The last 48 hours were great. On Friday, there was hardly any work to be done, so I ducked out early and went shopping. I dropped $80 at H&M , then the boy and I went to a small Mexican place for dinner and Cinco de Mayo yumminess. I had the chicken fajitas which weren't all that adventurous but yummy just the same. Next time, I'll try the chimichangas if I'm feeling particularly indulgent (they're deep fried tortillas, if I remember correctly).
After that we went over to my our friend's place where she and her husband had about 8 other people over to watch bad 70s porn. And it was bad. Like, not even so bad it's good, just f-in bad. After awhile we all got tired of making fun of it (too easy, at one point a mastiff and a fun house mirror was involved), and just drank and caught up with one another. It was great. Had a wonderful time trying to explain "Snakes on a Plane" to my friend's boyfriend.
Borrowed a book from my friend (yay! things to read!), then came home and fell asleep. I was DD for my boy, and good thing too. We both knew he was a little buzzed/well on his way to becoming hammered because he got real chatty about completely inane and sometimes TMI things, lol. On the way back I spotted not one, not two, but four cop cars including one that had pulled over some dude who was in the middle of the Follow the Path of my Finger with Your Eyes Test.
Today, something happened that made the 48 hours even better. I got an acceptance letter to a Grad Program! YAaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!
I'm a little (a lot) scared too, because this means I need to get over my horrible bad study habits that made getting into a grad program initially so hard.
So, in celebration, I think I'm gonna make a BPAL order Perhaps I should wait till the next update though? Hmmmmm....
Happy weekend, everyone!
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