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BPAL Madness!
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Why is he being an ass...?

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So my boyfriend went out with his mates last night. Without telling me. After I had planned a cosy evening in.


I don't mind him going out with them (I don't like them very much, but who am I to tell him who to be friends with..?), what I do mind is not knowing about it. Is it wrong to want to know where your loved one is?


Upon further questioning this morning, as far as he could answer questions in his hungover state, it turns out "Tim was around and I haven't seen him for ages". Alright, fine, he wanted to see his friend. That's fine, I'd like to see my friends if they came to visit too. What is NOT FINE is how he managed to stretch "just a pint down at Scholars" into "out for six hours, get paralytically drunk, then come home at 2am and expect me to be there to go to bed with". Um, NO WAY.


What's so sad is that when he's with just me or with our mutual friends, he is fine and nice and polite and normal. It's just when he's with his group of friends that he gets swept up in their macho, sexist philosophies.


I don't know what to do. :)

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