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SW help

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I just got my SW! I'm so excited. She's going to be easy to witch for, I think.


For my witch! I don't have any wishlists, but I'll work on putting one (or a couple) together. I'm in desperate need of an imp box, and someone to handcuff me away from the BPAL website and the sales section of the forum. I mighta gone a little crazy.


I'm also in need of earplugs. Seriously. Anything to drown out the whining/crying/screaming of my children. I swear I do feed them and play with them and love them dearly, but I can't hold them 24/7. :D


Other places to stalk me: www.meilinmiranda.com my username is Katie. On facebook my email is katiet518@yahoo.com


Ummm. I'm looking around to see what other people are doing for their SW help, so hopefully I'll have something a little more coherent soon!

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