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SW Winter 2008-09: Hi!

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Dear Witch,


Hi! I'll be adding stuff here that I think might be helpful to you (you can see I'm answering the questions from the thread below).


Thanks for witching me!


- Cam



Oh hai! More wish list updatage. Here's a link to my Kaboodle: http://www.kaboodle.com/cammycat


Some of the items are somewhat expensive (that's right, velvet Doc Martens, I'm talking about you), and please do not think that I remotely expect you to buy those or anything else from the list. My hubby wanted me to make a wish list for the holidays, so I've added stuff there for his perusal too. Mostly, it's just to help you get an idea of the kinds of stuff I like.



Trying to get some wish lists updated! I really didn't have them together when I submitted my questionnaire.

Etsy favorites


12/10 eCard (WoW)

Enquiring minds want to know:


Your realm of preference. My main is on Lightninghoof. I also have some characters on Shadow Council (my original realm; the hubby wanted to transfer to an RP-PVP server a couple months ago, so we moved the mains).


Your character(s)'s name(s), race(s), class(es), professions.


Undead Warlock

Tailoring, Enchanting, Cooking, First Aid (I also have Fishing, but I never bother with it.)

Here's a link to my Armory profile.


Your play style, and what sorts of things you find useful. I'm destro spec, and have always kinda stuck to that. Yeah, it would be cool to turn into a big purple demon, but I guess I just like setting stuff on fire :D. Of course, that means I tend to draw crazy aggro, so I have to watch it if I'm running an instance or something like that (I tend to solo a lot, especially since right now the hubby is two levels ahead of me and has already done the quests I'm working on atm -- damn phased questing!). My hubby is really into PVP, and has just recently managed to drag me into it too; I'm not very good at it yet, though.

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