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Good Judy: Forbidden Desire

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Forbidden Desire

Category: American Gothic

Quantity: sample




Desire is a powerful creature, shape-shifting yet solid as the imp who visits you during the night. The urge grabs a hold of you. Your every impulse demands action. Consequences be damned, as damned as the doer of the deed. Lust takes control. Your thirst must be quenched. How sweet the taste of forbidden desire on your lips. Right or wrong, desire has won. White chocolate, vanilla bean, sugared musk




In the bottle: Chocolate, and maybe a little bit of spiced vanilla.


Wet: It’s a lot of chocolate… It smells like cake, probably because of the little note of vanilla.


Dry: Chocolate and sugar overload!


Verdict: I’ve tried to wear this one a few times, and every time I did, I found myself with an uncontrollable need to eat a chocolate bar, or a piece of chocolate cake. This can’t be good for my health! I understand why it’s called “forbidden desire”… This foody scent is just too foody for me, but I can imagine very easily why someone else would love it.

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