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Switch Witch Winter 2008 Help File

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Ok. I have collected some switch withc questions from the last few rounds and added my comments


Are there any rare (or even uber-rare) scents that you'd really like to try?

There are so many. Off the top of my head - I Married A Vampire From Planet X, Snake Charmer, Snow Storm

Does your forum name have a special significance? Refer to something or someone you admire? Reflect your interests?

galahad is the paige of cups in the tarot deck I like to use (paige of cups is my significator) plus the character in Arthurian legend resonates with me

What's your favorite texture? super soft or velvetynt to pamper yourself with but haven't yet?

Texture is really important to me but I don't think I can pin it down. It either works or it doesn't

Do you prefer arm warmers to the wrist, to the base of the fingers, or half fingered?

Don't do anything for me

Any favorite cartoon characters?

I love the Family Guy and Stewie makes me laugh

Anyone into physical activities? ...is there anything you do as a sport/hobby in which you might need equipment?

No but I should be!

Are there any witchy type supplies you're in need of, or would like to try etc.?

I like tarot cards and crystals. I like blue quartz but it's not easy to find

If you are a fan, who were your favorite Buffy and Angel characters?

I love Buffy, the show. Fave characters are Anya, Willow, Glory

Do you like Shakespeare? Which plays?

I do but haven't really delved deep

Question for the Class: Favorite Musical?

Evita and The Sound of Music

How do you like your chocolate? White, milk, bittersweet, as dark as possible?

White or dark. Not too sweet

Favorite animals? Least favorite?

I like cats but they make a mess of my garden

What are 3 places that you'd like to visit, or re-visit?

Would love to revisit the US. Would like to visit Thailand, Vietnam, Argentina

Literary erotica. Who doesn't love it?

I love it

Are you planning on buying anything off your BPAL wishlist during the round?

Yes. Snake Charmer!! And need to stock up on Snow White which is a new love.

Do you read graphic novels/comics? Which ones?

No but I am very intersted

Which witches would want Bpal boxes? Or imp cases?


Would you like handmade piece of calligraphy as a gift?

I think that would be nice

What jewelry are you wearing now? What jewelry do you wear everyday-or do you change jewelry all the time?

I have a ring that I relly love - silver with a green stone - that needs to be fixed. Usually it is never off my finger.

Houseplants and/or things to put them in: thoughts?

Love houseplants but you won;t be able to send them to me!

Do you like baskets, jars and other interesting containers? Filled or Empty?


Do you like honey?

Not really

What is the biggest problem or sad thing in your life? Of course, I mean the saddest or worst thing you can confess here.

Finding someone to share my life and love me! Sounds simple but my failure causes me great sadness.

Do you like to cook? if so, what? Would you like things like spices, cookbooks, recipes, tips?

I love to cook bt as i live by myself I don;t go to any great effort

Do any of you like puzzle books?

I go through phases but they don't overly spin my wheels

I love Christmas music even though I'm pagany -- how about you?

I love good traditional Christmas music

Anyone else have a sudden and unexpected favorite BPAL lately?

Snow White. I had heard about it of course but when tried it I was smitten

It's cold outside - what are your favorite drinks to keep yourself warm and cozy?

Well it's summer here at the moment but when it gets cold I like coffee, tea, hot chocolate

Would my potential Witchee be up for some music stuff they'd never heard before if they couldn't understand the words?


What kind of candy/sweet treat would you like to receive?

I am open. Chocolate is always good

Would you personally rather get handmade jewelry or the beads to make something?

I would prefer pre made. Love the idea of someone making something for me

It seems like there are quite a few knitting witches, so I assume they are on the Ravelry forum as well. If so, what are your names on there so I can stalk you?

I am a good knitter but I don't knit much anymore.

Is there any time during the holidays (or the rest of the round) when you'll be away from home for a significant period and it'd be best not to send anything by mail?

I'll be home

Hand beaded jewellery, yay or nay?


Which witches would like hair accessories?


Anyone else a total nerd like me and would like DnD/Roleplay stuff (Dice, minis, books, corny tees, etc.)?


How do people feel about unusual ornaments? As in, for holidays other than Christmas?

