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Squee Storage

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Darkity was going to squee all over the "how are you feeling?" thread, but there's some heavy shozbot going down over there and she didn't want to be the inappropriately gleeful one interrupting the flow of commiseration...


So she'll subject her blog to rampant glee instead.


Because the house? Very almost nearly officially ChezSnark! Darkity and The Mister signed away their lives and handed over The Big Check yesterday. The Sellers had already signed their bit up in Canada, so all that stands between The Snarks and Homeownership now is for the paperwork to record (and the check to go through... Darkity still regrets that her bank does not make their checks proportionately sized to the amounts they represent. She wanted to have a picture of the Ginormous Check Handoff complete with Ginormous Publisher's Clearinghouse style Check.), which is scheduled to happen sometime on Friday.


To add to the glee, some good friends visiting from Back East were dragged to the homesite for One Last Look on Saturday, and the house (and grounds) met with enthusiastic approval. These friends have about two more decades of experience with the world than The Snarks. The husband is the Ultimate Mr. Fixit and the wife is a Master Gardener. They both knew The Snarks' last ChezSnark (in all it's cute, quaint, cramped glory) and are famliar with Darkity's Black Thumb of Doom. So to get their nod of encouragement was... extremely encouraging!


Now The Snarks are dealing with nesting instincts on Overdrive. They found a place that consigns ecclectic furniture. They are addicted to Craigslist. They are gonna have a home!

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Hooray on the Chez Snark! I'm boiling pasta right now and can't write much else, but I wanted to woot with ya ASAP!!!!


More later...

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That is super Super SUPER! Fantastic! Fabulous! Wonderful!

I am so excited for you, you are going to have such a lovely magical abode.

I'd almost be jealous ( I rent), but I am just too happy for you to give in to the mean greenies :P


Eclectic furnishings, craigslist - man, your place will be awesome. Pics!

Lots and lots! Let us live vicariously through you!

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Snarky is wondering if her blog might not morph into some sort of "This Old (Goth/Fragrant/Funky) House" log instead. There's only so many permutations of navel-gazey prose that can be eeked out before repeating the angsty loop.

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Dude, I would *love* to see your house into home progress! I used to *love* watching This Old House as a kid (it kinda freaked my mom out. Well, that, and I would watch the GED on TV math classes - I loved those too)


Anyway, I would be totally excited about seeing what you do with the place.

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