wrapped up in paper that looks like a strawberry, licorice (red and black, but mostly black), etc.


I'll also eat chips sometimes. I hate hate hate corn chips like Doritos, Fritos, etc. with a passion. Potato chips of all kinds are good though.


I enjoy dried fruit, especially dried cherries, pineapple, apples, and apricots. Not so much dates. Hate raisins.


What is the color scheme you use most when you decorate?


I think I covered this pretty well in my questionnaire.

If you have music or DVDs on your wishlist, do you mind getting a burned copy? How about if it is original packaging but previously used? Or do you only want it new?


I am absolutely fine with burned DVDs, burned music, burned mix tapes, etc. Yarr!


Who is your favorite artist? What are some of your favorite pieces of their work?


I think I covered this pretty well in my questionnaire.

Are you a candles person, incense person, or just a BPTP spritzer for room scents?


Any of the above are nice, but I choose incense above all.


What is your favorite latin or faux latiny phrase?


Carpe noctem.


If you could make your perfect scent (or at least most desired at the moment!) what would be in it?


I think it would likely have cinnamon or cloves, or both, along with vanilla, maybe smoke or light woods, and possibly a faintly caramelized or buttery note. Kind of like Underpants plus Three Witches plus Mitzvah. Oh, that would be awesome.


List things you DO NOT need any more of:


I have a ton of lotion to go through, so I'm not really jonesing for more lotion, although I can always use handmade shea butter type thick lotions for my hands and feet (it gets dry out here!) Also, I don't really use wall-plug-in air fresheners, so I don't use things like Bath and Body Works Wallflowers. I prefer scented oils or room sprays.


Um, other than that, I can't think of anything. I tend to collect, so I have spaces to hold the things I do have more than one of.


What are your favorite websites (besides this one, and the online shops you listed in your questionnaire)?


I can has cheezburger; myspace; livejournal; the LUSH forums; makeupalley; alt.life; allrecipes; CTRL + ALT + DELETE; Penny Arcade; PvP


In trying to decide what to fix for dinner, I thought that I've received some great recipes from friends (particularly the culinary mastermind that is scotchgrrl). I also have a few great recipes of my own. So would anyone like to receive some original, or very much loved recipes from his/her witch?


YES! Absolutely. I love cooking, cook nearly all of our meals at home from scratch, and love trying new recipes. I just ask that they don't have cilantro as a central focus (i.e., I couldn't leave the cilantro out if I felt like it because it's a major portion of the dish).


Which flavors are you interested to try from the Chocolate Research Facility?


The design of this site drove me bonkers. I couldn't even figure out where the flavors were.


For me, milk chocolate only, and it can be with cherries, coconut, caramel, or other things sponsored by the letter "C." Ha! No nuts or raisins, please. Spicy (curry or pepper) are awesome!


Do you wear makeup or nail polish? Need brushes, containers, storage, mani/pedi supplies? What colors and brands do you like?


I am a magpie. I love shiny, sparkly, glittery things of all kinds and that includes makeup. I don't really need any storage or brushes, but anything sparkly, glittery, etc. in the makeup or nail polish world would be loved and embraced! I tend to wear lighter and pastel colors a lot, like baby pinks, lighter reds, etc. but I do also love bold color--bright teal, chartreuse green, red glitter, etc. I am not that big a fan of bright purple as a makeup color, though, and anything with orange or yellow tones looks sickly on me. My favorite brands are MAC, Urban Decay, Stila, NARS, Too Faced, and Sugar Cosmetics.

Do you like shiny hanging porch decorations like windchimes or those things that spin and swirl in the wind?


See "magpie" above: yes! And the more colorful the better.


Hair adornments?


Again, sparkly, glittery, etc. are great. I tend to wear bobby pin, lobster claw, or clip in style of hair accessories, and smaller is better (my hair is pretty thick and I wear it down mostly). These are the sort of styles I wear:







However, I don't like this style of clip and don't wear these:





I wear my hair in a simple ponytail often, so interesting hair ties are nice too.


Is there any infomercial product you're dying to try even though you know it probably sucks?


I don't watch TV so I don't know what infomercials are even out.

Do you like coconut?


Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! I love smelling like it and eating it. I use virgin coconut oil as "lotion" and I love to eat coconut pudding, coconut cream pie, etc. I like things that smell strongly of coconut and/or suntan lotion, too.