I am not much of a knick knacky person. I like uncluttered

Question: who would like a pair of handknit socks? Size? Color preference? Cabled, ribbed (for your pleasure), stranded colorwork, etc.?

Sure. I wear size 8 1/2 to 9 shoes but I think that may be European sizing?

How does everyone feel about steampunk?

Love it

Since we're talking about warm winter wearables, who likes hats? Mittens? Arm warmers?

Scarf maybe.

If your witch were to send you cookies, what kind of cookies would you like?

Not sure if they would make it through customs

Who likes tshirts? What about homemade tshirts? Like with transfers I made myself.


Would you like to receive ATCs (artist trading cards) or would you prefer something more usable, like bookmarks or something?

Not sure what ATC's are but educate me

What witch would like a cloak?


If you had to chose one BPAL scent and only ONE to have forever what would it be?

Western Diamondback

Who here likes Betty Page?

Don't know who she is

How about original Trek Characters?

Not a big trekkie but you can't go past Spock, can you?

If you were my witchee, would you like a jar of home made apple butter?

Customs again, possibly, may be an issue

Speaking of historical fiction, how does everyone feel about Sherlock Holmes?

Never read Sherlock Holmes books *blush*

Villains you sympathise with, or are interested in boinking?

There are so many!

Your stance on the all important peanut butter issue: crunchy? creamy? allergic? chocolate? maple? go directly to nuttella, do not pass go?

Super crunchy

Who here likes to read historical fiction? If you do, what eras/people/countries intrigue you the most?

I don't read alot but loved Diana Gabaldon and loved The Virgin Earth by Philippa Gregory

About incense: do you like sticks or loose incense? Have you got one of those devices to burn loose incense over a bit of charcoal?


So how many imps/decants is officially 'you have gone overboard and your Witchee is going to expire from scent overload'?

Would never happen

Who needs a recipe box?

Not me

ANYONE ELSE want a home-made cookbook?

Sounds great

What craft (or crafts) have you been wanting to try but have no idea where to start?

Soap making

Would you appreciate some tunes in future packages?


Underpants? Do you like them? What's your style? Size?

Yeah. Bit of an undie freak. Anything other than boxers, which I hate. Medium size

What tea would you love to try but haven't because of price or difficulty to get?

I prefer balck teas. I had a blackcurrant flavoured black tea a while ago which was awesome.

BPTP Room Sprays...your thoughts?

Would really like to try them

If you were my witchee, would you be terribly offended if I sent you a box containing project "experiments" or random miscellaneous pretty bits of brainstorming that I thought you might like/wear?

I think that would be cute

Do you like art deco/nouveau - style prints?

Not really

What is one thing that, if you received it in the middle of all the hubbub, would make you smile and take your mind off of all you have to do for a bit?

E-cards, emails

How do you feel about Hello Kitty?

Think it's hideous

What makes everyone stand out from the Switch Witch herd?

This is my first SW but I think some humour and some thought in the process

What is your favorite category of the GC? Ars Amatoris, Bewitching Brews, Wanderlust

Ars Moriendi

Stance on Joss Whedon and his enterprises?

Loved Buffy; loved Angel; loved Firefly so there you go

Has anyone tried ice wine before? Do/did they enjoy it?

Yes I did

What other perfume companies (besides bpal) have you been curious about?

Villianess!! CB I Hate Perfume (I can't get them to answer my emails about international shipping but would love to try out some of his scents). I have tried Violette Market and am very impressed

Does anyone here do anything with grave rubbings?

I don't but I am intrigued

Would you enjoy art based on original Graveyard photography?


Do you play a musical instrument?


What do you think of Irrelevant Disturbing and Surreal Crawdad Dream?

Haven't tried it but I would like to

How do you feel about trinkets? You know - tiny toys or doodads that serve no purpose than to be cute, take up space and make us smile.

Not much of a trinket person

Can melty things be shipped to you, or will they be in puddles by the time you open the package?

May be OK but may not be. Summer here at the moment

Who likes pirates?


What are your feelings about Dia De Los Muertos?

Not really familiar with it

Do you like notes in your soaps or bath stuff that you don't like in your perfumes?


Do you like floral soaps or bath stuff? If so, what florals work and what don't?

