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BPAL Madness!
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Almost finished...

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I stink of: Zero and Thagirion. Both are very nice, but I'm preferring Thag's light creamy springy floral scent right now...


Ugh, I'm almost done with my coursework. So many deadlines over these last two weeks. And those assignments really are more like pain in the ASSignments! :P Especially that quantum physics one...one thing's for sure, my brain had some serious exercise this fortnight! I am not looking forward to exams at all.


It was actually WARM today, finally! I hate cold weather and sometimes where I am in Hertfordshire feels like the North Pole, and after a particularly long and cold winter, it's good to have some decent spring sunshine, and it feels good being able to wear a t-shirt outside without freezing! I love warm sunny days-I'm not one for rain and moody greyness, or stormy weather, I'm afraid.


I'm really worried about the state of my Underpants/Bunny order-it's still MIA even though it's been sent! I've never had a two week delay for BPAL-I'm in the UK but BPAL orders usually get there faster than most other international orders! I emailed the Lab on Saturday and still haven't got a reply (that may be due to the move though). If I don't get my order by this Saturday or by next weekend, should I email the Lab again, or would that be considered impolite/annoying? I don't know how long to wait before an order is considered truly 'lost' in the mail...

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