Puddin' posts ebay sales of older stuff every now and then - what of the current lot are you dying for?


Nothing that I would ever expect my witch to buy--my tastes run to the expensive side (Pinched...)


Do you tweet?


Nope; no interest.


What kind of mythology are you interested in?


Lovecraftian! Cthulu especially, but Shub-Niggurath and Yog-Sothoth too.


What of the summer update (Egyptian, Lawn Ornaments, etc.) appeals most to you?


I have decants of all of them coming--the Lawn Ornaments sound most appealing, but I guess I shall see! I ended up not really liking any of them, sadly.


Are you freaking out over any of the discontinued scents, dear fellow Witches?


Kind of, yeah. I bought a bottle of Tannin'iver and Marianne and Severin.


For those candy loving witchees. Are there any 3 that you love and would like more of? And, are there any 3 that you just cannot stand and would not like any of?


I've mentioned candy previously, but I love caramel, licorice, and hard candies, also sour candies, the more sour the better. I don't like Jordan almonds, burnt peanuts, circus peanuts, most marshmallow-heavy candies (think Peeps), gummy candies, and dark chocolate or white chocolate.


Would you like a bowl and tarts to use the residual heat (and for extra safety)?


No thank you; I already have an electric tart warmer and bowl.


What is your favorite classic fairy tale or children's story?


My absolute favorite children's story as a little kid was the Very Hungry Caterpillar. Apparently I read that book over, and over, and over, and over...


I always preferred Aesop's fables over fairy tales, although I did read both. My favorites were "Belling the Cat" and "The Fox and the Grapes."


Have you any desire to read Hannibal?


Not really. Husband would probably be interested since he watched all the movies, but it's not quite my style of reading.


If your witch goes to Convergence (or is bestest friends with someone, same thing), is there anything you'd love to have?


I'm planning to make the long drive down for Cobwebs and possibly Convergence, so no need to worry about trying to track down crazy stuff for me! Although if there is Mitzvah, Underpants, or Spanked and I can't get them, you're free to chase with me ... ha aha ...


Lip balm?


I like lip balm. I have a couple near my desk always. My absolute favorite is Labello Tropical Shake but of course it's European and a bit hard to get as a result. I like coconut, fruity (strawberry, cherry), or vanilla scented lip balms. And they can have flavor, too; that's fine. I like the plain Burt's Bees tube and I haven't tried any of the "flavored" ones they have (pomegranate, etc.)


What's that one thing you keep meaning to get but keep forgetting or passing over?


I can't think of much. Maybe an old copy of "Joy of Cooking"? I have a newer copy (this is the one I have, the 1997 edition) and it's not supposed to be as good as the older one. I'd really like the facsimile copy of the original--I think that would be awesome! I mean, look at the cover!


Also BPAL's Masquerade. I like it, but I keep passing it over in favor of more LEs. But with the new cuts in the catalog, maybe Masquerade should come home with me someday.


Non-melting candies....what are your favorites?


Any hard peppermints, licorice, hard fruity candies, Werther's originals, Creme Savers orange, Creme Savers strawberry, butterscotch disks, hard tea-flavored candies, mango flavored candies ... I like hard candy. Pretty much anything except coffee, cinnamon, chocolate, melon, or peach flavors. Oh, and how could I forget Lemonheads? Those are probably my favorite candy of all time. EDIT: Holy cow I just bought a bunch of Creme Savers because I couldn't resist the sale at our grocery store. I didn't know they made this many flavors!


What are you happiest about (besides SW)? What makes you feel good this summer? Any summer?


As a teacher, I LOVE summer. It is MY time. I like to relax, read the books I have to put aside during the semester, watch movies of all kinds, and catch up on my life. I love summer!


Do you like coffee and/or wine?


No coffee, thank you. Wine is nice. I prefer whites to reds. I like gewurztraminer, pinot grigio, pinot gris, and of course since I am a meadmaker, mead and other "country" (fruit or herb) wines. I also like Greek retsina.


What are your thought on World Market?


I miss it, along with Target.

If you are a dog lover, or gigantic dog nerd like I am, would you like any breed-related items from this site? If so, which breed(s)?