With caution. Creamy florals are fine

What is your favorite thing to do on a cool fall day?

Scuff through the leaves, get in the garden, sit in the sun and listen to music.

Munsters vs Addams family?

Addams family

If you could bring back any TV show from cancellation what would it be?

Arrested Development. So funny it makes me cry.

I wonder if my witchee would like a blanket type thing. Would you?


What's your favorite "I know it's bad for me but I can't help myself" treat?

Ice cream

Do you wear a watch? If so, what kind/style?

Yes and I love it. Chunky silver and I paid a small fortune for it on sale

How do you feel about having a donation made in your name to something?If you like that idea, what types of organizations/groups would you want the donation to go to?

Sounds great. Plant a tree

For tea drinkers, do you bag it or prefer loose?


Does the weather change where you are, as in, does it get cold in the winter? Anyone need homegrown scarves, hats, mittens, etc?

Yes, it gets fairly cold in winter. Not to hats, mittens, gloves, arm/leg warmers. Perhaps a scarf

Does your cell phone have a place to attach charms?


If you drink coffee (and make it yourself) do you use a French Press, regular filter basket coffee maker, Espresso Machine, Percolator?

I tend to drink instant but I really need to replace my stove top percolator so I can use the wonderful range of ground coffees out there. Can't stand filter coffee

What movie soundtracks (or scores) do you love?


How do you scent yourself? Do you layer soaps, moisturizers, etc. or do you go straight to slathering your bod with BPAL?

Tend to go straight to slathering BPAL

Do you/how do you scent your world?

Candles, oil burner

BPAL is such a scent-ual experience. What are your other tactile, aural, or olfactory pleasures?

I love music. Love intersting textures (in food as well as in fabrics/materials)

Who here is a complete, over the top, Alice In Wonderland fanatic?

Not me

Do you have phobias?

I have a phobia of deep water and of spiders

How do you like your mix CDs? Random? Stuff you know you'll like?

Either or

Band-aids: do you like the fun and funky ones?

I do

How many of mah fellow witchies play video games? Platform? Do you like used games?

Yes. role playing, strategy. PC Platform on Vista

What kind of music (genres, please) do you like?

Chic rock, atlernative, classical, modern folky/alternative

Do you like lip balm? If so, do you like tinted, glossy, sparkly, pearly or just plain lip balm?

Yes. untinted and not sparkly

What are your two favorite etsy shops?

I have only recently discovered Etsy and like the soaps and jewellery stores. some cool staempunk on there

Where are a few of your favorite places?

Home! The beach on a wild day, walking through a forest on a hot day.

Are you a soap addict? Anything you like to avoid in soaps (goat's milk, lye, dyes, etc...) or any particular scents you like or brands you want to try?

I so am. would love to try the Silk Road ones as well as many of the others

Do you like kilts and would you wear one?

I wouldn't wear one but think they are hot on a guy

BoiWitches? Question for you both.....Hath any of thou own a Kilt?

No but see above

What's your favorite book?

Oh so many. Fantasy - any of the Robin Hobb books; science fiction - Dune; gay fiction - The Master of Seacliff and Strong Hollow; gay romance/erotica - Without Reservations (JL Langley)

Do you read comics? Which ones do you love and which can't you stand?

I don't but wouldn't mind getting back into them

Symbols that are meaningful to me?

Moon, infinity

By nature are you a morning lark or a night owl?

Night Owl

Reserved or Raunchy?


Earth, Wind, Fire or Water?


Tea or Coffee in the morning?

OMG coffee

Fruity snacks or chocolate?


Would you accept art?

Of course and even better if you are the artist

Antiques or Brand New?


If you have a garden/planter box, what do you grow?

Irises, daffodils, day lilies, alpine plants, cobra lilies, Trilliums, Roscoea, orchids, epiphyllums, Adenium.

Do you like horror flicks?

Yes but nothing cheesy

Tattoos! Do you have em? Do you want em? Whatcha got or getting?

I have been agonising over this for ages. Have to find the right piece but am so wanting to

Reduce - REUSE - recycle. Do others feel the same?


Weigh in...Are you right or left-handed?

Right handed

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