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Black Tower

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Category -- Bewitching Brews




This is unlike anything I've smelled in quite some time...


There is supple, well-worn leather, and ivy -- more like the dried tendrils of ivy still clinging to the grass-choked stone of a tower that has long since crumbled away to piles of rubble. Every now and then, the wind stirs up scents from the lives of those who used to dwell there -- their warm spiced wine, the wood stacked up in piles for their fire, their very spirit and essence, all wafting in in a ghostly way. It really is a very sad, wistful, evocative scent...a great sensory experience.


This is not quite for me. But if I were to come across it on a man, I think I would follow him almost anywhere. :D


Highly recommended for those looking for masculine scents.

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