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How do you like your chocolate? White, milk, bittersweet, as dark as possible? Plain, with flavoring, with chunks of stuff in? Fairly traditional, or weird and experimental? While chocolate is tasty, it's not my first choice since I prefer a sweeter treat. This is why I am one of the few people who likes white "chocolate!" (:wub2:)

I also eat milk chocolate and some semisweet -- generally nothing darker than 62% cacao. I am also pretty adventurous when it comes to my additions in chocolate. Last round (I'm pretty sure!), I received the most heavenly bar of white chocolate flavored with rose water... I cannot tell you how long I made that bar last, but it was divine and I savored every bit of it. :wub:


Favorite animals? Least favorite?I love cats (big and small), rabbits, horses, hawks, and snakes. My least favorite "animal" would be spiders. :lol:


So for all witches of the shimmying types- would you like tassel belts/jingle belts/ ect and if so, how big are your hips? Once I recover from my surgery, I am going to be seriously hitting the bellydance classes! So any hip-shakers are awesome.


What are 3 places that you'd like to visit, or re-visit? I would love to visit Savannah, GA on the domestic-travel side; and one day I hope to travel to Scotland (there are many countries in Europe I'd love to see someday) and maybe Japan.


Are you planning on buying anything off your BPAL wishlist during the round? Oh wow, my wishlist needs updating! I'm still waiting on my Halloweenie decants (maybe today!), and so I don't know if anything there will strike my fancy. I'm seeeeriously tempted by BPTP's Ginger Skulls, though, and I don't know if I can pass it up.


What is the weirdest and/or most practical thing you are not buying for yourself right now? The thing that you probably should be buying, but have been putting off in lieu of something else? Eh.... probably a no!no! or some other laser hair removal type device. I've just about HAD it with shaving!


What cartoons did you grow up watching? Any animated shows you still watch? I grew up watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, My Little Pony (!!!), The Gummi Bears, Care Bears (!!!), Captain N: The Game Master (OMG I loved that show), Super Mario Brothers, and Ren & Stimpy (another OMG love show). I sometimes still pull out my season 1 & 2 R&S DVDs, and I currently watch Family Guy, American Dad (sometimes), Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and Robot Chicken.


Do you read graphic novels/comics? I used to, but not anymore. I was a HUGE X-Men fan back in the day, and I also read Batman.


Boxes, baskets, etc.? I can always use more pretty storage.


What jewelry are you wearing now? What jewelry do you wear everyday-or do you change jewelry all the time?I'm currently just wearing my diamond piercing studs, two silver bands on one ring finger and my engagement ring on the other. I tend to change my jewelry every day depending on my outfit, but Teh Rock always stays on. :)


Do you like honey? Will you like to try creamy honey with black sesame or with cinnamon powder?I love honey! My grandfather actually keeps bees, so I get big jars of it from him, but I'd love to try some exotic stuff (especially after hearing so many good things about Meadowfoam Honey).


Do you like baskets, jars and other interesting containers? Filled or Empty?As above, I love pretty storage solutions, and interesting goodies in pretty jars work for me too (empty or full, either works)


Houseplants and/or things to put them in? The idea of houseplants is great, but I have a black thumb! :blush:

I would like to have some fresh herb plants to tend do, but I'm just not sure how successful I'd be at keeping the things alive.


Oh, um, favorite musical. On stage or on film? Comedy or drama? On stage? Cabaret!! Though Spamalot is a close second. :blush:

On film: Sweeny Todd, but probably only because I haven't seen a live production (and Johnny Depp is amazing).


On the same note...do you like Shakespeare? Which plays?YES! I prefer stage productions, but there are a couple that I enjoy watching on film as well. My favorites are A Midsummer Night's Dream (in fact, I played Helena in a stage production once -- one of my favorite roles), Much Ado About Nothing (which is a great film adaptation as someone mentioned in the SW Thread), Macbeth, and Romeo and Juliet.

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