Since I have no dog, it would have to be just cute things to keep around the house--stuffed dogs, postcards, stationery, etc. I love Shiba Inus, Siberian Huskies, and Corgis.


A witch wants to cheer you up. What are we cheering you up from? In other words, what are the most pressing problems you're facing right now?


Is it bad to say that I really don't have any problems right now? I am quite enjoying life. I guess that's a good thing, yeah?


Who out there is equally challenged and would appreciate icons/banners as witchy gifts?


That could be cute--or someone to help me figure out how to change my avatar! EDIT: Obviously, I figured out how to change my avatar! Ha!


Is anyone else having trouble getting motivated to do the things you're supposed to do?


Sure--I should be writing syllabi right about now. Later.


Are there any etailers you haven't tried yet but would like to be enabled (e.g., a company you haven't tried but would like recommendations from your witch, based on your likes and dislikes)?


I think it would be easier to list the e-tailers I have tried. You can go from there! I have tried, and really like, Bathed and Infused, Skindecent, and Isle of Eden. I have tried and don't really like Arcana, Possets, Blooddrop, Nocturne Alchemy, and Artiztic Oils. I tend to stick with BPAL fragrances only but I will try anybody's bath and body products. I am pretty picky with my oils and haven't found other companies' oils to be anywhere near as good as BPAL. However, I do like Bathed and Infused's EDPs and I love Isle of Eden's Red Satin Buttercream (discontinued) and would die for an EDP of it, or something that smells like it. My favorite scents from Bathed and Infused are Clove Cigarettes, Scorched, and Vodka & Redbull.


What styles of jewelry do you like? Bold and funky? Delicate and dainty? Short necklaces, long ones, chokers? Bracelets or anklets?


I like bold and fun necklaces, cute necklaces, dainty rings, bold earrings, and I'm good on bracelets and don't really wear anklets.


I like "y" necklaces, puzzle rings or rings that you can twirl the center part on, rings with inscriptions or sayings, and necklaces with interesting charms.


All silver or silver-tone, BTW ... no gold.

Does my witchee like hats, a floppy summer sun hat or something more stylish? Would you like a hand knit cap or hat?


No thanks on hats--I don't really wear them.


What kind of shopper are you? Do you make a budget? Planner, or compulsive? Do you like to buy what's new, special offers, only the usual?


Um, all of the above? Ha! For some things, bigger purchases usually, I plan--read reviews, check prices, etc. For small stuff--food and drink, perfumes, etc.--I'm impulsive. I guess I figure the less money I spent, the less disappointed I'd be if I didn't like it, so I'm more apt to plot and plan for big ticket items.


Do you play any musical instruments? Which ones? If not, are there any you'd like to learn? What styles of music do you play, and are you interested in learning any different styles?


I do not play anything, and no, not really (want to learn).


Are you partial to any kind of comedy?


Sarcastic humor--Clerks, Mystery Science Theatre, Monty Python, that sort of thing. Dry, witty humor. Not sappy.


What did you do for the 4th and/or the holiday weekend?


Rode roller coasters!


Partials, samples, sniffies?


Sure thing!


Have you read anything by China Mieville, Neil Gaiman or Charles de Lint? If so, what?


No on Mieville, de Lint. Yes to Gaiman. Have read Anansi Boys, Neverwhere, Stardust, American Gods, and just bought Smoke and Mirrors.


Other than books/cds/dvds are there any "things" that you collect or symbols which you have an affinity for?


I think I've answered this pretty well earlier: Cats, phoenices.


Do you like musicals? What have you seen? What do you want to see? Any you'd like to own?


I do not like them as a rule. I did like Dancer in the Dark, but that didn't strike me as a musical so much. Same with Moulin Rouge.


What are your thoughts on J.R.R. Tolkein?


Don't like, sorry. Too fantasy oriented.


If you answered that you would like recipes, are there any national or ethnic cuisines you prefer or don't prefer?


Prefer Japanese, Chinese, Italian, Indian. Don't know any I don't prefer...open to anything.


What's your favorite summer activity?


Reading, sleeping, screwing around on the internet, baking.

Would you like a recipe booklet (homemade) for homemade smoothies and shakes?


That would be really neat!


What's your favorite vacation spot?


New Orleans.


Would you like anything nostalgic? Things you loved from their childhood or maybe things you've always loved that were from a time before your own?


