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Quick Q&A Because I am tired.

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I wanted to ask a question: are there any rare (or even uber-rare) scents that you'd really like to try? I didn't put any uber-rares on my wishlist because there didn't seem to be much point. I'm not going to expressely search for them because there a ton of scents that are easier to get a hold of that I want to try. However, Underpants, Mitzvah, Corazon, Mabon and Unseelie are all on my secret if-the-chance-ever-comes-try-it-list.


Does your forum name have a special significance? Refer to something or someone you admire? Reflect your interests? Come on, spill! It's my name and Batman's sidekick. Works on two whole levels.


What's your favorite texture? Hmmm, fabric wise it would be flannel. Non-fabric-wise I love the feeling of bare feet in lush green grass and the super soft feel of petting my cats. I dislike velour and can only deal with velvet in small doses. Soft wool is good, scratchy wool makes me scratch.


What's one luxury item you want to pamper yourself with but haven't yet? Uh, an HDTV and a blueray player but I figure I should keep saving for the downpayment and then buy the things for the house.


Do you prefer arm warmers to the wrist, to the base of the fingers, or half fingered? Any of the above.


Any favorite cartoon characters? Disney, Sanrio, etc? Any from the DC animated universe with my favorites from there being Batman, Terry McGinnis Batman, The Flash and Vigilante. Other Cartoons, I used to love Buttercup from the Power Puff Girls while I was in college, Wakko Warner as well but in High School. Disney-wise I enjoy Dory from Nemo, Scar from the Lion King and Robin from Robin Hood. There are others but my brain is kinda bleh right now.


Have you (or maybe the younguns in your family) been exposed to the Webkinz craze? You know, I've seen them around in stores but never had the interest to figure what they were all about. I suppose it is like the beanie baby thing. I just don't understand the desire or the purpose.

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