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BPAL Madness!
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Power down

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No, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, but almost: we lost our DSL modem in one of the thunderstorms last week. Dial-up is working but obviously slow. Boo.


I'm trying to lurk when I can! :wub:

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I feel your dial-up pain ... We moved my guy out of his apartment last week into mine while we look for a new place to rent, and now we have no speedy internet access, only sad slow dial-up. :P


I feel so out-of-the-loop forumwise, since I can't get on everyday. At least there haven't been any one-day updates so far!

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Aw, thanks you guys! *mwah* I really do miss spending time on the forum. But dialing up and waiting for alsdlfjsldkf-ing pages to upload is trying my patience.


We've had Earthlink for almost 10 years and have been pleased with the service, but this latest snafu has really put a bumblebee up my butt. I hate to be all "If I don't get proper service I shall take my business elsewhere! Hmph!" but it's been 4 full days of waiting and I need DSL for work. In fact, I'm on hold right now! ;) *grr*

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The Mister and I were on the fence about DSL vs. cable internet (we currently have cable). A few things have conspired to push us in the direction of cable, even if we are paying through the nose for it.


S'good to see you pop in! Hope you get your DSL issues resolved soon!

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