I like to collect old advertisements, especially for foods. The kitschier the better.


What new scents from the update are calling your name?


I'm getting decants of Berry Moon and Stinky. Everything else I will probably get imps of. The crocodile one sounds good because of the mint.


I'm super interested in the Amanda Palmer Blackberry Jam and Scones (or whatever it was) perfume. I looooove scones. If Beth can capture the "scone" note, I'm there! I didn't like it sadly.

I have easy access to Asian candies, tropical fruits(mangosteen, mango, durian, jackfruit) flavored biscuits/chips/snacks, dried tropical fruits, Japanese/korean/taiwanese cosmetics brands and music/CDs. Is there anything you will like from Singapore or Asia in general?


Asian candies (hard candies, gummies, chewing gums) are great, as are things with odd flavors or consistencies we don't find much here. Stationery with cute characters and cosmetics are also fun.


I've recently been listening to Rasputina's 'O Perilous World' album and am particularly enamored by '1816: the Year Without a Summer'. So I'd like to know if my witchee likes Rasputina, and would like any music by them?


I do like them but have most of their albums. However, I am open to anything similar (cello music, etc.)


If you could make your perfect scent (or at least most desired at the moment!) what would be in it?


Hm. Maybe an incense type blend: Nag Champa, sandalwood, cloves, maybe a little cinnamon. Or a orange or orange blossom blend, with fruit (strawberry and orange blossom?).


Are there real life people also helping you with your witching?


Not really. Husband thinks it's cute but doesn't help.


So Nikola Tesla's Birthday is Friday, July 10th. Who amongst you witches are Tesla fans?


Do you mean Tesla like the band? No. Or like the guy? I don't really know much about him.

What are your favorite types of baked goods? How would you feel about candied citrus peel, chocolate-covered or not? Would you be interested in the mix version of the baked goods or perhaps a spice mix, something along those lines?


I like cookies and cupcakes best, and I tend to like vanilla/sugar cookie versions (i.e., sugar cookies with or without frosting, vanilla cupcakes with either vanilla buttercream or interesting flavor frostings (the last ones I made were with Nutella frosting), etc.) I also like spice cakes. I tend not to like a lot of chocolate, and something like chocolate cake with chocolate frosting or chocolate chip cookies is really not my style.


I would love candied citrus peel; I tried making it once and failed spectacularly. Along with the "not a big fan of chocolate" above, I wouldn't like chocolate covered citrus anything.


Mix versions or spice mixes are a-ok! I love to bake.


Have you found any new loves since the beginning of the round that you wished you'd known to include on your questionnaire?


Not really. Anything similar to Blood Moon 2005, maybe, which I just discovered and love.


Question...do you fret or take it personally when your witch or witchee gets too quiet? Like they figured you out and don't like you?


No, because I myself am a quiet witch/witchee! Please don't take it personally (to my witch). I am a quiet person by nature.

Do you try to figure out who your witch is? Do you want your witch to give you clues?


I try to figure it out a little, but not much ... and really, I'd be sad if I spoiled my surprise.


Who has a Kindle? If you do, would you like a Kindle gift card, Kindle accessories, etc. as a gift? Whadda you need?


I don't; I have to have a physical book in my hands.


What about other electronics (Blackberries, iPhone, etc.)? Do you need any accessories, etc. for those?


I'm not much into electronics except for my small iPod. I could use a cover for it--it's getting beaten up with all my use! It is a first generation black 2GB Nano.


Who knows about wizard rock and wants more? Who doesn't know but wants to?


Uh. Not really sure what this is. I've got a ton of music to get through on my computer already. Do I want something like "wizard rock"?


What's the wallpaper/screensaver on your computer?


A baby seal on its back, waiting for a tummy skritch! So cute.


Do you like Sugar Ray (the band not the boxer)?


S'okay. I like a few songs but that's the extent of it.

Would you be interested in receiving some pasties from your witch?


No, thank you.


How did you get your forum name?


It's from a They Might Be Giants song!


Anything from the trunk show?


No thank you.


Anything from the newest ebay listing?


I love Blood Moon 2005 and wonder if the lab's listing would be "deeper" than the bottle I have (which is somewhat thin).


"If I could be I would be ____________ for a day." Fill in the blank.


Able to fly.

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