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Order madness

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I'm kind of relieved......I think I'm all caught up on my ordering, at least until I get to try my Yule decants (then the madness starts all over again). I am resisting the urge to order a bottle of Meditation In Autumn. I wore it again today, and I realized it smells like November, only greener, with less snow. It does have a bit of icy bite, somehow. But the resemblance to November is close enough that I don't think I really need a whole bottle after all. If, however, someone were to offer a swap, I certainly would take it.


I am excited to try the Yule blends, still have to track down a decant of Mole, but other than that, I'm all caught up on decants I want to try.


I absolutely can't wait for my bottle of Fearful Pleasure to arrive, but it looks like I still have over a week, at least. Hurryhurryhurry!

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I think you will love Fearful Pleasure. It works great on my skin, but I can totally imagine this rocking on a guy's skin as well. I can't wait to hear how you like it. I rarely buy more than a single bottle of anything, but I had to have a backup of Fearful Pleasure. :-)

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I think you will love Fearful Pleasure. It works great on my skin, but I can totally imagine this rocking on a guy's skin as well. I can't wait to hear how you like it. I rarely buy more than a single bottle of anything, but I had to have a backup of Fearful Pleasure. :-)


Oh my gosh, I just now found this! :neener:


I ended up liking Fearful Pleasure, but I think I might like To Autumn even more. : ) I like the spicy/mossy element, and it really comes out in To Autumn.

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