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imp testing Sat 24/1/09

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(We can has Obama, yea!)


Anyway, onto the fragrant stuff.


As received from Apple...


Buck Moon - not the usual Lunacy oil. I became more fond of lunar oil base last time in hospital and really like this one. It's more of a skin musk than an animalistic one, with a hint of forest scents. Also a little sweet and stays close to the skin upon drydown. It's beautiful in a dreamy way.


F5 - Reminds me a lot of Shanghai. I can imagine this would have been very popular when it came out. I really like it, uplifted me completely which was good as my mind was quite sluggish!


Les Anges Dechus - tobacco is lovely, but the other things that temper it on drydown means it's essentially not suited to me, which is a bit of a shame.


Keeping the first two, the latter will go in my "find new homes for" bag.

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