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Help for sneaky switch witches

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Help for my witch (take #2)


This is a combination of stuff I'd love to try and things so cute they make me giddy. And by no means, do I want you to feel like you have to get anything off this list at all. It's a fun way for me to keep track of stuff I like, as well.



Magnets: the one with the phoenix

keychains: they're both mahvelous

soaps: snake oil, dorian, TKO

nail polish: I'd like to try these for the toes - blood countess, hell's belle, lady macbeth, midnight on the midway, morgause


Propaganda Bath I've been stalking these for a while, but have yet to try anything. I'd love to try these scents in either the bath knots or their soaps: (ETA: Apparently these guys shut down. But if you have unloveds floating around, I'd be happy to find some of these)

creature comforts

grounds for grunge



funhouse (soap)



Smooches: Crushed, Decadence, Embargo, Grundy, Jai Mahal*

Bombs: Jai Mahal**, Crushed, Grundy

Soaps: Crushed, Decadence, Dulces en Fuego, Embargo, Jai Mahal

Whipped: Crushed, Decadence, Dulces en Fuego, Embargo, Grundy, Jai Mahal*

And I would absolutely LOVE to try the cuppas!


Arcana Stuffs on TSB I just put my first order in for some more Arcana oils. I got Burlesque** in a swap and loved it, and knew I had to try more. I got Frilly Underpinnings, Devilish*, Caffeinated Death, and Mme. Lapin. I'm just getting into soaps, so would love to try the soaps, as well:

Burlesque**, Devilish, Mutiny, Shambhala


I work for Lush, so I'm pretty good on that front. However, there are a few discons I adore and would love to adopt if you have 'em and don't want 'em...

Fairy Jasmine or Rainbow Worrior bombs

Turbo BBS

SWTWC or sultana perfume or lotion


I'm not a huge knick-knack person, but I am a trinket whore! I love little notepads and journals with black and white designs, Alice in Wonderland stuff, Ravens, hair clips on bobby pins (for short hair), jewelery charms, flat magnets, absinthe spoons and vintage absinthe postcards and imagery, and anything with keys (both vintage door keys and vintage typewriter keys). I also adore little pouches. Ones that zip or otherwise close so I can keep things organized and make it easier to transfer between bags.


Here's links to some of my favorite things and places online.


Gorey Details - the Alice Stuffs

mini journal

mini mirror - I love these little things!

glass pendant - this is my favorite imagery and subtext in the story. I love the eat me, drink me, rabbit hole pics.

Stickers, scrap papers, notecards or art prints. They're all so marvelous.


My Vintage Hut - their hair flowers are TDF!

I love these in red, white, black, leopard,and the cherries. Especially the daisies, the peonies and the gardenias.


My loves on Etsy! - Some of these are expired or sold, but these are all examples of makers, designs, and things I adore to bits. Plus, some of the sellers restock some of the sold items.




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