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It's Been A Long Time Friend

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Wow, a lot has happened in the last few months. Work is still uncertain for us. There's been a second set of restructures and Carol kept her job in those. I find out in March whether I have a job and what that job will look like. I've been avoiding the boards as much as possible. I've got a lot of wonderful scents and with things being uncertain I need to not tempt myself. I've put a couple orders in the last 2 months though after a hiatus so I"m pleased at the possibility of new things to come as well as the new things arrived.


I wore Snake Charmer (res) today. I had problems trying to decide what an appropriate "first day of 2009" scent would be. I decided something new would be good. I think I've worn it once before (got it in my last order that came earlier this month) so that was perfect for today.


I haven't done any swaps and was realising as I was putting my order together today that I haven't talked to Carol about her smellies lately. She's got a ton more than I do and I think she's happy with her myriads of imps and screeds of bottles. :) I need to peek in her boxes and see if she's getting low on any of her favorites, just so I have something on the list. I try to usually order a bottle for each of us but have ordered far more for her overall so she's got more than I. And since she doesn't look at the site, but relies on me to pick stuff for her, doesn't have the same kind of ongoing wish list that I have.


No real 'resolutions' for me for the new year. I'll try to be a better person, try to not procrastinate bills as much, try to appreciate life each day and try to work on my online shops. Other than that, keep going. One foot in front of the other. We'll see where this path leads me.

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