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Non sequiturs

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Because I was writing about Lucinda Williams yesterday, I was reminded of her concert from almost a year ago. A guy there with his girlfriend was an obviously huge Lucinda fan. He was so freaking drunk, and he was a loud, snacked-out fellow. Very, very jovial, except he kept bellowing "MINNEAPOLIS" at the top of his lungs in between songs. It was apparently his favorite Lucinda song, and it was his quaint way of making a request to her. Thing is, that song is one of the most wrist-slashingly depressing songs that she's written in some time. Lucinda ignored his entreaties.


But this guy was so damn drunk that he couldn't really enjoy the concert; I think he and his girlfriend left well before it was over because he just couldn't stand up anymore. That was a shame for him, because Lu was in a good mood that night and kept playing and playing and playing. I was happy the guy left, because I didn't have to listen to his screaming and he had somehow decided it was good sport to take an occasional whap at my ass and comment on its firmness. His girlfriend was so toasted that she didn't care. My DH thought it was funny that some tubby drunk guy was alternating yelling "MINNEAPOLIS" at Lucinda and whapping my ass. Towards the end of the show I went down right in front to watch Lucinda and the band up close because everyone down there was very focused on her music.


Anyway, you have to wonder about these funny, fat class-clown sort of fellows. I think their dark side is darker than anything most of us could dream up.


In a complete non sequitur, there's a new "CSI" (Las Vegas version) on tonight. There's some teaser/buzz going around that Grissom and Sarah are going to get into bed before the season is over. Anyone else heard that? A couple of seasons ago, that would have irritated me, but at this point in the show, I think they should just do the horizontal bop and get it over with. Although I also have a theory that they may both end up in bed, but each with a different person. Why do I get so caught up in that stupid TV show? Oh, I remember why... William Peterson is hot. :P

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At one point I had planned to cataloge character studies of concert-going archetypes. Scary-fat-class-clown guy was one of them (and I agree, that guy is brrr scary!). There's a whole "painfully earnest teen" subtype including "Little Miss/Mr. Drumalong (bottom lip between teeth, eyes closed)" and "OMG I'M SO HAPPY THEY'RE PLAYING *MY* SONG/Bunny Hopper".


For the record, The Mister is a "Totally White Dude/Bobbing Head Hipster Wannabe" while I'm "Entitled Short Chick/Interpretive Dancer"


I, uh, have never seen any of the CSI's. :P

(Though I keep hearing about the awesomeness of it. Plus the yumminess of Grissom. I can't help but think of Peterson in his "Manhunter" role, which just makes me think of Meier architecture and Miami Vice. Which is sort of a guilty kind of a turn on.)

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I think darkity's concert-goer characterizations are brilliant. There's a bar in the town I live in called The Zoo Bar that used to be a venue for all the best blues musicians. It was literally known world-wide. (The owner sold it, and it's just not the same.) Anyway, I had characterizations for various denizens of The Zoo, including The Zoo Bar Slut (tall, skinny, homely, rawboned women who waited until a guy was really drunk and then pounced), The Zoo Bar Liver Failures (guys who were always there who leaned drunkenly against the wall and mumbled lyrics to songs that weren't being sung by the people on stage) and Still Waters Run Shallow (good-looking men who stood around acting silent and mysterious, but were really too dumb to make conversation).


Life is just a big psych/anthro lab, you know.

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