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helpful hints

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After viewing other's helpful hints, I thought perhaps this may help me have a place for wants, desires and dreams.


Books. I love books, not just to read, but to collect. I currently do not own any first editions, but I do have two autographed books, both by Neil Gaiman. They were not autographed for me. Fragile Things was a total surprize; purchased this from Amazon for cheap. Imagine my fangirl squees after realizing it was signed! The Sandman is a series I lust wish for.


I love reference books, be they on medieval life, vampires or language. They help guide me to whatever area I am researching.


When I was a child, I wanted to be an Indian (Native American) when I grew up. The clothing, hair, skin color, lifestyle and community still appeals to me. Leather, deerskin, chamois, ooh (I try to stay away for those things now). Me, I'm a cur. A mishmash of northern European peoples. I say this as I am short, stocky, light-colored skin and hair with light eyes. So the intrigue of dark skin and hair has always been my dream. Or perhaps a rememberance of a past life. Oh yeah, and Peter Pan. To fly, to soar and to never grow up, not me!


I love pottery mugs, particularly with no handles, chalice shaped. Or indentations for your fingers or thumbs. I love the way they feel, the substanance to them, sturdy, capable of holding the elixir of life ( or coffee, lol!) Did I mention I am rather clutzy? No fine china for me, although I think it's beautiful; I am the bull in a china shop!


I am a pagan of no particular persuasion. I love rocks, stones minerals, gemstones. I like to keep them in a pouch and wear or carry them with me. Slowly studying properties of the aforementioned items. I love nature and do what I can for the environment. My happiest times are when the wind is softly singing in my ear, telling secrets meant only for me. The moon is my mother; she watches me and send me gentle love and light and guides me to understanding. I love the morning, when the animals are waking and scurrying off, birds singing their wake-up song, cardinals calling their young and the woodpeckers lob through the air. And oh, when the hawk comes, the birds all join together in a chorus of despair and alarm, warning all the avain community to beware. The night brings the bats, who eats all the necessary critters and the owls call to their young, teaching them how to hunt. And the stars! How I love to gaze at the constellations, my mind not grasping the immensity of it all, to think that for eons of time someone has stood where I am standing and gazed up and wondered the same things. This is my yard, where I feel safe and serene.

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